It was announced on Thursday, April 30th that the 2020 CrossFit season for age group athletes has come to a close earlier than expected: the "Online Qualifier marks the end of the 2020 season for age group ... Continue Reading
Keith Correa Deadlifts Over Four Times His Bodyweight
Keith Correa bounces back and forth between the -67.5kg and -75kg weight classes and even spent his most recent competition — the World Raw Powerlifting Federation (WRPF) 2019 Apeman Elite Open, where he ... Continue Reading
Mattie Rogers Talks Quarantine, Recovery, And Q&A From Her Ice Bath
Member of Team USA Weightlifting and two-time World Weightlifting Championships silver medalist Mattie Rogers has been posting much more regularly to her YouTube channel since lockdown started, and in her ... Continue Reading
Arnold Sports Festival Announces New Dates for Two 2020 Contests
It’s hard for many people to believe that it’s already been almost two months since the shocking announcement was made by the Arnold Sports Festival that the 2020 Arnold Expo was cancelled and that ... Continue Reading
Kristof De Coninck Deadlifts 18kg Over His Competition Best — Without a Belt
Kristof De Coninck is an accomplished powerlifter from Belgium who competes in deadlift-only events in the -125kg weight class. The 34-year-old made his competitive debut at the Global Powerlifting ... Continue Reading
Check Out Noémie Allabert (-52kg) Squat a 155kg/342lb PR
Noémie Allabert is a powerlifter from France who, like her fellow countrymen, has been putting up extremely heavy lifts recently. Since she entered the competitive powerlifting scene in 2017 at the age of ... Continue Reading
Amanda Lawrence Squats a Gigantic 255kg/562lb
At only 22 years of age, Amanda Lawrence has already ascended to the highest level of competition on the world stage. In 2019 alone while competing in the -84kg weight class, she took gold at the USA ... Continue Reading
Study: Low Vs High Training Frequency for Strength and Mass
In the day and age of more, more, more, frequency is often a training variable that is taken to the extremes, but does it need to be? A better question to answer is, "how much does frequency really ... Continue Reading
Check Out Caroline Suné Deadlift An Epic 185kg/407lb PR
French powerlifters have been consistently pumping out head spinning PRs lately. Recently Yanis Bouchou deadlifted an unofficial junior world record of 332.5kg/733lb and Prescillia ... Continue Reading
Watch Julio Mayora (-73kg) Hit a 165kg/364lb Snatch
Julio Mayora of Venezuela competes in the -73kg weight class and in a recent training session, he got very close to tying China's Shi Zhiyong's world record snatch. The 23-year-old Mayora started his ... Continue Reading
IWF To Move Operations From Hungary To Switzerland
The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) will be relocating their offices from Budapest, Hungary to Lausanne, Switzerland. Editor's note: This article has been amended to clarify that ... Continue Reading
Julius Maddox 800lb Bench Press World Record Attempt Date Announced
If there is any athlete on the planet capable of being the first person to ever bench press 363kg/800lb raw, it is Julius Maddox. World's Ultimate Strongman (WUS) announced on Thursday, April 23rd that ... Continue Reading
CrossFit WOD Named After Canadian Mounty Murdered in Nova Scotia Shooting
Canada has experienced the deadliest mass shooting in the country's history. On Sunday April 19th, 2020, a mass shooting took place in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia where, according ... Continue Reading
Rich Yun Cruises To A New Paused Deadlift Rep PR
Rich Yun, also known as "The Korean Hulk", shared a post on his Instagram page of a video that showed him flying through a paused deadlift set with 265kg/585lb on the bar for six. The 23-year-old Yun ... Continue Reading
Brandon Curry Interview: Mr. Olympia Talks About Family, Business, Moving Forward
At the 2016 Olympia press conference, Brandon Curry was speaking about being happy to be there and there was talk within the bodybuilding fanbase about the possibility of him moving down to the 212 ... Continue Reading
Brian Shaw Hits New Bench Press Rep PR
The 4-time World's Strongest Man (WSM) champion (2011, 2013, 2015, 2016) Brian Shaw is not letting the postponement of the 2020 WSM competition derail his training. He is using the additional time as an ... Continue Reading
Watch Emil Norling Squat a Humongous 661lb
Emil Norling is a 22-year-old powerlifter from Sweden who made his competitive debut in 2016 as a -93kg athlete, claiming bronze with a 647.5kg/1,427lb total. Since then, he has moved up to the -105kg ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Mike Tuchscherer Front Squats 565lb and Sets Two New PRs
The front squat is dynamite for strengthening your core, quads, and upper back, all of which has direct carryover to improving your back squat as well — along with almost every other exercise. This is ... Continue Reading
Hafthor Bjornsson Deadlifts a Colossal 470kg/1,036lb On Twitch
The 2018 World's Strongest Man champion Hafthor Bjornsson is scheduled to attempt a world record 501kg/1,104lb deadlift on Saturday, May 2 in his home gym in Reykjavik, Iceland. In preparation for that ... Continue Reading
Study: Which Rep Range Is Best for Strength and Hypertrophy?
An interesting new study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research has provided some insights into efficiently programming different training volumes and intensities. Titled Effects ... Continue Reading
Zygmunt Smalcerz Is the New Head Coach of Norway Weightlifting
In Olympic Weightlifting news, media outlets in Poland and Norway are reporting that Zygmunt Smalcerz has been hired as the Head Coach of the Norwegian Weightlifting Federation. Smarlcerz, the 1972 Olympic ... Continue Reading
Leading the Way: The Next Wave in Online Functional Fitness?
In 2016, CrossFit Games athlete Marcus Filly sold his CrossFit affiliate and signed a non-compete clause preventing him from opening a gym in the area for at least one year. Filly found himself without ... Continue Reading
USA Weightlifting Partners With Canadian Weightlifting Federation for North American Open Series
USA Weightlifting and Canadian Weightlifting Fédération Haltérophile Canadienne (CWFHC) announced on Friday April 17th that they have established a partnership to hold the North American ... Continue Reading
Watch Heather Connor Deadlift a Massive 358lb Triple
A powerlifter deadlifting three and a half times their bodyweight is by no means an easy task. Many athletes personal bests hover near that with some rare cases of athletes able to pull four times their ... Continue Reading