Knees strong, palms are chalky. You wrap your fingers around the barbell at your feet, flatten your back, activate your lats, core, and glutes, and push your feet into the ground as you heave the weight ... Continue Reading
North Korea Will No Longer Host the 2018 IWF Junior World Weightlifting Championships
As the International Weightlifting Federation’s Executive Board meeting came to a close, an announcement was made that North Korea will no longer host the 2018 Junior World Weightlifting Championships. ... Continue Reading
IWF Clean Sport Commission Plans to Appoint Independent Testing Authority
On September 30th, the IWF confirmed the one-year bans presented to the national weightlifting bodies of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine. This news ... Continue Reading
IWF Upholds One-Year Bans for China, Russia, Kazakhstan, and More
In a statement published on September 30th, the International Weightlifting Federation has confirmed the national weightliftings bodies of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Russia, ... Continue Reading
Daniella Melo Breaks Her Squat World Record In Training
Daniella Melo is crushing her training, as she continues on her path to USAPL Raw Nationals beginning October 10th. For those unaware, Melo competes in the women's 84kg weight class and currently holds the ... Continue Reading
Here Are the Dates and Qualifying Totals for the 2018 American Open Series
USA Weightlifting has just released a ton of information about the 2018 American Open Series. What’s the American Open Series, you ask? Why, it’s a series of three weightlifting events that lead up to the ... Continue Reading
Janae Kroc Documentary Promises a Look at Life As a Transgender Powerlifter
“For as far back as I can remember, I've had two desires: to be strong and to be a woman.” The trailer for a documentary about Janae “Kroc” Kroczaleski just hit the internet, and it promises an in-depth ... Continue Reading
Naim Süleymanoğlu Hospitalized With Liver Failure
Former Turkish/Bulgarian weightlifter Naim Süleymanoğlu has been hospitalized with liver failure and is in need of a liver transplant, according to numerous Turkish and Bulgarian news outlets. At the ... Continue Reading
72 Year Old Linda Leightley Deadlifts 273lbs and Holds 12 World Records
If you're running low on lifting motivation, then sit back and relax, because we've got you covered. How many times have you heard the saying, "It's never too late to start." Probably a whole lot, ... Continue Reading
Deadlift World Record: -83kg Kjell Bakkelund Pulls 325.5kg Weighing 73kg
When Kjell Bakkelund turned up at the Arnold Classic Europe this weekend, he was heavier than usual. The Arnold Classic is an IPF-sanctioned, Wilks-only competition, so while he typically competes as a ... Continue Reading
Harrison Maurus PR’d His Snatch With 150kg
Harrison Maurus is continuing his meteoric rise as one of the United States’ most promising young weightlifters. The 17-year-old, -77kg athlete is well-known in the weightlifting community for his ... Continue Reading
Here’s Why All Lifting Referees Should Stay On Guard
Whether it's weightlifting, powerlifting, or any sport involving a barbell, there's always an inherent risk for the athlete lifting and those around them. This past weekend, we received a friendly reminder ... Continue Reading
Sohrab Moradi (94kg, Iran) Sets New World Record Weightlifting Total
It's a record that's stood for nearly 18 years, but now, the heaviest-ever total in the 94kg weight category belongs to Iranian weightlifter Sohrab Moradi. The weightlifter snatched 185kg and clean ... Continue Reading
Jill Coleman Talks Getting Strong Faster and Helping Women Love Heavy Weight
In 2010, Jill Coleman launched JillFit to help women get stronger, leaner, and happier. That happier part is perhaps the most important aspect of her brand: Coleman spent a large part of her twenties as a ... Continue Reading
Have You Seen Korean Weightlifter Lee Sang’s Drop-and-Catch Lifting Videos?
Editors note: This article is intended to be satirical and light hearted for pure enjoyment. We're not endorsing the performance of this movement, or activity in any form of your training, as it could lead ... Continue Reading
Watch Eddie Hall Go Head to Head With a Pro Boxer
Here's some silly fun. At 6'6" and 250 pounds, British boxer Anthony Joshua is currently a unified world heavyweight champion, holding the title in the International Boxing Federation, World Boxing ... Continue Reading
New Deadlift World Record: -57kg Joy Nnamani Deadlifts 200kg Without a Belt
At the Commonwealth Powerlifting Championships that are taking place in Potchefstroom, South Africa, British athlete Joy Nnamani has become the lightest IPF athlete to deadlift 200 kilograms (441 pounds). ... Continue Reading
Mojtaba Maleki Joins the 500kg Raw (With Wraps) Squat Club
Iranian strongman and powerlifter Mojtaba Maleki just passed a huge powerlifting milestone. Maleki recently squatted 500kg raw with wraps at a Global Powerlifting Committee (GPC) meet. This makes him the ... Continue Reading
Ken Patera Was the First American to Clean & Jerk 500 lbs
When you think Ken Patera, what comes to mind? For most, it's probably a career spent in professional wrestling, but Patera built his strong athletic background through lifting and other sports. For ... Continue Reading
Here’s What One of the World’s Strongest Vegans Eats for Breakfast
During his recent trip to Canada, during which he had an epic lift-off with Cal Strength's Spencer Moorman, Irish weightlifter and YouTube personality Clarence Kennedy recorded a full day of eating with ... Continue Reading
Why Orhan Bilican’s World Record 430kg Squat Didn’t Count
A pretty unusual thing happened at the Western European Equipped & Classic Powerlifting Championships, which took place this week in Luxembourg City. The -120kg Belgian powerlifter Orhan Bilican, ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Mark Bell Teaches Us How to Safely Spot the Squat, Bench, and Deadlift
The act of spotting is much more than helping a buddy complete their last rep on the bench. A spotter has a great amount of responsibility that's tied to them at all times, and in some cases this ... Continue Reading
Carola Garra Benches Over Twice Her Bodyweight for a Junior World Record (Bench and Total)
In the tiny country of Luxembourg, the Western European Equipped & Classic Powerlifting Championships 2017 recently took place in Hamm, an area of Luxembourg City. We’ve seen some pretty impressive ... Continue Reading
Check Out Norwegian Rock Climber Magnus Midtbo’s 1-Arm Muscle-Up
Before diving into this article, let the record show that we don't recommend trying this movement without the proper strength, experience, and form. A one-arm muscle-up can be extremely tough on the ... Continue Reading