Raw powerlifter Pete Rubish is redefining the kinds of lifts we thought were possible without a weightlifting belt. At a recent training session at Maxed Out Gym in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, the 249-pound athlete deadlifted 710 pounds (322kg), which would be a career best for many recreational lifters.
And he pulls it ten times, without a belt. (He does wear wrist straps.) Take a look at the superhuman display below, which was a “massive PR” for the 25-year-old. By the end of the clip, you’re feeling it almost as much as he is.
Rubish’s best lifts include a 766-pound (347.5kg) squat at 229 pounds bodyweight and a 920-pound (417.3kg) deadlift at 245 pounds, and a Raw Total of 2,072 pounds at 235 pounds (106.6kg) bodyweight. What he doesn’t list in his best lifts is this astonishing ten-second pause deadlift of 655 pounds.
For more insane tonnage, you can see the ten-minute documentary below, which was posted by Animal Pak last month. In it, the man pulls 800 pounds for a grand total of eighteen reps in a single workout. Throughout the clip, he explains his training philosophy and methodology, so the clip should provide some serious inspiration for Rubish’s fans.
Right now, he’s in his off season training and is teaching the occasional powerlifting seminar. Given these latest feats of strength, we have a feeling his PRs are going to shoot up at his next meet; Rubish is known for his complete devotion to hitting a 1,000 pound deadlift, and even made an eight-part video series last year about his training for the lift. He ultimately didn’t hit it, but we don’t think we’re going to have to wait much longer.
Featured image via @pete.rubish on Instagram.