Nick Urankar and Rx Smart Gear are teaming up to put a fitness epidemic to bed. Or rather, they're fighting to bring awareness to one that's already in bed...or something. Just watch the video below to see ... Continue Reading
This Australian Rugby Player Is Giving Us Hamstring Envy
Rugby players don't always get a lot of credit in the United States for their athletic feats off the field. But with the 2016 Olympics fast approaching and Rugby Sevens on the roster as a new sport for the ... Continue Reading
Caine Wilkes Is the Best Troll in American Weightlifting
Caine Wilkes may be America's best weightlifting troll, and we mean that in the best possible way. The reigning 105+ National Champion and World Team Member moves more weight than any other American ... Continue Reading
At 475 lbs, This Is the Biggest Football Power Clean We’ve Ever Seen
Football weight room power cleans could be a sport in their own right: Straps on, lift out of the rack, get some good pre-oscillation going in that bar, toss up, starfish legs, and rest the bar on your ... Continue Reading
Here Are All Sam Brigg’s World Record Open Performances
Sam Briggs is historically fit, that much is without question. But the 2013 World's Fittest Woman is especially well known for her engine and aptitude at high-rep, conditioning-heavy workouts, fame that's ... Continue Reading
You Can’t Understand Brian Shaw’s Size Until He Drops Ed Coan
Brian Shaw is one of the world's premiere strongmen; that much is certain. The Colorado native and three-time World's Strongest Man excels in a sport where a combination of size, explosiveness, and limit ... Continue Reading
Has the CrossFit Open Become a Spectator Sport?
The CrossFit Open is now in its sixth year, and while the movements, announcements, and length have changed - remember the six-week slog of 2011? - the epicenters of activity have not. Boxes big and small ... Continue Reading
Powerlifting After 40: American Record Holder Joanna Welsh
I sat down with Joanna Welsh, a masters powerlifter and multi-time American record holder, to chat about taking up a new sport at 39 and what’s next for her. In the four years since Welsh started competed ... Continue Reading
Blaine Sumner Is a Powerlifting Great, Deserves Your Instagram Follow
With the 2016 Olympics on the horizon, powerlifting is about to take a backseat in the public consciousness to its faster, snappier cousin. But that doesn't mean 2016 won't give us reason to celebrate the ... Continue Reading
In Case You Forgot, Artem Okulov Is Blisteringly Fast
Reigning weightlifting World Champion Artem Okulov is having a good year. After third place finishes in 2013 (Wroclaw) and 2014 (Almaty), the 85 kilo Russian came through big in Houston and took home the ... Continue Reading