In a statement released on Valentine’s Day, American Media, LLC announced that they have sold the rights to the Olympia Weekend contests and promotion as well as the titles of Muscle & Fitness, FLEX, ... Continue Reading
Despite Coronavirus Scare, IOC Says 2020 Olympic Games On Schedule
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) met with organizers of 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo for a series of meetings and press inquiries the past two days regarding the state of the Games with the looming ... Continue Reading
The Beauty of Lunge Variations and How to Reap All of Their Benefits
No matter how you prefer to train or what strength sport you compete in, unilateral lower body training should be a staple in your workouts. Unilateral training can best be described as training that kills ... Continue Reading
Best Running Sunglasses
Runners know that they are at the whim of the elements as much as any athlete, if not more so. Professional runners and casual joggers alike will have to deal with a wide range of conditions based on ... Continue Reading
2020 Norwegian CrossFit Championship Preview
The seventh Sanctional of this young CrossFit season shifts the focus across the Atlantic to Norway where the Norwegian CrossFit Championship is set to take place February 14-16. The prize on the line? ... Continue Reading
Watch Weightlifter Lu Xiaojun’s First International Interview
Lu Xiaojun is one of the most decorated athletes in weightlifting. His numerous accolades include 2012 London Olympic Games gold medalist, current -81kg world record holder in the clean & jerk (207kg) ... Continue Reading
Under Armour TriBase Reign 2 Review | Welcomed Upgrade
The Under Armour TriBase Reign 2 launched earlier this year and has been one of Under Armour's most highly anticipated training shoes. In early 2018, Under Armour brought the TriBase Reign to the cross ... Continue Reading
Eric Leija: How the Primal Swoledier Makes His Workouts
Eric Leija is a master Onnit trainer who's better known online as the Primal Swoledier. Every day, Eric posts innovative kettlebell and bodyweight flows that have helped him build a massive following; his ... Continue Reading
Rob McElhenney from “Always Sunny” Reveals How He Got So Ripped
Few celebrity fitness transformations captured our attention like that of the creator and star of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Rob McElhenney. About eight years ago he ... Continue Reading
How to Watch the 2020 Norwegian CrossFit Championship Sanctionals
The seventh CrossFit Sanctionals competition kicks off this weekend from the snowy mountains in Gol, Norway, and yes, we literally mean mountains. That's right, the Norwegian CrossFit Championship ... Continue Reading
Ultimate 2020 Wodapalooza Fitness Festival Preview
The 2020 Wodapalooza Fitness Festival is a four day fitness extravaganza that will take place from February 20th through the 23rd (Thursday-Sunday) in Biscayne Bay, Miami, Florida. Wodapalooza serves as ... Continue Reading
How to Watch the 2020 Wodapalooza Sanctionals Qualifier for the CrossFit Games
The next CrossFit Sanctionals competition for the 2019-2020 CrossFit season is just around the corner and it's none other than the popular Wodapalooza Fitness Festival. This year, the Wodapalooza Fitness ... Continue Reading
Julius Maddox’s Favorite Bench-Boosting Accessory Lifts
If you want to be at your best, you should take some time to learn from the best, right? When it comes to the flat barbell bench press, no one is better on the raw version of the classic powerlifting move ... Continue Reading
Strongman Luke Richardson Beltless Deadlifts 320kg/705lb for 10 Reps
Luke Richardson of Great Britain has earned the nickname "The Future" and for good reason. At only 21 years, he became the youngest powerlifter to ever total 1000kg/2,204lb in the 120+kg weight class at ... Continue Reading
Squat Vs Step-Up: Which Is Best for Sprint Acceleration and Change of Direction?
When programming exercises for development of athletic skills like acceleration, maximal speed, and change of direction, coaches will utilize multiple strategies to support success. One strategy in ... Continue Reading
What Do Lifters Mean When They Say Create “Long Arms” In the Deadlift?
An awesome, and sometimes misunderstood cue in the deadlift, is to create long arms. In theory, it seems like a simple cue, right? It's just means make sure the arms are straight and make them "long" ... Continue Reading
5 Foolproof Tips to Build a Stronger Deadlift
If there is one thing that's certain in life, it's that everyone wants a bigger deadlift. In fact, we would guess that's the exact reason why you clicked on this article in the first place! One program ... Continue Reading
6 Drills to Improve Your Muscle-up Transition
Oh the transition. The elusive muscle-up transition. It’s where the great majority of those seeking a muscle-up struggle the most. They can do a strict chest-to-bar pull-up, and they can do deep ring ... Continue Reading
Hafthor Bjornsson and Martins Licis Are Training Legs Together
In 2019, Martins Licis of the United States won his first World's Strongest Man title after back-to-back fourth places finishes in 2017 and 2018. Iceland's Hafthor Bjornsson won World's ... Continue Reading
USA Weightlifter Alyssa Ritchey Diagnosed With Hashimoto’s Disease, May Withdraw From 2020 Olympics
Alyssa Ritchey is a Team USA weightlifter who competes in the -49kg weight class. She swept gold at the 2019 Pan American Championships where she set United States and Pan American records in both the ... Continue Reading
Check Out Daniel Bell Deadlift 370kg/817lbs For a Set of 4
When you see a headline that says, "Daniel Bell did some type of lift of an inexplicably heavy weight", it might be easy to just cock your head and say, well, of course he did. The man put up the biggest ... Continue Reading
Hayden Bowe: Youth Athletes in Powerlifting and Weightlifting
Hayden Bowe is one of the founders and owners of Hybrid Performance Method. Throughout his career, Hayden has worked with thousands of individuals and is accomplished in both the sports of weightlifting ... Continue Reading
Do You Really Need a 30-Minute Warm-Up?
We have been told there’s no such thing as too much warm-up. That your warm-up should even be longer than your actual workout. Case in point: I remember having a conversation with the world famous ... Continue Reading
Eddie Hall Does a Backflip in YouTube Video
Strongman competitors are professional athletes and are among the elite of the world because of the effort and ability it takes to perform their incredible feats in competition. While Eddie Hall is ... Continue Reading