CrossFit Games Rookie Series: Meet Caroline Conners
Heading into the Granite Games Semifinal, Caroline Conners was very clear with her intention: “100% to get my ticket to the Games,” said the two-time Regionals competitor.
- “I was very up front and open with everyone, that this was my year. I had a good feeling about it. I worked my butt off, and that’s what was going through my head the whole weekend,” said 28 year-old Conners.
How it played out: After day two, Conners found herself in the top ten in three of the four events and fifth place overall heading into the final day of competition.
- “That’s when it started sinking in that this was actually possible,” said Conners, a Misfit Athletics athlete coached by Drew Crandall.
- Suddenly, she was just two workouts away from experiencing the moment she had always wanted to experience. “I remember being at Regionals as a spectator first and then as a newer athlete and listening to the (Games qualifiers) names getting called. I always wanted to experience that moment,” said Conners, who placed 21st in 2017 and 12th in 2018 at the East Regional.
- This desire helped propel Conners to finish the Granite Games strong, with a third place finish on Event 6 and a sixth place finish on the final event. But when she crossed the finish line of the final workout, Conners wasn’t sure what to think.
- “I had a pretty good feeling, because I knew there were two people I needed to finish ahead of, and I knew that had happened, but then I was like, ‘well, what if someone got in between,’ so I just waited to hear the names get called before I let it sink in,” she said.
But sure enough, after nine years in the sport, the fifth name called to qualify for the Games, was hers.
- “It was so surreal. There’s no other way to explain it other than it was one of those moments where everything around you slows down. It was everything I thought it would be. It took a bit to sink in, but hearing my name was the most amazing feeling in the world,” Conners said.
- She added: “All the work I have put in flashed back in my mind. In that moment, it was all so worth it.”
10 Questions with Conners:
- How many hours a week do you train?
Conners: 5 to 7 hours a day, with two rest days, one of them being an active rest day.
- What are your strengths as an athlete?
Conners: “Gymnastics. High-rep gymnastics. I was a competitive cheerleader, so that body awareness and bodyweight strength helps me a ton…Also, a heavy barbell and anything really fast, like something short with thrusters and chest-to-bar pull-ups.”
- What are your weaknesses?
Conners: “Swimming. It’s something I have to put a lot of work into before the Games…also, high and heavy wall balls. I have gotten better at high wall balls, but just not heavy ones, apparently. And also, double-unders.”
- What are your max lifts?
Clean and jerk: 225 pounds
Snatch: 185 pounds
Deadlift: 370 pounds
Back squat: 325 pounds
- What’s your go-to breakfast?
Conners: “A toasted tortilla with peanut butter, a banana and raspberries inside of it.”
- What’s your favourite cheat meal?
Conners: “Hmmm. I don’t know if I have a favorite. I don’t cheat that often, but I do love sushi or maybe I guess, after a competition, a pizza. With everything on it, even pineapple.”
- Do you count your macros?
Conners: Yes. 300-350 grams carbohydrates, 135 grams protein and 65 grams fat per day.
- Three apps on your phone (other than email and text) you can’t live without?
Conners: Spotify, Instagram and MyFitnessPal.
- Who’s your favourite CrossFit athlete?
Conners: Kara Saunders.
- What is your goal for the Games?
Conners: “I haven’t really thought about the leaderboard. I would love to be top-15, but I mean anything can happen. But I really think I want to experience it all, take in every moment and use it as a learning experience. I also want to showcase how hard I have worked. I have put in enough work and continue to put in enough work.”