In an earlier article we discussed the Russian dip and why it can be a valuable asset to gymnastics and competitive fitness athletes looking to build stronger triceps, chest muscles, and develop better ... Continue Reading
Upright Row With Dumbbell: Muscles Worked, Exercise Video, and Benefits
In an earlier exercise guide, we discussed the upright row, one that finds its way into many strength, power, and competitive fitness sporting movements. In that ultimate exercise guide, we discussed many ... Continue Reading
Russian Dips – Muscles Worked, Exercise Demo, and Benefits
In this article we will discuss an advanced bodyweight dip variation, the Russian dip, which can be used to boost triceps, chest, and shoulder strength, increase muscle-up skill, and promote injury ... Continue Reading
Barbell Clean and Press Alternatives
The barbell clean and press is a very popular movement in fitness, strength, and power sports. While it does differ from the barbell clean & jerk (view comparison article here), the clean and press vs ... Continue Reading
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups Modifications/ Scaled/ Alternatives
Chest to bar pull-ups are an advanced pull-up variation seen in most competitive fitness workouts and competitions. The inclusion of such an advanced exercise (strict, kipping, and butterfly chest to bar ... Continue Reading
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups Progression for Beginners
In this article, we will offer a 6-step chest to bar pull-up progression guide for beginners. In recent articles, the chest to bar pull-up was discussed, which covered in detail the muscles worked, ... Continue Reading
Reverse Hollow Rock (Superman Rock): Muscles Worked, Exercise Video, and Benefits
The reverse hollow rock/Superman rock is a bodyweight exercise that can target the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings (posterior chain). Similar to the hollow rock (except this is done in a prone position, ... Continue Reading
Master Hollow Rocks for Strength, Stability, and Ripped Abs
Hollow rocks look easy. That is until you sit down, try one and realize you've got the core strength of a jellyfish. You’ll need full-body tension to resist loading and rotational forces on your spine, ... Continue Reading
4 Benefits of Weighted Pull-Ups
In this article we will discuss the weighted pull-up and the specific benefits that it offers strength, power, and fitness athletes in regards to back development overall performance. In an earlier article ... Continue Reading
Weighted Pull-Ups Without Belt/Dumbbell – Should You Do Them?
In this article we will discuss the reasoning behind performing weighted pull-ups with and without a belt/with a dumbbell. Both methods (with a belt vs without a belt/with a dumbbell) offer coaches and ... Continue Reading
Coach’s Corner: Functional Fitness Training and Its Benefits for Every Strength Athlete
Functional fitness style training can take multiple forms and will tend to have a slightly different definition in the eyes of various coaches and athletes. No matter your strength sport, some form of this ... Continue Reading
Weighted Pull-Ups Alternatives
In this article, four alternatives to the weighted pull-up will be discussed, each with video demonstrations. In an earlier article we discussed the benefits and purpose of the weighted pull-up, which are ... Continue Reading
L-Sit Hold Progression for Beginners
The l-sit hold is a powerful core strengthening exercise that develops isometric strength, body awareness, and gymnastic skill necessary for more advanced movements like ring training and the l-sit ... Continue Reading
L-Sit Pull-Up Progression – The Complete Exercise Guide
In this article we will detail the specific progressions one should take to master not only the l-sit pull-up, but also the l-sit and the strict-pull up on either the bar, rings, and/or ... Continue Reading
L-Sit Pull-Up – Muscles Worked, Exercise Demo, and Benefits
In this article we will discuss the l-sit pull-up, an advanced bodyweight exercise that challenges and develops core control, midline stability, and upper body strength. In the sections below, we will ... Continue Reading
4 Benefits of Jumping Pull-Ups
In this article we will discuss the jumping pull-up, a bodyweight exercise we discussed in a previous article that went over everything you needed (and wanted) to learn about the the movement. In the below ... Continue Reading
Jumping Pull-Up – Muscles Worked, Benefits, and Exercise Demo
In this article we will discuss the jumping pull-up, a total body bodyweight movement that can be used for metabolic conditioning and/or pull-up progression purposes. In the below sections we will discuss ... Continue Reading
8 Hanging Knee Raise Alternatives
In a previous article we discussed the hanging knee raise and why it is responsible for abdominal development, gymnastics and bodyweight skills and movement, and enhancing core strength and ... Continue Reading
5 Benefits of Hanging Knee Raises
In this article we will discuss the training benefits of the hanging knee raise, which can be done to increase muscular development of the abdominal muscles, strengthen the core, and help to increase ... Continue Reading
Kettlebell Clean and Jerk – Exercise Progressions, Video Demos, and Benefits
In this article we will discuss the kettlebell clean and jerk, a complex and challenging movement that can develop unilateral strength and core & shoulder stabilization, and enhance overall fitness and ... Continue Reading
The Complete Guide to Naturally Boosting Growth Hormone
Everyone seems to focus on testosterone in the quest for building strength, gaining muscle, losing fat, and boosting the libido, but growth hormone (GH) might deserve as much attention. It’s linked to ... Continue Reading
25 Days of Gifting: $120 Trifecta Gift Card!
To continue our 25 Days of Gifting extravaganza, BarBend and Trifecta are teaming up to give one lucky winner a $120 gift card for Trifecta meals! Find out why Trifecta is the athlete’s choice ... Continue Reading
Glute Ham Raises Alternatives
Glute ham raises are an exercise that can be used in most strength, power, and fitness programs to increase muscle hypertrophy and endurance of the glutes, hamstrings, and posterior chain muscles. ... Continue Reading
The Top 10 Most Searched Workouts of 2017 (Strength Sports Made It Twice)
There's no doubt that 2017 has been a big year for strength sports. The fitness industry as a whole seems to be at a transitional point where a majority of gym-goers are finally starting to recognize that, ... Continue Reading