CJ Cummings is a 4-time junior world weightlifting champion — he won them consecutively in 2016, 2017, 2018 in the -69kg weight class, and 2019 in the -73kg weight class where he currently competes. The ... Continue Reading
There Will Not Be Age Group Competition at the 2020 CrossFit Games
It was announced on Thursday, April 30th that the 2020 CrossFit season for age group athletes has come to a close earlier than expected: the "Online Qualifier marks the end of the 2020 season for age group ... Continue Reading
7 Ways to Prepare Your Body (and Your Nervous System) to Lift Heavy Again
The name of the game in CrossFit circles in recent weeks has been high-rep bodyweight workouts. They have allowed people to continue to workout from home, get their heart rates up, possibly improve ... Continue Reading
Best Leather Lifting Straps
When it comes to powerlifting, weightlifting, or strongman, having reliable and durable lifting straps can improve your training involving most movements with a barbell. If you are like most athletes where ... Continue Reading
Keith Correa Deadlifts Over Four Times His Bodyweight
Keith Correa bounces back and forth between the -67.5kg and -75kg weight classes and even spent his most recent competition — the World Raw Powerlifting Federation (WRPF) 2019 Apeman Elite Open, where he ... Continue Reading
Kyle Traynor: Find Your Zen to Build Your Fitness Empire (Podcast)
Kyle Traynor is head of Business Strategy & Mind Performance at Elite Vitality. At Elite Vitality, handfuls of top coaches help new business owners in the fitness industry tackle and prepare for the ... Continue Reading
Mattie Rogers Talks Quarantine, Recovery, And Q&A From Her Ice Bath
Member of Team USA Weightlifting and two-time World Weightlifting Championships silver medalist Mattie Rogers has been posting much more regularly to her YouTube channel since lockdown started, and in her ... Continue Reading
COVID-19: The Launching Pad to Fix a Broken Fitness Industry?
“The fitness industry is devastated,” wrote a strength and conditioning coach friend of mine on social media a few weeks ago, in a post questioning why we locked down so hard in Vancouver, B.C., where ... Continue Reading
4 Challenging Pull-Apart Variations For A Stronger Upper Back
Seven years ago, my right shoulder was hurting. My A/C joint was inflamed, and any bilateral pressing movements were out of the question. Life in and outside the gym sucked. The only option was to give ... Continue Reading
Kari Pearce, America’s Fittest Woman, Reveals Her Diet Tips
Kari Pearce is a 5-time CrossFit Games athlete and she earned the title of “America’s Fittest Woman™” in 2016, 2018, and 2019. So right now, she is the best female CrossFit® athlete in the United States. ... Continue Reading
7 Upper Body Landmine Exercises for Building Strength and Mass
The landmine is a seriously underutilized tool when it comes to building strength, size, and power. A lot of times the landmine isn't left out of programs due to dislike of the implement, but simply not ... Continue Reading
Arnold Sports Festival Announces New Dates for Two 2020 Contests
It’s hard for many people to believe that it’s already been almost two months since the shocking announcement was made by the Arnold Sports Festival that the 2020 Arnold Expo was cancelled and that ... Continue Reading
Kristof De Coninck Deadlifts 18kg Over His Competition Best — Without a Belt
Kristof De Coninck is an accomplished powerlifter from Belgium who competes in deadlift-only events in the -125kg weight class. The 34-year-old made his competitive debut at the Global Powerlifting ... Continue Reading
Op-Ed: The “Big 3” Core Exercises You Should Do Every Day
Being injured sucks. Back injuries suck even more. And there are so many connections from your spine to the rest of your body that it's impossible to be prescriptive and say these exercises will fix ... Continue Reading
Check Out Noémie Allabert (-52kg) Squat a 155kg/342lb PR
Noémie Allabert is a powerlifter from France who, like her fellow countrymen, has been putting up extremely heavy lifts recently. Since she entered the competitive powerlifting scene in 2017 at the age of ... Continue Reading
Amanda Lawrence Squats a Gigantic 255kg/562lb
At only 22 years of age, Amanda Lawrence has already ascended to the highest level of competition on the world stage. In 2019 alone while competing in the -84kg weight class, she took gold at the USA ... Continue Reading
Rostislav Petkov Deadlifts 350kg/770lb at 79kg Bodyweight
It is not often a powerlifting world record holder asks his followers on social media if they would like to see a change in weight class that offers new world records to chase, but that is exactly what ... Continue Reading
Study: Low Vs High Training Frequency for Strength and Mass
In the day and age of more, more, more, frequency is often a training variable that is taken to the extremes, but does it need to be? A better question to answer is, "how much does frequency really ... Continue Reading
Check Out Caroline Suné Deadlift An Epic 185kg/407lb PR
French powerlifters have been consistently pumping out head spinning PRs lately. Recently Yanis Bouchou deadlifted an unofficial junior world record of 332.5kg/733lb and Prescillia ... Continue Reading
Pay Attention to Your Foot and Ankle Mobility: Your Lifts Will Thank You For It
Foot and ankle mobility is a bit like clean drinking water: We take it for granted and don’t truly appreciate its value until we lose access to it. While seeking to improve ankle mobility or stability ... Continue Reading
15 No-Equipment Moves For Lower Body Hypertrophy
Your muscles respond to training stimulus, and unless you have an awesome home gym, you’re sorely missing your favorite stimuli right now (think barbells). So when you’re training your lower body at home ... Continue Reading
Watch Julio Mayora (-73kg) Hit a 165kg/364lb Snatch
Julio Mayora of Venezuela competes in the -73kg weight class and in a recent training session, he got very close to tying China's Shi Zhiyong's world record snatch. The 23-year-old Mayora started his ... Continue Reading
David Meltzer: Pro Sports Recovery & Fitness on the Road (Podcast)
David Meltzer is the co-founder of Sports 1 Marketing, and he was formerly CEO of the sports agency that was the inspiration for the movie Jerry Maguire. Today, he's an international best-selling author ... Continue Reading
IWF To Move Operations From Hungary To Switzerland
The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) will be relocating their offices from Budapest, Hungary to Lausanne, Switzerland. Editor's note: This article has been amended to clarify that ... Continue Reading