You’ve been doing it for years, probably — starting around age 10 or so, bodybuilding posing wormed its way into your brain when you noticed you could flex your biceps in the bathroom mirror. A ... Continue Reading
10 Hacks To Build More Muscle in Less Time
The time commitment typically associated with hypertrophy-focused training can deter many would-be gym-goers. This perception of needing to spend countless hours in the gym prevents them from starting ... Continue Reading
Experts Were WRONG About Maximizing Muscle Growth (Sort Of)
Everybody hates Jeff Nippard. At least, that’s the premise of the bodybuilder and content creator’s latest social media outing. Recent scientific research conducted by leading sport science experts ... Continue Reading
More Than Muscle: Research Backs Creatine for Brain Health
Creatine, long hailed as the gold standard of muscle supplements, is gaining popularity for brain health and performance. Research suggests it could benefit those with depression and brain-related ... Continue Reading
Best and Worst States for Building a Healthy Lifestyle
From childhood through adulting, we often hear phrases like “make healthy choices.” It’s useful advice when you have or can create the healthiest choices for you. And yet, the unfortunate reality is that ... Continue Reading
How LITTLE Protein Can You Eat and Still Build Muscle?
Bodybuilding is all about maximalism: How many sets do I need to do to maximize muscle hypertrophy? How do I pick the exercises that optimize my growth potential? Blah, blah blah. If you’re into ... Continue Reading
Does Ibuprofen Prevent Muscle Growth? What You Should Know
I have two and a half bottles of ibuprofen in my medicine cabinet right now. I’m not proud of it, but ibuprofen is, from time to time, a go-to supplement of mine for managing the frustrating side effects ... Continue Reading
Study: Here’s How Many Calories You Should Eat to Build Muscle in Bulking Season
It’s bulking season, baby. With summer — and temperatures — winding down, you might be transitioning from a cut to a bulk. A renewed focus on building muscle and increasing strength requires extra ... Continue Reading
Does Gaining Muscle Boost Metabolism? Exercise Scientist Weighs In
Does more muscle mass rev one's metabolism? On Sept. 13, 2024, exercise scientist Dr. Milo Wolf delved into the science of this issue, clarifying misconceptions and shedding light on the relationship ... Continue Reading
Do Different Colored Alcohols Impact Fitness and Health Differently?
Giving up alcohol might not be a realistic goal for everyone, and understanding its impact on your fitness goals can be challenging. There are many misconceptions about how different types of alcohol ... Continue Reading
Study Answers: Is Walking Enough to Prevent Obesity & Other Diseases?
How much is enough when it comes to physical activity and preventing or reducing the likelihood of developing chronic health conditions like obesity or hypertension? Let's take a look at the different ... Continue Reading
More Cardio Isn’t a Fool-Proof Way to Lose Fat, Say Researchers
Cranking up the cardio is commonly the first thing that comes to mind for those trying to shed weight. While more physical activity seems logical for weight loss, is it the most effective way? On Aug. ... Continue Reading
Full-Body vs. Split Workouts for Fat Loss: This Study Declares a Winner
When it comes to fat loss, real change is made in the kitchen, not the weight room. You still need to hit the weights, though, and there's a bit of a debate raging about what kind of workout works ... Continue Reading
Study Reveals the Hidden Danger of High-Rep Training for Hypertrophy
If you're trying to maximize muscle growth, high-rep sets might be quietly reducing your rate of hypertrophy. Here's what you need to know about rep ranges and the subtle ways they influence how much ... Continue Reading
Can Protein Shakes Make You Sick?
Protein shakes are a popular way to enhance muscle growth, improve recovery, and boost protein intake to meet macronutrient requirements. However, some have raised concerns about the potential health risks ... Continue Reading
Study Reveals the Best Leg Exercise for Developing a Quad Sweep
If you're trying to develop the coveted "X-frame" look, spamming leg extensions might not be doing you any favors. At least, according to a new scientific study. A Jul. 2024 paper examined how different ... Continue Reading
Should You Care About Anabolic Windows?
The anabolic window has long been considered a worthwhile tool for maximizing muscle growth. The concept suggests that the body is more receptive to nutrients, particularly protein, for 30 minutes to an ... Continue Reading
Training in the Stretched Position for Muscle Growth: Experts Explain Why It Works
Built With Science founder Jeremy Ethier and Dr. Milo Wolf, PhD, of Sport Science, collaborated in early August 2024 to unravel research suggesting that training in loaded stretched ... Continue Reading
The Most Important Thing To Do After a Knee Injury (From an Expert)
Injuries, be they small or serious, happen to just about everybody. For super-jacked rehab specialist Jordan Shallow, rehab starts on day one. "The real danger in the rehabilitation process is losing ... Continue Reading
How to Acclimate to Heat Before You Compete
While competitive athletes often have no control over the conditions they compete in, failing to acclimate to hot weather properly can have detrimental consequences, including dehydration, cardiovascular ... Continue Reading
Is Collagen Protein Effective For Muscle Gains?
Collagen protein’s popularity is increasing. There is support that it can improve skin, hair, and nail health. (1) But is there any scientific evidence that supports collagen protein promotes ... Continue Reading
New Study: Intermittent Fasting and Continuous Feeding Provide Similar Weight Loss Outcomes
The ongoing debate about meal timing roars. Some argue that intermittent fasting, when one consumes most or all of one's daily calories in a tight time window, is superior to continuous feeding, when one ... Continue Reading
Should You Lift Faster to Increase Strength?
When training at the gym to increase strength, some lifters might conflate it with hypertrophy. However, they are not the same. Hypertrophy is the thickening of muscle fibers so they are aesthetically ... Continue Reading
Your Bench Press Grip Doesn’t Matter for Muscle Growth, Study Suggests
Bodybuilders love their little rules. “Does your row grip matter?” — pitch that question to any science-based gymgoer and you’ll get an earful about biomechanics and optimized training techniques for ... Continue Reading