Great Britain’s 120kg+ junior powerlifter Luke Richardson is already having a fantastic 2018. At the young age of 20 years old, Richardson has already built quite an impressive powerlifting resume, and his latest squat triple only adds to this long list.
His latest triple was a 340kg (748 lb) squat, which is one of his best three-rep sets to date, particularly considering that it’s the current 340kg European Powerlifting Federation’s junior squat record. And Richardson made it look easy.
In Richardson’s video below he writes, “Feels good to take the current European squat record for a fairly comfy triple with a rep in the tank. Best believe 1000kg is on its way”. Check out Richardson’s monstrous squat triple below.
Currently, Richardson is ranked as British Powerlifting’s second best classic lifter with a 511 Wilks score. In addition, he holds three British Classic (raw) Powerlifting records for both the Junior and Open weight classes, which include a 360kg squat, 347.5kg deadlift, and 910kg total.
We’ve written about Richardson before in this late 2016 interview, and since then he’s made huge jumps in his powerlifting career. In November, he competed at the 2017 British Junior Classic Championships and ended up taking home first place with a few notable performance takeaways.
For example, at this competition he squatted the heaviest weight ever hit in British Powerlifting history. In his video’s description below Richardson writes, “360KG/793LB third attempt squat from the GB Junior British yesterday! 22.5KG PB, Junior and Senior British Squat Record and THE BIGGEST SQUAT IN BRITISH POWERLIFTING HISTORY! Also an UNOFFICIAL junior European record (by 20kg) and Commonwealth Record. Such a rush, overwhelming support from everyone yesterday, thank you!”
If you’re not following Richardson already on social media, then we’d recommend checking him out. He’s continually improving upon his already impressive numbers and he’s only 20 years old. We’re excited to see what accomplishments he’s going to achieve in 2018 and for the super heavyweight class in general.
Feature image screenshot from @lukerichardson Instagram page.