Haley Adams’ Workout of the Week
Every Friday, we’re bringing you an exclusive workout challenge programmed by a CrossFit Games athlete or coach that you can take on at home or the gym. You can post your times or scores in the comment section.
Today’s workout of the week is programmed by the current “Fittest” American woman, Haley Adams.
6 Rounds with a partner
21 calories on a machine of your choice (Rower/Bike/Ski Erg)
15 burpee box jump overs
9 deadlifts (315/220 pounds or 143/100kg)
Partners will work 1 round on, 1 round off. Each athlete will perform 6 rounds each.
Some advice from Haley: “Push the machine but don’t redline. Stay controlled on burpees and pick a deadlift weight that’s moderate and should be done unbroken.”
To inquire about submitting an upcoming workout of the week, shoot us a note.