When you see athletes like Eddie Hall moving monumental amounts of weight, it can be very easy to forget just how long it took them to get there. For example, we frequently see strength athletes at the top ... Continue Reading
Roman Khrennikov Forced to Withdraw from 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games
This week has been absolutely huge with news impacting the 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games, and we'll catch you up to speed on everything below. The latest news comes from European Regionals first place ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Yury Belkin Is Back, Deadlifts 380kg for Reps
It's been a while (pretty much a year) since we've seen any training videos surface from Russian all-time deadlift world record holder Yury Belkin. In terms of posting lifting videos online, he's been on a ... Continue Reading
Calf Raises: Are They Worth It?
The calf raise is an exercise that can be done primarily in two distinct ways. The first targets the soleus and is done with the knee flexed/bent. The other targets the gastrocnemius and is done with an ... Continue Reading
The IWF, USAW, and USADA Collaborate to Improve Anti-Doping Education
Announced in a recent news release from USA Weightlifting, there will be an enhanced push from major weightlifting federations and anti-doping agencies to improve anti-doping education. The IWF, USAW, and ... Continue Reading
Weightlifter Nathan Damron Hits a Monstrous 320kg Squat PR
It hasn't been incredibly long since the last time we covered one of Mash Elite Performance athlete Nathan Damron's monstrous lifts. Damron, aka #freedomfridge as per Instagram, recently hit a squat PR ... Continue Reading
Emily Abbott Responds to 4-Year Ban for Breach of CrossFit Games Drug Policy
Yesterday, CrossFit HQ released a list of athletes who were in breach of their drug policy following the 2018 CrossFit Regionals competition. This list originally included 13 names (but has increased to 14 ... Continue Reading
Julius Maddox Hits a 585 lb Bench Press for Two Sets of Seven
When it comes to Julius Maddox and his bench press, where do we start? Maddox is arguably one of the world's strongest raw bench press athletes and consistently hits feats that not only show off his power, ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Jezza Uepa Moves the Earth With This 450kg Squat Double
Instagram posts from Nauru's strongest powerlifter Jezza Uepa come far and in-between on his social media page, yet when he does post, it's often a lift that stops everyone in their tracks. If you felt the ... Continue Reading
USA Weightlifting’s Women’s Team Take Gold At Junior Worlds, Men Take Fourth
Over the weekend, Team USA concluded their strong performance at the 2018 IWF Junior World Championships, which took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan from July 6th to the 14th. The world's best junior ... Continue Reading
Professional Strongman Iron Biby Presses 190kg for Five Reps
For many strength athletes, squatting and deadlifting 190kg for reps is an impressive feat, but what about pressing this weight? For 26 year old professional strongman Cheick “Iron Biby” Sanou this weight ... Continue Reading
20 Year Old Meso Hassona Snatches 170kg, Clean & Jerks 215kg At Junior Worlds
Only two days remain at the 2018 IWF Junior World Championships taking place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. We've seen our fair share of big lifts thus far at the World Championships, but we have a good ... Continue Reading
Did Jujimufu Just Win YouTube With This Fitness Parody?
If you're well-versed in the fitness industry (YouTube more specifically), then a lot of the parodies below won't need much explaining, but if you're not, I'll do my best to give you the quick rundown. ... Continue Reading
How Much Money Is On the Line At the 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games?
We're about three weeks out from the start of the 2018 Reebok CrossFit games, and the hype behind top athletes continues. Roughly a week ago, we wrote an article covering the decision to continue keeping ... Continue Reading
Learn What Drives CrossFit Games Champion Tia Toomey in this Short New Documentary
"I wanna get fit to be a better version of myself. And if i can be a better version of myself, I feel unstoppable and feel like I can go out and achieve whatever I want to achieve." With the 2018 Reebok ... Continue Reading
Dan Green Deadlifts 325kg for 8-Reps, 4-Months Following Bicep Tendon Rupture
In strength sports, few things build mental and physical fortitude like working through and past serious injuries. Major injuries in one's career can sometimes to unavoidable and inevitable at that, so ... Continue Reading
More Medals for Team USA: Meredith Alwine Sweeps Silver At Junior Worlds
Another day, another round of medals for Team USA. This year, Team USA has been doing a stellar job at bringing home hardware at the 2018 IWF Junior World Championships and are in contention for team ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Barbara Lee Deadlifts 184kg (405 lbs) for 10 Reps
Will a time ever come when a high-rep deadlift set doesn't not only exhaust the athlete lifting the weight, but the surrounding casual bystanders watching? Honestly, probably not. I don't even think ... Continue Reading
Woman Credits CrossFit for 2-Hour Long Endurance Fishing Bout With Shark
By now, chances are you may have seen the story of Texas native Lauren Biggers reeling in a 7-foot long Blacktip Shark off the coast of Surfide Beach, Texas. Not only was this a huge shark to catch off a ... Continue Reading
Jordan Delacruz and Kate Vibert Sweep Silver At 2018 IWF Junior World Championships
We're five days into the 2018 IWF Junior World Championships, which are taking place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan from July 6th - 14th. The best junior weightlifters across the world have gathered to go ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Aysha Haley Moves Big Weight, Deadlifts 195kg for Four Reps
California based 67kg powerlifter Aysha Elayan (Haley as per her Instagram) has made her way into another article with a monstrous deadlift set rep PR. In late May, we wrote about one of Haley's big ... Continue Reading
The Powerlifting Results From This Year’s Special Olympics USA Games
Many may have not realized it, but the Special Olympics USA Games recently concluded in Seattle, Washington. Every four years the Games take place, and this year's iteration kicked off on Monday, July 2nd ... Continue Reading
Study: Breakdown of USA Powerlifting Federation Data From 2012 to 2016
There's no denying that strength sports are growing in popularity, and in my opinion, powerlifting is probably the most widely practiced strength sport today. And while there are no definitive numbers out ... Continue Reading
Weightlifter (-85kg) Toshiki Yamamoto Continues Leg Week With 4 X 290kg Squats
We’ll be honest, we’re having trouble coming to terms with Toshiki Yamamoto’s week. The Japanese athlete does hold all of his country’s Olympic weightlifting records in the -85kg weight class, but still, ... Continue Reading