As much as every young boy playing basketball wants to be Michael Jordan, realistically it's just not going to happen. Some will lose interest, some will move on to play other sports, and some will play as ... Continue Reading
Hardstyle vs Girevoy Sport Kettlebell Swing: Which One Should You Use?
All kettlebell swings are not created equal. Despite what most fitness athletes and gym goers may think, there is more to the kettlebell swing argument than just American vs. Russian swing. A ... Continue Reading
Push Press vs. Power Jerk: Which Barbell Lift Should You Do?
The push press and power jerk are two very common and effective means for moving a load from the shoulders to the overhead position. Weightlifters, functional fitness athletes, and strongman competitors ... Continue Reading
Chin-ups Vs Pull-ups: Why the Difference Is Important
If you asked any elite strength athlete or coach, what their favorite upper body exercises are for strength, power, and size, then there's a good chance the chin-up and pull-up would fall within their ... Continue Reading
Front Squat vs. Zercher Squat: Which Is Best for You?
Squatting is a fundamental movement in many sports. Power, strength, and functional fitness athletes need to also develop diversity in their squatting mechanics to perform better. Two variations of ... Continue Reading
Snatch Extensions Vs Snatch High Pulls
Snatch extensions (sometimes known as snatch pulls) and snatch high pulls are accessory pulling exercises for weightlifters. Both variations, although very similar, have distinct training outcomes and ... Continue Reading
Raw vs Equipped Powerlifting
Let’s get one thing out of the way, right away: This article is not a debate over Raw vs. Equipped powerlifting. We’re not taking sides, and we don’t think one is better than the other. Lift in the nude or ... Continue Reading