For those of us who are a little, uh, special when it comes to math and bumper plates, Reddit user "suppersam" came to the rescue. As if we needed further proof that the internet solves all our problems, ... Continue Reading
Could Boyanka Kostova Power Snatch Her Way to Olympic Victory?
Could Boyanka Kostova win gold in Rio by power snatching? The answer is probably not (though power snatches were more than enough to earn her a third European Championship). But maybe! At the 2016 ... Continue Reading
Wes Kitts Jerks 500 Pounds. How Many Americans Can Do That?
American weightlifting has another 500 pound jerker, and his name is Wes Kitts. And before you call out the lift on a technicality: Yes, we know it's from the back rack, and yes, it's still ... Continue Reading
Andrei Chemerkin Was Crazy, Stupid Strong
For most of the 1990s, Olympic weightlifting's heaviest weight class was ruled by the Russian giant Andrei Chemerkin. At his competition peak, Chemerkin's 6 foot frame supported nearly 400 pounds of ... Continue Reading
Dmitry Klokov Is the World’s Favorite Weightlifting Ham
Dmitry Klokov is a living weightlifting legend. Between his 2008 Olympic silver medal, world title, and reputation for just being a really nice guy, he's solidified himself as one of the most ... Continue Reading
Three World Records (Unofficially) Broken at Chinese National Championships
With the European Championships and Rio test event, it would have already been a big few weeks for international weightlifting -- but add in Chinese Nationals, and you have an entirely different sort of ... Continue Reading
Olympic Weightlifting Champ Aleksey Torokhtiy Releases Free Online Programming
Go ahead and give this man all the karma, folks. Aleksey Torokhtiy -- Ukrainian national treasure and 2012 Olympic gold medalist in the 105 kg class -- has released 11 weeks of free online training via ... Continue Reading
Olympic Weightlifting Champion Dmitry Berestov Starts Strongman Training
Dmitry Berestov is one of Russia's most celebrated weightlifters of the last few decades, and his 2004 Olympic gold in the uber-competitive 105 kilo weight class is still a memorable performance. (For ... Continue Reading
Olga Zubova Jerks 180 Kilos, Reminds Us All How It’s Done
From the Instagram account of Russian weightlifting coach Vladimir Safonov comes another insane lift from behind the former iron curtain. Still just 22 years old, 75 kilo lifter Olga Zubova is training ... Continue Reading
At 270 Kilos, These Jerks Are the Heaviest Ever Caught on Video
For years, there have been rumors of ungodly big lifts completed in Soviet training halls during the Cold War: Pisarenko's 270 kilo clean & jerk and 280 clean; Yuri Zakharevich's 300 kilo ... Continue Reading
Artist Josh Peters Blows Our Minds with Customized Muscle Romaleos
For nearly 20 years, Josh Peters has pursued dual passions: art and weightlifting. That's led the Hawaii-raised Peters to travel the world and explore numerous outlets in athletics and creativity. Now ... Continue Reading
Abbye “Pudgy” Stockton Is The Reason Why Women Lift Weights
While social media is great for telling us who broke a world record or who failed a snatch and broke their gym's doors, the constant influx of the latest trends can make us forget how we got here in the ... Continue Reading
Didn’t Make It to Regionals? Mid-Week Fitness Motivation for the Rest of Us
Look, most CrossFitters won't make it to Regionals (unless you're from Iceland), most weightlifters won't make it to Nationals, most strongmen and women won't make it to the Arnold (unless you're from ... Continue Reading
Want to Watch a Huge Powerlifter Try Snatching? Chad Wesley Smith Has You Covered
Chad Wesley Smith is a very strong man: American Record Holding powerlifter, professional strongman competitor, founder of Juggernaut Training Systems, and author. Oh, and he deadlifts in boat shoes, so ... Continue Reading
Vasiliy Polovnikov Has a New Exercise for You, But Maybe Start with Less Weight
Vasiliy Polovnikov is training out of the Norwood Training Center near Boston, and he's up to his usual antics: lifting heavy things and making it look easier than it should. Check out this assistance ... Continue Reading
This 200kg Snatch Is Our Favorite Weightlifting Troll Move
This video is more than a few years old, but it's only gotten better with age: A Chinese superheavyweight lifter pumps up the crowd, takes the stage for a snatch attempt, and absolutely sticks the weight ... Continue Reading
IWF Unveils Tbilisi Junior Worlds Logo, Which Is Actually Pretty Cool
The IWF and Georgian Weightlifting Federation have unveiled their new logo for the 2016 Junior World Championships. (Well, technically the Georgian Federation launched it, and the IWF approved it.) We ... Continue Reading
Charis Chan Suspended from Competition by CrossFit Games
While she hasn't been officially sanctioned or suspended by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), on April 1st the CrossFit Games website announced Charis Chan was suspended from CrossFit ... Continue Reading
All The Current Olympic Weightlifting World Records (Infographics)
With the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games coming in the summer of 2021, competitors across every division will be vying for a spot on the podium, a weightlifting world record, or both. As with every Olympic ... Continue Reading
Catalyst Athletics to Close California Gym, Relocate to Oregon
In an announcement on both their website and social media outlets, Catalyst Athletics has announced they'll be closing their Sunnyvale, California gym effective April 30th. PART 1: ... Continue Reading
Ilya Ilyin Does Bodyweight Training, So Should You
Bodyweight exercises are cool, effective, and even fun. And hey, they may even make you stronger. Just ask two-time Olympic weightlifting champion Ilya Ilyin, who's having no problem knocking out some ... Continue Reading
European Weightlifting Championships Start List Features Big, Surprising Names
The 2016 European Weightlifting Championships are right around the corner, with lifting running from April 10th through April 16th in Førde, Norway (though meetings and prep begin April 8th). It's ... Continue Reading
The Full Circle of Strength Sports: An Interview with Jared Enderton
When weightlifters make the transition to CrossFit, do they lose their top-end strength? For Jared Enderton, the answer — at least so far — is no. Enderton has competed in strength sport more times than ... Continue Reading
Is D’Angelo Osorio’s 211kg Clean & Jerk Attempt a Sign of Things to Come?
D'Angelo Osorio has been around American Weightlifting for awhile, having taken up the sport back in 2008. Now, the 105 kilogram lifter (who rose to Internet fame as a 94 kilo junior) has started breaking ... Continue Reading