Not everyone can afford to be a gear hog, but having a full complement of strongman equipment is an essential to having long term success in the sport. Over time I have found a few ways to save a few bucks ... Continue Reading
6 Strategies to Get Through Tough Strength Training Sessions
“Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds.” - Henry Rollins On paper never have truer words been spoken: two hundred pounds will forever be 200 pounds, but it doesn’t ... Continue Reading
Could Kelly Branton Join the 1,000 lb Raw Squat Club This Arnold?
There are only a handful of powerlifters who've squatted 1,000 lbs or more raw in competition. Ray Williams and Jezza Uepa are two of the better known competitors in this elite weight club. In ... Continue Reading
Why Weightlifters Need Confidence (and How to Build It)
Olympic weightlifting is about all about technique, acceleration, strength, technique, confidence, positional strength, mobility, and technique. While it may sound redundant to say technique is critical to ... Continue Reading
Need Motivation? Watch Jennifer Millican’s 2017 Road to the Arnold
Rogue Fitness has released their second video featuring the "2017 Road to the Arnold" theme. This time their athlete of choice is female powerlifter Jennifer Millican, who's a -57kg USAPL raw national ... Continue Reading
Check Out Ray Williams Deadlifting 800 for an Easy 2 Reps
Most strength sports fans know or have at least heard of Ray "Ray Ray" Williams. He's an elite powerlifter who holds multiple American raw records in the 120k+kg weight class. Williams is currently in ... Continue Reading
Blaine Sumner Talks 2016 Arnold and What We Can Expect This Year
There's a little over two weeks until some of the strongest athletes take the stage at the Arnold Classic, March 2-5th. One of these athletes is elite powerlifter Blaine Sumner, or the "Vanilla Gorilla" as ... Continue Reading
Benefits of Bodyweight Training: Why YOU Should Try Calisthenics
If your usual training regimen involves lifting barbells stacked on either end with heavy iron plates, things like push-ups, pull-ups, dips, and handstands may seem like mere child’s play. In the age of ... Continue Reading
Why Doubles and Triples Can Increase Your Weightlifting Maxes
Increasing your 1-rep max in the snatch and clean and jerk is an arduous process, often exchanging mere kilos on the bar for countless hours, weeks, and months of continuous training. The trials and ... Continue Reading
Schiek Model L2004 Leather Lifting Belt Review
Schiek is an American based supportive strength equipment company. They were founded in 1991 with the goal of creating a unique and innovative belt for the strength market. They're most well-known for ... Continue Reading
Watch These Two Weightlifters Fight Like Crazy to Save Their Lifts
As you grow and develop as a strength athlete, you begin to learn your body better than anyone. You understand when you're ready to go heavy, what your body can do, and in this case, when to save a ... Continue Reading
74kg Peter Hoang Deadlifts 288kg in Prep for the Arnold
As a strength sports writer you develop a love for the lead up of any major strength competition, exhibition, or invitational. Why? This is when the big lifts are happening in training, ... Continue Reading
Onnit Earth Grown Nutrients All-In-One Daily Greens Mix Review
It seems like every supplement company is trying their hand at perfecting the greens powder, and today I'm trying the offering from one of the fitness industry's biggest giants, Onnit. On the nutrition ... Continue Reading
The Ultimate Preview of the 2017 USA Weightlifting Junior National Championships
On February 8th, USA Weightlifting published the latest version of the athlete start list for the 2017 Junior National Championships; to be held February 24th to 26th of this year in Kansas City, Missouri. ... Continue Reading
5 Ways to Find Your Motivation for Fitness Again
Throughout certain parts of an annual training cycle, coaches and athletes need to strike balance between highly structured programming (pre-competition and competition cycles) and more unstructured ... Continue Reading
18 Year Old Daniella Melo Squats 455 lbs
Daniella Melo, 18, may be the strongest female teenager you see today (or this week). She puts up weight most athletes struggle with like it's nothing. Melo competes in the 84kg weight class and has ... Continue Reading
Clarence Kennedy Talks Switching to Powerlifting, Vegan Ethics, and Rabid Reddit Fans
Clarence Kennedy is a bit of an enigma in the weightlifting world: strong as an ox, quiet as a mouse, he's a weightlifter with no interest in competing, and he's the creator of one of ... Continue Reading
Does Alcohol Affect Strength Training?
“Not tonight, bro, I gotta lift tomorrow.” For many strength athletes, alcohol is the first thing to go when someone endeavors to “clean up” their diet. After all, alcohol is a poison. You can die from ... Continue Reading
Why Every Athlete Should Do More Beltless Squat Training
In an earlier article we discussed the benefits of using a weightlifting belt during training and competition, which naturally paved the way for belt vs. beltless debate among many strength and power ... Continue Reading
I Tried Jason Khalipa’s EMOM of the Day. Here’s What I Learned
Full disclosure: I love Jason Khalipa. #mancrush I mean, who doesn’t? In my opinion, Jason’s the “OG” of CrossFit. He was crowned champion at the CrossFit Games in 2008 and has been a staple at ... Continue Reading
Two Days Training With Andy Bolton, First Man to Deadlift 1,000 Pounds
The traditional route to strength is heavy weights and volume. It’s the path that led Andy Bolton to his first forty eight 900lb pulls, but it won’t be the way he gets his last two. Instead, the former ... Continue Reading
Could 2017 Be the Year Brian Shaw Breaks the Log Press World Record?
There are few events that look as grueling and impressive as the log press. It's a strength event unlike many others because it requires the utmost brute strength, but still needs to be performed with ... Continue Reading
5 Unconventional Tips for a Bigger Bench Press
Bench is a favorite amongst bodybuilders and powerlifters alike. When it comes to adding size and strength to the upper body, it's hard to beat. Building a big bench comes from mastering your technique, ... Continue Reading
The 17.1 Reebok CrossFit Games Open Announcement Will Be Held In Canada AND France
The 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games Open begins in less than two weeks, and the 17.1 announcement is going to be a double header: it will take place on the same day in Montreal, Canada and Paris, France. The ... Continue Reading