Fret not the artificial sweeteners! A 2023 review in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition has concluded that zero-calorie sweeteners might actually be helpful for reducing fat mass. More ... Continue Reading
Does Crash Dieting Negatively Affect Body Composition and Muscle Gains?
There are many diets peddled to gym-goers, athletes, those trying to gain weight, lose weight, maintain weight, and everything in between. Whether it's keto, paleo, cheat meals, intermittent fasting, or ... Continue Reading
Dr. Layne Norton Details Research Showing Collagen Protein Does Not Promote Muscle Connective Protein Synthesis
When collagen protein first hit the market as a product athletes and gym-goers alike could get their hands on, Dr. Layne Norton was skeptical of its efficacy. According to the American Journal of Clinical ... Continue Reading
Dr. Layne Norton Breaks Down the Science Behind Leg Extensions
Dr. Layne Norton, Ph.D., has previously linked up with fitness influencer Jeff Nippard to examine science-based leg training. Continuing that exploration, Norton further explained the ... Continue Reading
How Does Intermittent Fasting Affect Appetite?
Intermittent fasting is a dietary tool that can help athletes and routine gym-goers alike achieve their target macros. By only consuming food within a specific timeframe each day, dieters can potentially ... Continue Reading
Amazon Is Releasing Their Own Fitness Tracker
Amazon! They’re the biggest online retailer in the world (take that, Alibaba) and the third most valuable publicly traded company after Apple and Microsoft. They can make anything they want! They could ... Continue Reading
Masks May Only Work for 15 Minutes of Exercise, According to New Research
A new article published in The German Journal of Sports Medicine has taken an exhaustive look at how to go about exercising during the pandemic. Titled “Sport, Exercise and COVID-19, the Disease Caused by ... Continue Reading
Study: Various Intensities of Exercise Help Reduce Headaches
Nothing is worse than dealing with a headache. Whether it's a migraine, tension headache, or just a general headache, it's incredibly tough to get things done when dealing with any of these. Headaches are ... Continue Reading
Study: How Do Men and Women Respond Differently to Strength Training?
Men and women both have incredible potential when it comes to increasing their strength, hypertrophy, and power with resistance training. Over the last few decades, multiple studies have explored potential ... Continue Reading
To Use Reps to Failure Or Not for Beginners, New Study Explores the Topic
More than likely, you've performed a burnout set or set to failure at least once in your lifting career. The sets to failure that you performed could have been programmed in your training cycle, or maybe ... Continue Reading
Study: Low Vs High Training Frequency for Strength and Mass
In the day and age of more, more, more, frequency is often a training variable that is taken to the extremes, but does it need to be? A better question to answer is, "how much does frequency really ... Continue Reading
Study: Which Rep Range Is Best for Strength and Hypertrophy?
An interesting new study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research has provided some insights into efficiently programming different training volumes and intensities. Titled Effects ... Continue Reading
Study: Muscle Memory Will Help Us Bounce Back Faster In the Gym
Gym are closed indefinitely and a lot of questions have stirred about loss of gains and the rate in which they'll come back when gyms re-open. Unfortunately, there's not really a golden "all the time" rule ... Continue Reading
Study: Fitness in Young Adults Improves Memory, Reasoning, and Problem Solving
A new study published in Scientific Reports and presented at the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, has concluded that physical fitness leads to better brain functioning among young ... Continue Reading
Study: Fruits and Vegetables May Help Switch Off Genes Responsible for Obesity
A new study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is giving some weight to the old adage that “Nobody got fat eating too much broccoli.” OK, fruits and vegetables contain calories and ... Continue Reading
Study: Red Spinach Is the New King of Pre Workouts
Move over beets, there’s a new nitrate-rich food that looks like it might be better for workout performance. A new study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research is asserting that ... Continue Reading
Study: Individualize Training Frequency for Better Strength and Hypertrophy
Another interesting study is highlighting the idea that "more is not always more" when it comes to hypertrophy and strength training. There are multiple variables that should be considered when ... Continue Reading
New Study Suggests the Keto Diet May Not Be Ideal for Women
The very high fat ketogenic diet is all the rage, but a new study from the University of Iowa in Iowa City, presented at the ENDO 2019 conference in New Orleans, is one of the few to look at how it may ... Continue Reading
Study: Do Low Carb Diets Actually Increase Risk of Heart Disease?
A new meta-analysis of eight high quality, randomized controlled trials published in Nutrition Reviews aims to help answer the question of whether or now low carb diets increase the risk of heart ... Continue Reading
Study: How Much Training Volume Do Women Need to Get Stronger?
I don't know about you, but I'm often a huge fan of lifting studies that highlight the idea that "less is more" when it comes to improvement in strength gains. After all, when life gets busy, isn't it nice ... Continue Reading
These Are the Top Ten Fitness Trends for 2019
Every year since 2006, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) have conducted a survey to predict future health and fitness trends for the following year. In the November and December edition of the ... Continue Reading
This Is the Best Study on Fasting and Strength Training to Date
When it comes to the benefits of fasting there are a lot of studies on overweight individuals and people with chronic illnesses, but there aren't actually all that many on strength athletes. This is one ... Continue Reading
Study Looks At Screen Time Effects On Diet and Activity After Exercise
You wake up, groggily put on some gym clothes, and head to the gym for some light exercise to start the day. In the car, you listen to the latest podcast from Joe Rogan and sip some coffee. Then at the ... Continue Reading
Study: How Long Should Weightlifters Rest Between Sets?
There are a lot of controversial areas of fitness. We’re not just talking about the big, easy-to-bust myths like deep squats are bad for the knees or lifting will make women bulky (no and no) but even ... Continue Reading