Another day, another PR closer to this year's USA Powerlifting Raw Nationals. We're about about a month and half out from the kickoff of Nationals that are taking place in Spokane, Washington on October ... Continue Reading
Reebok and CrossFit, Inc. Come to Agreement Over Licensing Dispute
Earlier today, it was announced that Reebok International Ltd. and CrossFit, Inc. have reached an agreement over a licensing dispute that was publicized in mid-June 2018. In the press release published by ... Continue Reading
Watch Sly Stallone Flip a 250lb Tire Training for Rambo 5
Real talk: who wouldn’t want to be as strong as Sylvester Stallone at 72 years old? The veteran awesome person has a pretty active Instagram account where he shares a lot of interesting glimpses into his ... Continue Reading
Iranian Weightlifter Behdad Salimi Announces Retirement After 2018 Asian Games
At the age of 28, Iranian +105kg weightlifter Behdad Salimi announced his retirement after winning gold at the 2018 Asian Games. Salimi's latest gold — which comes as his third at the Asian Games — could ... Continue Reading
Watch Powerlifter Thomas Davis Bench a 288kg Double, 6.5kg Over the IPF World Record
Thomas Davis, superheavyweight bench presser extraordinaire, has exceed the bench press world record in training. For a double. The bench behemoth posted this short clip of a recent training session ... Continue Reading
Kirill Sarychev Bench Presses 240kg For an Easy 6 Reps
Meanwhile in Mountain View, California, some of the strongest powerlifters in the world are competing at the WRPF Boss of Bosses V powerlifting meet taking place at Dan Green's Boss Barbell Club. Day one ... Continue Reading
Study: How Long Should Weightlifters Rest Between Sets?
There are a lot of controversial areas of fitness. We’re not just talking about the big, easy-to-bust myths like deep squats are bad for the knees or lifting will make women bulky (no and no) but even ... Continue Reading
From 0 to 1,000 Fans, How to Build a Successful Strength Competition
Over the weekend up in the quiet city of Aberdeen, South Dakota, the Massenomics team were making noise hosting their third annual Massenomics Strongman Showdown. At the 2018 Arnold Classic, I had the ... Continue Reading
Watch Martins Licis’ Jawdropping 900-Pound Deadlift Triple
Often called the “dark horse” of the World’s Strongest Man events, Latvian strongman Martins Licis doesn’t have quite as much name recognition as Thor Bjornsson or Eddie Hall but the plucky 27-year-old has ... Continue Reading
What Is An EMOM Workout? And Why Is It Effective?
EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) workout programs are effective, time-efficient, and can be scaled to meet the needs of every level of lifter/athlete depending on their training goals and abilities. Most ... Continue Reading
Brian Shaw Belt Squat Rack Pulls 1,365 Pounds for a Triple
A four-time World's Strongest Man is going to train pretty differently to your average four-workouts-a-week gymgoer, but this is some next level stuff. Brian Shaw has one of the most entertaining and ... Continue Reading
Could Your Memories From PE Class Impact Exercise Habits?
Believe it or not, your daily exercise habits are influenced by a lot more than what we tend to believe. For example, every day our exercise habits can be related to our current physical, mental, and ... Continue Reading
Weightlifter Quiana Welch Hits a 110kg Snatch PR
Meanwhile in California, Juggernaut Training Systems athlete Quiana "Chuckie" Welch has been making waves with her latest training videos. A few days ago, Welch smoked a new snatch PR, which has gotten her ... Continue Reading
Check Out Mark Bell’s Progress to the Bodybuilding Stage
If you're invested in the strength sports community on social media, then I'd bet there's a good chance you've seen at least some of Mark Bell's progress towards the bodybuilding stage over the last few ... Continue Reading
Morgan McCollough Hits 170kg Clean & Jerk PR At 15 Years Old
Consider the bar raised, literally and figuratively. Mash Mafia athlete Morgan McCullough, aka self-proclaimed mini Freedom Fridge (per his Instagram page), has been perusing through big lifts over the ... Continue Reading
Weightlifter Kianoush Rostami Announces Move to 96kg Weight Class
Iranian weightlifter Kianoush Rostami recently made an Instagram post that disclosed which weight class he'll be making the move to for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics qualification. Before the new weight class ... Continue Reading
Watch Khan Porter’s Ski Erg Marathon Go Belly Up
Four-time Reebok CrossFit Games athlete Khan Porter has completed over 34 kilometers on a ski-erg to raise money for charity. Porter, who came third in the Pacific Regional this year (and first in ... Continue Reading
Dennis Cornelius Breezes Through a 360kg Triple In Prep for USAPL Raw Nationals
It wasn't too long ago that 120kg powerlifter Dennis Cornelius announced that he's beginning prep for 2018 USA Powerlifting Raw Nationals. In fact, Cornelius posted the Raw National announcement on July ... Continue Reading
Lindy Barber Officially Parts Ways With Rich Froning’s CrossFit Mayhem Team
Yesterday, Reebok CrossFit Games veteran Lindy Barber announced that she'd be leaving Cookeville, Tennessee and parting ways with Rich Froning's CrossFit Mayhem. Barber is a 5-time CrossFit Games athlete, ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Jessica Buettner Deadlifts a Fast 212.5kg Double
Midnight workouts. Are they the key to more strength gains? Most would probably argue that lifting that late would be extremely tough, but powerlifter Jessica Buettner continues to prove that she makes it ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Gabriel Torrence Reminds Us to Never Give Up
When it comes to iconic powerlifting duos, who comes to mind? For us, one of our favorite training duos to watch and follow are powerlifting coach Bruce Orlando Leaupepe and his athlete Gabriel Torrence. ... Continue Reading
This Study Tried to See If CrossFit Endurance Stacks Up to Traditional Training
A new study published in the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance has pit a form of CrossFit® training against a beloved running protocol to see which is best at improving ... Continue Reading
Weightlifter Vasily Polovnikov’s 152kg Muscle Snatch May Be the Heaviest Ever
Russian weightlifting champion Vasily Polovnikov is currently based in New York City and has been spending the summer making some seriously impressive muscle snatches. The -94kg athlete (who appears to ... Continue Reading
Shi Zhiyong (69kg) Snatches An Insane 170kg, 4kg Over World Record
Before scrolling onto the video below, I want to share a bit of advice. When you watch the clip, don't blink, if you do you're going to miss the lift because that's how fast it happens. Over the last two ... Continue Reading