More than likely you’ve seen French powerlifter Lya Bavoil’s name on our site at least once. The elite -63kg athlete is continuously pushing her lifts further and is now showing signs that she’s ready to tackle more world records at her next international competition.
In her latest Instagram video, Bavoil highlights a monstrous deadlift that isn’t incredibly far off of the current IPF -63kg world record held by USA’s Samantha Calhoun.
For context, the current -63kg IPF world record held by Calhoun sits at 221.5kg, and in Bavoil’s latest video she smokes 220kg pull with what looks like more in the tank. Now, obviously a training lift is much different than a competition a lift, but this lift only adds more fire to the already competitive IPF women’s -63kg weight class.
Over the last few months, Bavoil has been keeping her head down and training at home prepping for the IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships that are currently set to take place in October. Normally, this massive meet takes place in June, but this year it was pushed to the fall due to Coronavirus.
With the longer prep time, it’s going to be interesting to see how athletes perform at the 2020 World Classic Powerlifting Championships (assuming the October date holds up).
To further this point, Bavoil already holds the -63kg IPF squat world record with her 193kg lift that she completed at last year’s World Classic Powerlifting Championships, but has since blown that number out of the water.
On May 8th, she squatted 200kg for a double and did so with complete ease, and she’s even squatted 204.5kg, which tops her world record by a long shot. Check out the 200kg double below!
With longer meet prep times — us along with the rest of the powerlifting community — are eager to see what athletes are able to accomplish come meet time in October.
Will we see more world records fall than normal? If we judged this question off of Bavoil’s latest training, then yes, we’d have to say we might!