In an earlier article we discussed the tuck jump, a plyometric bodyweight exercise that can be used to increase power output, increase caloric/energy expenditure in circuits, and increase athleticism. In ... Continue Reading
Weightlifting World Championships Entry List Announced
Less than a week remains before the 2017 IWF Weightlifting World Championships kick off. This year, the Championships are taking place in Anaheim, California, from November 28th-December 2nd. There will be ... Continue Reading
Behdad Salimi Clean & Jerks 260kg in Training for Weightlifting World Championships
Though the 2016 Rio Olympics didn't end as he'd hoped after missing all his clean & jerks, Iranian superheavyweight Behdad Salimi is training to once again stand at the top of the international podium. ... Continue Reading
Overcoming Excuses: What’s REALLY Holding Back Your Strength
I know very few people in this community that train and compete simply for the sake of doing so. The vast majority of bikers and runners do so for activity and social reasons; they have no desire to ... Continue Reading
Eddie Berglund Benches 192.5kg at 66kg for an Unofficial World Record
Here’s a lift that’s stirring up some pretty interesting discussion in powerlifting circles. Swedish powerlifter Eddie Berglund totaled 642.5 kilograms (1,416.5 pounds) at a meet this weekend, and more ... Continue Reading
Perfecting Your Program: Add Pounds to Your Bench Press
I see far more lifters struggle with bench than with squat or deadlift, and I include myself in that group. My bench is by far my weakest lift, and although it’s improving, it’s improving slowly. It’s a ... Continue Reading
10 “Unhealthy” Foods That Are Great for Athletes
Nutrition is an insanely confusing minefield of bro science, half truths, and bad studies. Add all that to the fact that it’s just as easy to find a jacked and ripped Paleo athlete as it is to find a ... Continue Reading
9 Steps For Improving Your Toes To Bar (Plus Why You’ll Want To)
From crunches and sit-ups, to planks and toe touches, there are endless ways to work the abs. But it’s the upper abs and obliques that tend to get all the love from the most popular ab exercises. While the ... Continue Reading
16-Year-Old Janik Velgos Benches 340kg for an Unofficial World Record
A 16-year-old has benched three hundred and forty kilograms equipped. Three hundred and forty kilograms. That’s 749.6 pounds. It didn’t look easy, but Janik Velgos nailed this lift at a Global Powerlifting ... Continue Reading
Lindsay Hilton Was Born Without Limbs, Still Crushes Workouts
Chances are you've seen Lindsay Hilton at some point on social media, or through various media outlets like Shape magazine or CrossFit's Facebook page. She's now been featured on CrossFit's Facebook ... Continue Reading
Tuck Jumps – Muscles Worked, Video Demo, and Exercise Benefits
Tuck Jumps are a challenging plyometric exercise that takes the squat jump to the next level. In this article we will discuss the benefits to performing tuck jumps, how to do them, and how you can start to ... Continue Reading
Nike Metcon DSX Flyknit 2 Set to Release Very Soon
Attention strength athletes and shoe lovers: we're in prime time new shoe release season. Every year around Thanksgiving and Christmas, we start seeing more shoe leaks, previews, and release dates for ... Continue Reading
What’s the Difference Between Passive and Active Stretching?
Passive and active stretching are two ways an athlete can actively work to improve their mobility. Each type of stretch can be beneficial in certain circumstances, and using each will often depend on the ... Continue Reading
Dmytro Semenenko (-105kg) Made the Heaviest Squat at IPF Worlds
Ukrainian powerlifter Dmytro Semenenko has added an enormous 4.24 times bodyweight squat to the history books at the IPF Open World Championships: 445.5 kilograms (982.1 pounds) at -105kg bodyweight. (He ... Continue Reading
Jumping Lunge Alternatives
Jumping lunges are a beneficial unilateral movement that are done to increase leg power and performance. In an earlier article we discussed the benefits of jumping lunges, as well as how to properly ... Continue Reading
Powerlifting Australia and Robert Wilks Are Out of the IPF
The International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) has resolved to exclude Powerlifting Australia (PA), the Oceania Powerlifting Federation (OPF), and the President of both organizations Robert Wilks from the ... Continue Reading
Weightlifting World Championship Athletes Can Compete In CrossFit Liftoff
This year, the 2017 Weightlifting World Championships and CrossFit Liftoff coincide with each other, which originally meant some weightlifting athletes would have to miss this year's Lift Off. Luckily for ... Continue Reading
Clarence Kennedy PRs His Snatch With 187.5kg at ~100kg Bodyweight
It took two years for Clarence Kennedy to add 2.5 kilograms to his snatch, but when you’re advanced enough in weightlifting that your personal record is 185 kilograms (407.8lb) at 103 kilograms (227lb) ... Continue Reading
Larry “Wheels” Williams Totals 2,275 lbs for New All Time World Record
Larry "Wheels" Williams had a great meet this past weekend at the RPS Powerlifting meet Insurrextion, which was held over the course of November 18-19th. This time last year, we were writing about Williams ... Continue Reading
Ben Smith and Adam Klink Sit In First for Fraser Froning Vs. The World Event One
When we first wrote about how Mat Fraser and Rich Froning challenged the world to a series of workouts, we were a little skeptical about anyone being able to best them. After all, these are two multi-time ... Continue Reading
4 Benefits of Jumping Lunges
Jumping lunges are performed in both general fitness programs and sports performance systems to enhance lower body power outputs, movement mechanics, and injury proof the body. In this article we will ... Continue Reading
Check Out the First Event of Fraser Froning Vs. The World
Two days ago, we first got word from Mat Fraser and Rich Froning's Instagram pages about the newly created competition: Fraser Froning Vs. The World. Unlike most regulated CrossFit® competitions, this is a ... Continue Reading
Naim Süleymanoğlu, 3-Time Olympic Champion Weightlifter, Passes Away At Age 50
Turkish weightlifter and multi-time Olympic and World Champion Naim Süleymanoğlu has passed away after a lengthy battle with liver disease. Süleymanoğlu is considered by many to be the greatest ... Continue Reading
Why Do Some People Orgasm When They Work Out?
We all know that working out does a body good, but for some of us, the pleasurable feeling from working out can reach a whole new level. In a famous 2012 study published in Sexual and Relationship ... Continue Reading