Stefi Cohen has had an electric 2017, and if you’re in the strength sports community, then by now you’ve more than likely heard of her. Cohen competes in the 123 lb weight class and holds the all time deadlift and total world records. She officially claimed the deadlift record back in August when she pulled 4x her bodyweight at the Boss of Bosses IV meet.
Most recently, Cohen competed at the SPF Reebok Record Breakers meet and extended her record even further. She ended up pulling 495 lbs, which is 4.02 times her bodyweight, and added another 10 lbs to her previous 485 lb world record. On top of that, Cohen also set a new 123 lb all time world record total with a crazy 505kg (1,112 lbs).
Check out the video of her crazy strong final attempt lifts below. Scroll to the right in the video to see her deadlift.
Before pulling the new deadlift world record, Cohen also hit two lifetime PRs with a 185kg (407 lb) squat and 95kg (210 lb) bench press. The summation of her lifts and total earned her a 597 wilks, which is one of the best raw all time wilks scores for her weight class.
Earlier this year, Cohen’s goal was to deadlift 4x her bodyweight, and she accomplished what she set out to do. Going into this competition, her goal was to pull 500 lbs, and while she fell slightly short of that personal goal, we’re confident she’ll reach it soon enough. On her Instagram page she shared a few thoughts about the meet, and how this meet has helped her grow as an athlete.
In the photo’s description Cohen writes, “Not the meet i was hoping for but can’t be upset with the results. Squat and bench were lifetime PRs, deadlift/total were good enough for two All Time World Records.
I think i’m in shape to put up a lot bigger numbers in deadlift so i feel like i underperformed a little bit. All meets are a learning experience and I’m just gonna use this as motivation to train harder and smarter next time!”
Every meet is an opportunity for growth, and we’re excited to see how Cohen uses this meet to fuel her training and next competition. We’re confident the 500 lb deadlift feat will happen soon enough.
Related: Romanian Deadlift Form Guide
Feature image screenshot from @steficohen Instagram page.