In terms of powerlifting and Russian lifter Sergey Fedosienko, where do you begin? At 36 years old, Fedosienko is possibly one of the most decorated powerlifters (at least in the IPF) from the last ... Continue Reading
Joseph Peña Shatters Junior World Record Squat With 425.5 Kilograms
It’s the squat that had countless powerlifters telling their buddies, “I told you this kid was the real deal.” Joseph Peña is the real deal. There have been a lot of historic lifts made at this year’s ... Continue Reading
Kevin Oak Squats 275kg (605 lbs) For An Easy Nine Reps
If you're a Kevin Oak fan, then you were probably pleasantly pleased when you saw him back under the bar two days ago. Oak is best known in the sport of powerlifting for his incredibly consistent ... Continue Reading
With 177kg Deadlift at ~57kg, Powerlifter Catherine Smith Sets New Junior World Record
And the records keep falling at the 2018 IPF World Classic Championships. Twenty-three year old Catherine Smith has toppled the Junior world record for the deadlift in her -57kg weight class with a ... Continue Reading
Junior Powerlifter Clifton Pho Sets Open World Record With 285.5kg Deadlift
Canadian powerlifter Clifton Pho still lifts as a Junior, but that hasn’t stopped him from breaking multiple Open world records. The 23-year-old turned up at the IPF World Championships that are currently ... Continue Reading
Jaisyn Mike Smokes a 281kg (619.5 lb) Bench Press for New World Record
As Jaisyn Mike's Instagram handle states, "Mr. Athletic Over Everything." After Mike's epic performance two days ago in the 120kg+ M1 weight class, we feel his Instagram handle certainly rings true. For ... Continue Reading
Dalton LaCoe (53kg) Pulls First Ever 5x Bodyweight Deadlift At IPF Worlds
History has been made. Yesterday morning, junior powerlifter Dalton LaCoe took to the platform to complete an historic strength feat at this year's IPF World Classic Powerlifing Championships. LaCoe ... Continue Reading
At 81 Years Old, Shirley Webb Deadlifts Big Weight At IPF Worlds
We're three days into this year's IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships. This year, the Championships are taking place in Calgary, Canada, and the Masters athletes are just about finished with their ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Larry “Wheels” Williams Benches 183kg (405 lbs) For 20 Reps
We're about halfway through 2018 and Larry Williams (Wheels) continues to impress on social media. It feels like almost every day we sign on to Instagram we're witnessing Wheels hit a new high-volume ... Continue Reading
3 Effective Ways to Put On Tight Knee Sleeves
Knee sleeves can be great additions to your supportive strength arsenal, but at times, they can be a major pain to get on, especially when they're tight. For most knee sleeve wearing athletes, more than ... Continue Reading
Worlds Ready: Powerlifter Russel Orhii Squats an Easy 283kg (625 lb) Single
Yesterday, the 2018 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships kicked off in Calgary, Canada with the first groups of Masters athletes taking the platform. This year, the Championships are running ... Continue Reading
From the Ground Up: 6 Ways to Cue the Squat for Better Movement
What makes a good cue? What makes a great cue? Individuality. Strength coaching and training is an art. Believe it or not, if you work with athletes or just like lifting yourself, then you're an ... Continue Reading
How to Watch the 2018 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships (Plus Schedule)
We're less than a day out from the 2018 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships. This year's Championships are being held in Calgary, Canada and are set to kick off June 6th, then run through June ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Amanda Lawrence Pulls a Big 238kg (525 lb) Deadlift PR
Deadlift PRs and super strong sets of back squats, that sums up -84kg powerlifter Amanda Lawrence's latest Instagram feed. Currently, Lawrence is in prep for the USA Powerlifting Med City Raw Open, ... Continue Reading
Kristy Hawkins Does Cardio With This Set of 200kg (440 lb) x 10 On Deadlifts
If you watch a high rep deadlift set and feel exhausted does that count as secondhand cardio? We hope so, because this set below from Kristy Hawkins tired us and we're not even the ones lifting the weight. ... Continue Reading
An Academic Study of Powerlifter Ray Williams’ Superhuman Body
If you know powerlifting, you know Ray Williams. He's literally the strongest powerlifter on the planet, at least in the drug-tested International Powerlifting Federation, currently holding the IPF world ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Chakera Holcomb Deadlifts 282kg (622 lbs), Breaks All-Time Raw Wilks
When describing Chakera (C.C.) Holcomb's powerlifting career, where do we begin? Well for starters, we can talk about how only two weeks ago Holcomb competed at the Kern US Open and set three all-time ... Continue Reading
The Pros and Cons of Using a Hook Grip (Plus 4 Grip Strengthening Exercises)
I’ve read a lot of comments from those curious about my decision to switch to mixed grip in the middle of the US Open. I missed my first attempt, at 733 pounds, using hook grip, and then made 733 and ... Continue Reading
74kg Junior Powerlifter Tim Monigatti Squats 273kg (602 lbs), 3kg Over World Record
The peaking videos continue to surge on social media as powerlifters across the world close in on their platform date for this year's IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships. As a reminder, this ... Continue Reading
67kg Powerlifter Aysha Haley Deadlifts 190kg (420 lb) for Four Reps
Meanwhile in California... Powerlifter Aysha Elayan (or Haley as per her Instagram) recently pulled a strong deadlift PR for four reps at the California Elite Training Center. Elayan ended up finishing ... Continue Reading
What Are Your Thoughts On These Two World Record Deadlifts?
Okay, I admit, the records below are probably not what you thought when you clicked on this article. When I first read their headlines I thought they would be maximal attempts, but I was sadly ... Continue Reading
15 Year Old Powerlifter Max Shethar Squats a Massive 260kg (575 lb) PR
What were you doing when you were 15 years old? I'd guess you were playing a sport(s) and most likely lifting — maybe not seriously lifting with a strength sport in mind — but lifting ... Continue Reading
63kg Powerlifter Maria Htee Squats 170kg (375 lb) for Doubles
With every day that passes we creep a little bit closer to this year's IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships. This year, the Championships are taking place in Calgary, Canada and begin on June 5th ... Continue Reading
Dynamic Warm Up – Why (and How) Fitness, Strength, and Power Athletes Should Do Them
Every training session, regardless of goal, ability level, or sport should include a dynamic warm-up. The dynamic warm-up will aid help to develop an athlete’s/lifter’s daily mental preparation and ... Continue Reading