The 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games Open begins in less than two weeks, and the 17.1 announcement is going to be a double header: it will take place on the same day in Montreal, Canada and Paris, France. The ... Continue Reading
Cailer Woolam Becomes First to Deadlift 400kg at 90kg Bodyweight
There are athletes who seem to possess a natural knack for strength. This can resonate in the form of raw power through every lift they perform, and then sometimes it's with a specific lift. ... Continue Reading
International Weightlifting Federation Releases 2016 Executive Board Minutes
The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) has released minutes from their Executive Board Meetings that were held throughout the year in 2016. The calendar year of 2016 through January of this year ... Continue Reading
Schiek Model 2004 Lifting Belt Review
Schiek is an American based supportive strength company that makes a plethora of belts, straps, wraps, and more. Most of the equipment Schiek makes is manufactured in the USA and they boast that every ... Continue Reading
3 Reasons Why Weightlifters Should Do Sumo Clean Pulls
When we look at the pulling movements in formal weightlifting programming, we often see clean and snatch grip pulling variations, from various heights, tempos, and intensities. While those are all ... Continue Reading
AI Sports Nutrition Reds & Greens XT Review
Greens powders are trendy as replacements for multivitamins, so some companies no longer feel the need to explain any of their product’s benefits. I reviewed the strawberry kiwi flavor of Reds & Greens ... Continue Reading
Unbroken Designs Ahoy 6″ Leather Lifting Belt Review
Unbroken Designs is a company that was started by CrossFit® athletes looking for functional fitness equipment. Their supportive strength gear is designed to be useful with both WODs and other forms of ... Continue Reading
How 5 Champion Powerlifters and Coaches Warm Up for Their Deadlifts
Every body is different, and some of us respond to certain warmups and workouts better than others. Some find that static stretching can lead to an excellent workout, others swear that deadlifting with ... Continue Reading
Watch 94kg Weightlifter Nathan Damron Squat 595 Pounds for 5 Reps
At this point, Nathan Damron is a bona fide phenomenon. The 94kg American weightlifter — just off his record-breaking performance at the 2016 American Open — posted an Instagram video of a beautiful set ... Continue Reading
Nigerian Bodybuilder Does Farmers Walks with Gas-Powered Generators
We've written on Nigerian bodybuilder Azekhumhe Omoh before, but I thought it was only fitting to highlight his latest video featuring what could be described as a, "No excuses farmers walk." His latest ... Continue Reading
Who Would Win in a Bench Press Showdown: Kirill Sarychev vs. Eddie Hall
Sometimes when I watch videos of heavy lifts, or super strong athletes my mind starts to race. I start building scenarios and thinking of all the 'what ifs'...and I know I'm not alone on this one. My ... Continue Reading
4 Advanced Exercises Elite Chinese Weightlifters Do To Build Strength and Power
Squats, pulling, pressing, and the Olympic lifts find their way in all weightlifting programs, regardless of who you are and where you are from. Past the surface layer, we find many unique variations and ... Continue Reading
Emily Abbott Shuts Down Dating App Match Who Said He Prefers a “Real Woman”
Even if you’re a world-class athlete, it's hard to catch a break on dating apps. Emily Abbott, a three-time Reebok CrossFit Games athlete and the eighth place finisher at the 2015 Games, is currently ... Continue Reading
Harbinger 4″ Classic Oiled Leather Belt Review
Harbinger is known worldwide for their supportive strength gear. Their strength equipment covers a variety of needs including powerlifting, weightlifting, bodybuilding, and recreational lifting. ... Continue Reading
Watch Hafthor Bjornsson’s Road to the Arnold 2017 by Rogue Fitness
Any time elite strength athletes and Rogue Fitness come together to create videos, there tends to be a unique outcome. We saw that when Rogue Fitness posted their Stoneland video, and now we're seeing ... Continue Reading
CrossFit Games Update: Sara Sigmundsdottir Is Moving to California
The five weeks of the 2017 CrossFit Open won't begin until February 26, but Games season is (basically) fully in swing, with athletes around the globe dialing in their training, nutrition, and ... Continue Reading
Can You Use Olympic Weightlifting to Get Better at Boxing?
There’s an old Hungarian proverb that goes, “A man with one ass can’t ride two horses.” If you want to be great at something, don’t try to be great at anything else – pick a goal and focus. ... Continue Reading
3 Intense Hypertrophy Workouts for Serious Functional Fitness Athletes
When it comes to metabolic conditioning workouts, there can be a wide array of rep schemes, exercises, and expected training outcomes. Functional fitness athletes must have great work capacity, strength, ... Continue Reading
Throwback to When Arnold Schwarzenegger Worked at Gold’s Gym
The Arnold Classic is roughly three weeks away. This year the festivities are kicking off March 2-5th in Columbus, Ohio (similar to previous years). The Arnold is one of the biggest strength expos of the ... Continue Reading
The Russia Weightlifting Cup Is Currently Streaming Live
The Russian Cup is currently in full swing and it has three cameras streaming live. Currently there are two platform cameras and one camera on the warm-up room. To check out the stream follow this ... Continue Reading
Blaine Sumner Squats 1,080 lbs for Speed
There are few things in the sport of powerlifting that are as beastly as Blaine Sumner "The Vanilla Gorilla's" squat strength. He's known for frequently putting up 1,000+ lb squats, but this year Sumner is ... Continue Reading
Andy Bolton: Back to Training After Cancer and Kidney Failure
“I mean yesterday I maxed out at 440, I just can’t imagine what it feels like to pull a 1000lbs” “No. You can’t.” Fortunately both my deadlift and interviewing skills have improved a lot since the first ... Continue Reading
3 Back Exercises Every Weightlifter Should Be Doing Weekly
Before you start skimming the article to find three new, trendy, and “magical” back exercises, stop real quick and ask yourself one honest question… “Do I do strict pull ups, bent over rows, and back ... Continue Reading
Kianoush Rostami Wins IWF’s Lifter of the Year, Two Days After Being Dropped From National Team
One day after the Kianoush Rostami was dropped from Iran's national weightlifting team, the International Weightlifting Federation has named him 2016's male Lifter of the Year. The award is decided by a ... Continue Reading