After the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games, Travis Williams became the nineteenth fittest man on Earth, but we think he might have just completed the fastest Isabel in history.
The workout is simple: thirty snatches at 135 pounds for time. Any single-movement ground-to-overhead is acceptable for this particular workout, so power snatches, split snatches, and full snatches are allowed.
The time cap is usually set at eight minutes, with two to three minutes the expectation for Level 3 athletes. Almost years ago, Noah Olsen managed two minutes and ten seconds. Back in 2009, Josh Everett managed one minute and eleven seconds.
Travis Williams just completed it in under a minute — conveniently just long enough for an Instagram video. We clocked this workout at 57 seconds.
Williams came in 32nd place at the 2015 Games and 19th at the 2016 Games, and in he did extraordinarily well in the 2017 CrossFit Open. He came first in his region (South Central) in 17.1 and second in his region for the entire Open, (following Roy Gamboa) and 35th for the entire Open worldwide.
Interestingly, despite his unbelievable performance at Isabel, he’s said his favorite workout is DT, which is five rounds for time of deadlifts, hang power cleans, and push jerks.
If this is the first you’re hearing about Williams (or if it isn’t), MisFit Athletics put together this pretty cool documentary, “No Excuses, No Missed Days,” about Williams in April 2015 about his journey from a 270-pound couch potato to a CrossFit Games athlete.
In an interview from August last year, Williams said that his goal was to get to the podium by the 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games.
He’s going to need a whole lot of grit to dethrone the current star athletes, but given he has what must be the fastest Isabel on Earth, he’s no stranger to pushing the boundaries of fitness.
Featured image via @misfitathletics on Instagram.