An athlete who can deadlift unbelievably large amounts of weight never fails to impress. Usually athletes’ bodies shake vigorously or have faces painted with the agony of the stress the lift presents. But not Jamal Browner.
Yesterday, Browner shared an epic 960lb deadlift on his Instagram page. That alone is worth talking about. But it was the way he did it that made the video worth multiple replays. It was clean. It was elegant. It was downright silky. Check it out for yourself:
For context, Browner’s morning bodyweight at the time was 253lbs, meaning this 960lb deadlift is nearly four times his bodyweight! What makes lifting this amount of weight so smoothly so inspiring is what happened before this video. Browner was already deep into this training session, writing:
3rd times the charm. I’m happy with this lift and how it moved. Especially after maxing on squats and bench prior. Then missing 945 and 960.
Oh and did we mention that not only was this deadlift a personal record, but in the same workout Browner posted PR’s for his squat and his bench press?
Squat: 755xq ( 5lb PR)
Bench: 475×1 (3lb PR)
Deadlift: last warmup 905lb, 960lb (PR)Training total: 2190 lbs
Although only 25 years old, Browner has been in the game for some time and his graceful deadlifts have earned him a decent amount of hardware. Including his debut at 21 years old at USAPL’s Border Bash Alabama vs Georgia where he placed first, Browner has competed ten times and claimed the gold in seven of those events. The highlight being his win at the 2018 United States Powerlifting Association Raw National Championships in the 110kg weight class.
Browner only competed once in 2019: a first place finish competing in the 125kg class at the Boss of Bosses 6 meet. Where he will compete next is still unknown. But we look forward to seeing his future big lifts look just as effortless as his new current PR.
Feature image from Jamal Browner’s Instagram page: jamal_b15
Who is Jamal Browner?
Jamal Browner is an accomplished powerlifter who competes in the 110kg and 125kg weight classes.