Yesterday, the weightlifting world was hit with unfortunate news in regards to Iranian Olympic gold medalist and world record holder Sohrab Moradi's competition readiness. As reported by the Tehran Times, ... Continue Reading
Report: After Albanian’s Doping Ban, Mattie Rogers to Receive Silver Medals from 2017 WWC
According a report from Inside the Games, American weightlifter Martha "Mattie" Rogers is set to receive two silver medals from the 2017 Weightlifting World Championships after Albanian ... Continue Reading
Thailand’s Ability to Host 2019 IWF World Championships In Question After Positive Tests
In a story first covered by Inside the Games, four weightlifters from Thailand have tested positive for banned substances following the 2018 Weightlifting World Championships. The positive tests could ... Continue Reading
The 7 Most Epic Strength Feats and Performances of 2018
It's hard to believe, but we've already made it through 2018 and it's been another historic year for strength. This year has been nothing short of amazing for every strength sport, and we wanted to take ... Continue Reading
IWF Announces Positive Retests from 2012 Olympics; Torokhtiy and Nurudinov Among Named
Earlier today, the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) announced on its website recent doping retests from the 2012 London Olympic Games have produced an additional five positives for banned ... Continue Reading
Weightlifter Meso Hassona Back Squats a Massive 300kg PR
Qatari weightlifter Meso Hassona has been moving some serious weight the last two weeks. Four days ago, Hassona posted a 270kg/595 lb back squat double on his Instagram page and teased the question of ... Continue Reading
Your Donation Will Be Matched – Help U.S. Weightlifters Compete in Tokyo
You know Olympic weightlifting is an awesome sport. You want to see it become better known, better appreciated, more widely practiced. And you probably know that when Olympic sports lose funding, ... Continue Reading
Mattie Rogers Wins Bronze for the United States at World Weightlifting Championships
There’s no denying that Martha “Mattie” Rogers is one of the United States’ most popular weightlifters, and with good reason. Before the IWF instituted new bodyweight categories earlier this year she held ... Continue Reading
Harrison Maurus Sets a New American Clean & Jerk Record in Ashgabat
Eighteen-year-old Olympic weightlifter Harrison Maurus has not only set a junior American record, his monstrous clean & jerk at the World Weightlifting Championships is a a new senior American record ... Continue Reading
Weightlifter Lu Xiaojun Wins Gold, Sets New World Record at Ashgabat
At the Weightlifting World Championships in Turkmenistan, Chinese weightlifter Lu Xiaojun has won gold and set a new world record in the extremely competitive -81kg weight class… at 34 years old. Lu, ... Continue Reading
Olympic Champion Yurik Vardanian Passes Away At Age 62
In sad news coming out of California, Armenian news sources and the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) are reporting that Olympic weightlifting champion Yurik Vardanian has passed away; he was 62 ... Continue Reading
Watch This 14-Year-Old Weightlifter Squat 2.5x Bodyweight for 10 Reps
Hampton Morris is just 14 years old and he’s already hitting what could be a lifetime PR for many athletes. The Team USA weightlifter weighs 55 kilograms (a little over 121 pounds) and measures about 5 ... Continue Reading
Ilya Ilyin Withdraws from 2018 Weightlifting World Championships
In breaking news out of 2018 Weightlifting World Championships in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, the Weightlifting Federation of Kazakhstan has announced on Instagram that Ilya Ilyin will not be competing in the ... Continue Reading
Report: Over 70 Athletes Barred from World Weightlifting Championships
The 2018 World Weightlifting Championships kick off in Turkmenistan on November 1, but according to a report from Inside the Games, more than 70 unnamed athletes have been barred from entry. Why? For most ... Continue Reading
At 87 Years Old, Weightlifter Vasily Zubov Has Competed In 43 National Competitions
In case you needed a reminder of just how awesome strength sports — and more specifically how awesome weightlifting can be — we have you covered. Yesterday, Phillip, aka "wlift84", shared an awesome video ... Continue Reading
Should You Squat or Deadlift First?
Squats and deadlifts are two strength lifts that are at the base of nearly every strength and power sport. Both lifts require high amounts of force production, movement skill, and neural output at ... Continue Reading
Best Weightlifting Shoes for Wide Feet
Let's call it what it is, but weightlifting shoes are an investment. They're a pair of shoes that come with a very specific purpose, so they're only going to be wear the on limited occasions. Factor in ... Continue Reading
Saeid Alihosseini Not Attending 2018 IWF World Championships
Earlier today, news broke that Iranian superheavyweight weightlifter Saeid Alihosseini would not be attending the 2018 IWF World Championships. The Iranian news outlet The Tehran Times reported that ... Continue Reading
Weightlifter Tian Tao Shakes the Internet With 280kg Front Squat
This week has been a seriously heave week for big front squats. Two days ago, we wrote about Wes Kitts smoking a lifetime PR front squat with 255kg/562 lbs. Today, we're back writing on another big front ... Continue Reading
USA Weightlifting Announces 2018 IWF World Championship Teams
In less than two months, USA Weightlifting will make their way to the 2018 IWF World Championships in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. This year's World Championships will be the first international competition ... Continue Reading
Wes Kitts Front Squats a Massive 255kg Lifetime PR
Meanwhile out at California Strength, Wes Kitts is continuing on his flow of breaking lifetime PRs. Over the last couple of weeks, California Strength have shared a handful of big PRs from Kitts and many ... Continue Reading
Watch Bradley Martyn’s 265lb Power Snatch
Bradley Martyn is perhaps best known as an talented physique athlete, social media celebrity, and the owner of a Los Angeles gym called Zoo Culture. But the guy actually has a pretty long history as an ... Continue Reading
Ilya Ilyin Wins 2018 Kazakhstan National Weightlifting Championships
For the first time since 2015, Ilya Ilyin has competed on a platform of any significance. Competing at the 2018 Kazakhstan National Championships, Ilyin snatched 172KG and lifted 208KG in the clean and ... Continue Reading
USA Weightlifting Announces 2019 Qualifying Totals
Yesterday evening, USA Weightlifting announced the qualifying totals for the national 2019 competitive weightlifting season. Last year, we saw qualifying totals increase slightly in some weight classes due ... Continue Reading