The Reebok CrossFit® Open is in full swing as workout 17.1 - the first workout of the Open - was released last Thursday. This workout was a grueling ascending ladder couplet that paired dumbbell ... Continue Reading
Katie Anne Squats 405 Pounds at a Bodyweight of 72 Kilograms
Katie Anne is a powerlifter and IFPA Natural Figure Pro who has been taking her squats very seriously. The 2015 USAPL Raw Nationals 72kg Junior National Champion just posted the following video to her ... Continue Reading
5 Exercises to Build a Stronger and Healthier Squat
As coaches and athletes, we know all too well the powerful effects of the almighty squat. We also know how daunting and elusive a strong, stable, and healthy squat can be for many athletes, client's, ... Continue Reading
18-Year-Old Joseph Peña Squats 1005 Pounds Equipped
Powerlifting wunderkind Joseph Peña has just squatted 1,005 pounds (455.9kg) at eighteen years of age, wearing a single-ply squatting suit and a lifting belt. A post shared by pena ... Continue Reading
Celebrity Trainer Bob Harper Recovering After Heart Attack
Bob Harper recently revealed to TMZ that he suffered a heart attack while training in NYC. Harper was subsequently hospitalized for 8 days and is recovering in New York City. Harper, 51, told TMZ ... Continue Reading
CrossFit Games Athlete Kari Pearce on How to Unlock Your Inner Athlete This Open
Very few people may know the the journey behind Kari Pearce’s explosive rise to the top of the fitness scene. In just over two years, Kari has made herself an elite female CrossFit Games ... Continue Reading
131lb Powerlifter Sergey Fedosienko Benches 380lbs for Three Reps
Russian powerlifter Sergey Fedosienko should be considered in the running for one of the strongest pound for pound powerlifters of the last decade. He's competed in three different weight classes in his ... Continue Reading
Should Powerlifters Train Calves?
It's interesting to note that there are some generational differences among strength athletes. Older athletes tended to be much more wary of dietary fat, for instance, and younger lifters tend ... Continue Reading
3 Reasons Why Coaches Should Program Weightlifting More Frequently (and How)
Like any skill-dependent sport, Olympic weightlifting demands high degrees of motor control, neurological stimulation, and force capacities. While advancements can surely be made training the formal lifts ... Continue Reading
Forget the Scams: These Nutrients Are What Matters for Testosterone
When most people think testosterone, they think huge muscles, better workouts, and a raging sex drive, and look: that’s not totally unfounded. Testosterone plays a significant role in muscle mass, bone ... Continue Reading
The First Workout of the 2017 CrossFit® Open Has Been Released
There's been a lot of hype and lead up to this year's Reebok CrossFit® Games Open. From Dave Castro's Instagram posts that hinted at full snatches and dumbbells, to the hype around the new CrossFit ... Continue Reading
69kg Liao Hui Makes a 150kg Snatch Look Like a Warm Up
Chinese weightlifter Liao Hui appears to be crushing his training without missing a beat. In December 2016, Hui made a return to training - after a shocking pre-Rio retirement announcement - with ... Continue Reading
The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Weightlifting Club at College
If you’re a college student and you love the sense of accomplishment from throwing knee-quivering PRs over your head, you don’t want to train alone. It won’t maximize your potential and it won’t minimize ... Continue Reading
Check Out Brian Shaw’s Road to the Arnold 2017 Video
The third athlete Rogue Fitness is highlighting in their "Road to the Arnold 2017" video series is no other than the World's Strongest Man, Brian Shaw. This video continues to add to the hype Shaw is ... Continue Reading
How to Get Better at Olympic Weightlifting
Olympic weightlifting is not something people naturally pick up and find great success at on a regular basis. While it is true that some gifted lifters may transition/get started very easily into the ... Continue Reading
Watch Pete Rubish’s Incredible Set of Ten 710-Pound Beltless Deadlifts
Raw powerlifter Pete Rubish is redefining the kinds of lifts we thought were possible without a weightlifting belt. At a recent training session at Maxed Out Gym in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, the 249-pound ... Continue Reading
Can Mateusz Kieliszkowski Break the Cyr Dumbbell Record?
At the Arnold Classic, Rogue Fitness holds an annual Record Breakers event. This is a series of events that allows strongman athletes to attempt to break world records. Last year they ... Continue Reading
Vibrant Health Green Vibrance Review
Green Vibrance, from the Connecticut-based supplement company Vibrant Health, is one of the top best selling greens powders online. Made largely from pulverized plants, a lot of companies market greens ... Continue Reading
Texas Superfood Single Greens Supplement Review
Are greens powders better in Texas? I tried the popular greens supplement from Texas Superfood Single Powder from Nuplexa, a product that strongly emphasizes the fact that the ground up, “vine-ripened” ... Continue Reading
Watch 90 Minutes of Behind the Scenes Footage from the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games
As the we careen toward the CrossFit Open, which starts tomorrow in Montreal and Paris, CrossFit HQ has released one and a half hours of never before seen footage of athletes preparing for the 2016 Reebok ... Continue Reading
Video: Zydrunas Savickas Talks Diet, Partial Reps, and Why He Loves the Smith Machine
Strongman fans, rejoice! Zydrunas Savickas has appeared in a lengthy interview in which he discusses a tremendous variety of aspects related to his training, and luckily for us, it’s been translated into ... Continue Reading
10 Lessons Learned From a Klokov Olympic Lifting Seminar
There's no question behind the strength and energy Dmitry Klokov brings to the sport of weightlifting. He's one of the most decorated in the sport, has created a complete weekend to honor heavy ... Continue Reading
European Weightlifting Championships Start List and Preview
The initial start list for the 2017 European Weightlifting Championships has been released, and weightlifting fans the world over are in for a great competition if everyone on the list is able to compete. ... Continue Reading
The 1 1/4 Squat: How, When, and Why It Should Be in Your Training
If you are someone who gets stuck at the bottom of squats and/or heavy cleans, this may be the exercise for you. As lifters advance in their training, simply squatting may not be enough to address an ... Continue Reading