Three weeks ago, a video surfaced of 69kg Chinese weightlifter Liao Hui crushing some seriously heavy lifts. How heavy? The video features Hui hitting a 170kg snatch (4kg over his world record) and a 205kg clean & jerk (7kg over his world record).
Before getting too excited, there’s one caveat that comes with the video. No one seems to know when it was filmed. Yes, it was shared three weeks ago on YouTube, but there’s no description or comment that provides any direction on times of filming. It’s hard to accurately assess when Hui actually performed these lifts.
Regardless when the video was actually filmed, these are still lifts that are unofficially breaking Hui’s current world records. We’re speculating that these are clips from a few years ago, but again, it’s hard to tell with the limited info.
Hui is the current 69kg senior world record holder for the snatch, clean & jerk, and total. His current records stand with a 166kg snatch, 198kg clean & jerk, and a 359kg total. He’s set all of these records at World Championship competitions.
[Did you know the 2017 World Weightlifting Championships is coming to America this November? BarBend partner USA Weightlifting is hosting the world’s top weightlifters for 2017’s premiere international weightlifting competition. Help support the sport and reserve your spot by booking tickets today through USAW, and learn more about our partnership here.]
Back in December, a Chinese sports outlet reported that Hui was coming out of retirement and is going to begin training again in pursuit of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Then again, it’s still unclear if the Chinese weightlifting team will be allowed to attend this year’s World Championships. They were recently issued a 1-year ban from international competition, and that official ruling with dates has yet to be set.
Feature image screenshot from darara1 YouTube channel.