It's a great year so far for powerlifting, including some World Record performances and the emergence of Blaine Sumner as one of the sport's greats (and potential all-time greats). But there's still plenty ... Continue Reading
This Video of Scot Mendelson’s 715 Bench Is Why We Started Lifting Weights
Back in the mid-2000s, feats of strength were mostly static for fans. Most were stills from powerlifting or bodybuilding magazines, and internet image search was in its infancy. And video? Forget about it. ... Continue Reading
4 Badass Powerlifters You Aren’t Following on Instagram (But Should Be)
There are Instagram powerlifters, and then there are Instagram powerlifters worth following. The four athletes below have impressed us time and time again with their social media updates (and not always ... Continue Reading
Powerlifting After 40: American Record Holder Joanna Welsh
I sat down with Joanna Welsh, a masters powerlifter and multi-time American record holder, to chat about taking up a new sport at 39 and what’s next for her. In the four years since Welsh started competed ... Continue Reading
Blaine Sumner Is a Powerlifting Great, Deserves Your Instagram Follow
With the 2016 Olympics on the horizon, powerlifting is about to take a backseat in the public consciousness to its faster, snappier cousin. But that doesn't mean 2016 won't give us reason to celebrate the ... Continue Reading