The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that help to maintain shoulder health and stability. Contrary to popular belief, you don't want a strong rotator cuff, you want a stable ... Continue Reading
Interview: CJ Cummings On His Favorite Workout Songs and Pre-Meet Rituals
His coach, Rayford Jones, told me in no uncertain terms to leave him well alone until he'd gone to the stage and finished all six of his attempts — the man needs to focus, now — but right ... Continue Reading
How to Get Optimal Sleep to Recover
Lifting heavy weights is healthy. It’s linked to an enormous variety of benefits , and it’s linked with a huge variety of benefits that include improved learning capacity, better cholesterol levels, lower ... Continue Reading
The Untold History of Functional Fitness
This article will understand functional training in its simplest sense, that is, the ability to perform tasks in everyday life. This distinguishes functional training from powerlifting or bodybuilding, ... Continue Reading
The Ultimate Workout for Office Workers Who Sit All Day
Sitting a lot is bad for our health and posture. A few years ago, sitting was called the new smoking. This was a bit extreme but it still does have a huge effect on our health. A 2010 paper by the ... Continue Reading
How the Ancient World Lifted Weights
“No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. (…) What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” - ... Continue Reading
The History of Vince Gironda, Low Carb Pioneer and Bodybuilding Great
Entering a North Hollywood gym, a six foot European bodybuilder, soon to become one of the sport’s greatest ever athletes, is told that he looks like a ‘fat f***’. Cue gasps: a young Vince Gironda had just ... Continue Reading
9 Ways to Absorb Your Nutrients More Effectively
It’s not much good trying to gain muscle by eating a ton of protein and calories if you’re not absorbing enough of the nutrients. That goes double if you’re trying to lose weight: your portions are ... Continue Reading
Bean Me Up: How the “Slow Carb Diet” Might Help With Weight Loss
The truth about weight loss is that it almost entirely comes down to calories. Sure, there are hormones you might be able to affect that might influence the outcome, and you lose a little more weight if ... Continue Reading
The Untold Story of Louis Cyr, the Original “Strongest Man on Earth”
Who is the world’s strongest man? Nowadays the answer is clear to most strongmen: either the winner of the Arnold Strongman Classic or the World’s Strongest Man competition. But these competitions, ... Continue Reading
The Pros and Cons of MCT Oil for Athletes (Brought to You by Ample)
It stands for medium-chain triglycerides and it’s one of the most talked about fats in fitness. It’s often sold on its own as a kind of tasteless oil, but over 50 percent of the fat in coconut oil is ... Continue Reading
Team USA Weightlifters Finish Pan Ams With An Historic 43 Medals
It’s been a heck of a week down in Guatemala. The 2019 Pan American Weightlifting Championships have come to a close and the United States finished with an historic 43 medals and first place in both the ... Continue Reading
Are Negative Calorie Foods Really a Thing?
The theory goes like this: since digestion is a function the body performs, it needs energy to do so. Calories are your fuel for everything from blinking to lifting, and the process of chewing, digesting, ... Continue Reading
Why This Dietitian Would Tell You to Skip Artificial Sweeteners
As a dietitian, I take a relatively unrestrictive approach to food. I firmly believe food should be simple and enjoyable; there is a place for almost anything in our diets if they make our bodies feel good ... Continue Reading
The Best Resistance Band Accessories for Powerlifting
The biggest drawback to resistance bands is after a certain point, they will not get you stronger. They only come so thick and stretch so far before they snap. Ever had a band break and smack you? Not ... Continue Reading
Does Intermittent Fasting Affect Women Differently Than Men?
Nobody is saying women are more delicate than men. But it’s possible that intermittent fasting affects men and women differently. We could do with a lot more research in this area and by no means is ... Continue Reading
How to Work Around a Rotator Cuff Injury
The shoulder is a shallow ball and socket joint that has the handy ability to move in multiple directions. This allows you to lift humongous weights, throw baseballs and footballs really hard, or throw ... Continue Reading
3 Bottoms Up Kettlebell Exercises to Improve Lifting Technique
Holding a kettlebell bottoms-up is simple, but not easy. Rather than holding a kettlebell with the bell hanging below the hand, flip it upside down so the heavy portion sits above the handle and the horn ... Continue Reading
The Untold History of Women in Strength Sports
Immersed in a cultural moment in which it may seem that strong women are more celebrated than ever, are women in fitness in fact bursting into weight rooms, packing on plates, cranking out sets, feeling ... Continue Reading
What Every Athlete Should Know About CBD (Cannabidiol)
Cannabidiol (CBD), a natural substance derived from cannabis, is legal. As of 2018, it’s no longer on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s prohibited list. A new company creating CBD-infused products seems to ... Continue Reading
The Best Natural Ways to Increase Your Testosterone
There’s actually not much evidence exercise increases testosterone. That may sound like heresy, but of all the topics out there in the world of fitness and supplementation, increasing testosterone may ... Continue Reading
3 Longevity Benefits of a Super Strong Grip
The human hand is almost the perfect gripping machine. With our long opposable thumbs that allows us to grip, its is a throwback to our great ancestors that use to swing from the trees for long periods ... Continue Reading
How Many 800lb Deadlifts Can Larry Wheels Make in a Set?
For practically every athlete on Earth, an 800-pound deadlift would be either out of reach or a lifetime PR, something that would cause them to finish the rep, dust off their hands, recover for a week, and ... Continue Reading
The Untold History of the Barbell
This year, Rogue Fitness announced a $50,000 prize to anyone who could lift more than 501 kilos on an elephant bar, a specially designed barbell capable of handling such heavy weights. Innocuous as this ... Continue Reading