Powerlifter Rudy Kadlub has added another title and four more world records to his list of accomplishments within his sport. On Nov. 6, 2021, Kadlub entered the International Powerlifting League’s (IPL) Drug-Tested World meet in Costa Mesa, CA.
By the end of the meet, Kadlub set IPL world records in the raw squat (with wraps), bench press, deadlift, and total at 100 kilograms in the Masters (70-74) division. The 72-year-old lifter also won both the Masters (70-74) division title and the title of Best Masters Lifter. The best lifts for each movement in the meet are below.
IPL Worlds — Rudy Kadlub
- Squat — 204.5 kilograms (451 pounds)
- Bench Press — 142.4 kilograms (314 pounds)
- Deadlift — 232.1 kilograms (512 pounds)
- Total — 579.1 kilograms (1,277 pounds)
Kadlub shared his thoughts about the meet in an Instagram post that included video clips of each record-setting lift.
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“I’m incredibly happy with the results from this past weekend’s IPL Drug-Tested World’s in Costa Mesa. I hit a 451 squat, a 314 bench, and 512 deadlift — all world records,” the Oregon native wrote. “Additionally, I was honored to take home the Masters Best Lifter Award. This weekend I hit my highest raw total ever, and I was proud to do it alongside other competitors from Team Kabuki Strength.”
Kadlub — who co-owns Kabuki Strength alongside Chris Duffin — has added to his collection of IPL world records. In addition to his four new 100-kilogram records, he owns three records in the 90 kilogram class of the 70-74 Masters division. According to Open Powerlifting, he holds the top numbers in the squat (195 kilograms), bench press (132.5 kilograms), and total (557.3 kilograms) at 90 kilos. All of Kadlub’s 90-kilogram records were set at the 2019 IPL World Championships in Ireland.
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This isn’t the first time in 2021 that the co-owner of Kabuki Strength had pulled this feat off. In June of 2021, Kadlub went four-for-four for world records in the 100-kilogram weight class, raw with wraps category, at the IPL Drug-Tested National Championships. At the World Championship meet, Kadlub added 9.5 kilograms (21 pounds) to the squat, 2.7 kilograms (six pounds) to the bench press, and five kilograms (11 pounds) to the deadlift. That gave him an improvement on the total of 17 kilograms (38 pounds).
As of this writing, there is no word on what Kadlub’s next meet will be.
More About Rudy
In September 2021, Kadlub joined BarBend‘s CEO and Co-Founder David Tao to talk on BarBend‘s podcast. You can check out the entire episode below.
Featured Image: @rudykadlub on Instagram | Photos by Adam Rivera (@adamrivera13 on Instagram)