Fans of powerlifting know it’s Bonica Brown’s world, and we’re all just living in it. At the 2018 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships, the multi-time 84+ kg World Champion furthered her domination of the category with four World Records. It’s tough to imagine any lifter have a better day than the USA’s Brown, who walked away with the following stat line:
Squat: 273kg (World Record)
Bench: 151.5kg (World Record)
Deadlift: 247kg (World Record)
Total: 671.5kg (World Record)
In her characteristic, methodical style, Brown — who has championships in both Raw and Equipped powerlifting — approached each lift with immense focus.
Check out videos of her record breaking performance below. (And for long-time fans of the sport, Brown first made her name as Bonica Lough, in case there was any confusion.)
First up, the squat:
Next, the bench press. There may not be another powerlifter in the world with such textbook setup and execution on each and every lift.
And finally, Brown’s deadlift. Even at the end of a long day of competing, Brown takes her time with the setup, executing this sumo deadlift with one of the widest grips you’ll ever see a lifter use in the style.
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Brown’s 9-for-9 performance technically included five World Records, as she set new deadlift marks with her second AND third lifts in that discipline. Her record 671.5kg total was a full 74 kilograms over the competition’s second-place finisher, Theresa Simanu of New Zealand. Simanu herself set a World Record on her second deadlift attempt before the mark was eclipsed by Brown just minutes later.
Congratulations to Brown and all the competitors in Calgary.
Related: Romanian Deadlift Ultimate Guide
Featured image: @theipf on Instagram