Glute training is key for increasing posterior chain strength, power, and performance. While many strength, power, and fitness athletes spend most of their weight training performing squats, deadlifts, ... Continue Reading
5 Benefits of Standing Calf Raises
In this article we will discuss the key benefits of the standing calf raise for most strength, power, and fitness athletes. In this previous standing calf raise guide, we offered coaches and athletes calf ... Continue Reading
3 Reasons Why Upright Rows Are Bad
In an earlier article we discussed the upright row and how it can be a favorable training exercise for strength, power, and fitness athletes looking to increase movement specific strength (Olympic ... Continue Reading
Could a Stronger Grip Suggest Higher Cognitive Functioning?
You can tell a lot by an athlete's hand, and no, I'm not referencing palm reading or any other form of visual assessment that make claims based In this article, I'm referencing ... Continue Reading
The Weather and Our Joints: Is There a Connection?
A cold front blew into New York last night and I arose to my knee being stiff. This has become a common phenomenon I've learned to live with post surgery in February 2017. Before surgery, I used to ... Continue Reading
5 Benefits of Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
In this article we will discuss the sumo deadlift high pull, a powerful posterior chain exercise that can increase strength and hypertrophy of the hips, hamstrings and back; and more. Below we will discuss ... Continue Reading
Autoregulation: Can It Be Beneficial for Every Type of Strength Athlete?
It's Monday, work was long and stressful, you barely slept the night before, and you have heavy squat triples. Going into the workout your mind is elsewhere, far from the weights in front of you. You begin ... Continue Reading
4 Benefits of Russian Dips
In an earlier article we discussed the Russian dip and why it can be a valuable asset to gymnastics and competitive fitness athletes looking to build stronger triceps, chest muscles, and develop better ... Continue Reading
4 Benefits of Weighted Pull-Ups
In this article we will discuss the weighted pull-up and the specific benefits that it offers strength, power, and fitness athletes in regards to back development overall performance. In an earlier article ... Continue Reading
4 Benefits of Jumping Pull-Ups
In this article we will discuss the jumping pull-up, a bodyweight exercise we discussed in a previous article that went over everything you needed (and wanted) to learn about the the movement. In the below ... Continue Reading
5 Benefits of Hanging Knee Raises
In this article we will discuss the training benefits of the hanging knee raise, which can be done to increase muscular development of the abdominal muscles, strengthen the core, and help to increase ... Continue Reading
The Top 10 Most Searched Workouts of 2017 (Strength Sports Made It Twice)
There's no doubt that 2017 has been a big year for strength sports. The fitness industry as a whole seems to be at a transitional point where a majority of gym-goers are finally starting to recognize that, ... Continue Reading
4 Benefits of Z Press
In an earlier article we discussed the Z Press and the wide array of benefits that can come from performing such a functional and movement-challenging exercise. In that article, we also went over the ... Continue Reading
5 Benefits of Tuck Jumps
In an earlier article we discussed the tuck jump, a plyometric bodyweight exercise that can be used to increase power output, increase caloric/energy expenditure in circuits, and increase athleticism. In ... Continue Reading
Why Do Some People Orgasm When They Work Out?
We all know that working out does a body good, but for some of us, the pleasurable feeling from working out can reach a whole new level. In a famous 2012 study published in Sexual and Relationship ... Continue Reading
How Often Should You Work Out Your Abs? Plus Tips from Celebrity Personal Trainers
If you got a bunch of aesthetically-focused gym goers in a room and asked them to rank their prized muscle groups, chances are that a six-pack will be fairly high on people’s lists. In pursuit of a ... Continue Reading
Get Into the Halloween Spirit With These 5 Costume Lifting Videos
Halloween is right around the corner, which means two things. One, it's the only time of year you get a pass for dressing up and acting ridiculous. If you do this any other time, then there's a decent ... Continue Reading
Are Pistol Squats Bad for Your Knees?
In general, NO, the pistol squat is not bad for your knees, just like squatting isn't bad for your knees. Rather, a poor pistol squat is bad for your knees… In an earlier article I discussed five ... Continue Reading
The Truth About Rhabdo: You Really Can Exercise Too Much
If there’s such a thing as the boogeyman of the fitness industry, it’s rhabdo. You could even take that statement literally, since many functional fitness gyms (and occasionally the CrossFit Journal) are ... Continue Reading
5 Benefits of Pistol Squats
In this article we will discuss one of the most challenging unilateral leg exercises out there. Regardless of sport or goal, the ability to perform pistol squats with control and integrity can lead to ... Continue Reading
Is Being Strong Low Class?
What does a big, muscular body mean? Show a photo of a broad shouldered powerlifting type to ten people, and you’re likely to get ten different answers. Note that we said “big, muscular body,” which is ... Continue Reading
Can Sex Impact Your Lifting, Sports Performance, and Gains?
"Women weaken legs." — Micky, from the original Rocky movie The above quote comes from the original Rocky movie. I was watching it last night, and it got me thinking: Is Micky right? Could sex ... Continue Reading
Improved Posture for Bigger Lifts and Better Exercise
Many people — athletes or not — spend much of their days sitting at a desk, hunched over a computer for their jobs. Sitting all day like this might pay the bills, but it often comes at an additional cost: ... Continue Reading
Kinesiology Taping the Rotator Cuff
Kinesiology tape is used by many athletes to provide themselves with the perception of extra support and to assist with acute pain in various areas on the body. Tape's main purpose is to provide the body ... Continue Reading