The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) Executive Board held a vote in an emergency virtual meeting called by Nicu Vlad of Romania where they decided to remove Ursula Papandrea of the United ... Continue Reading
Weightlifting Coach Jim Rutter On New Book, “The Sport Is Steroids”
In September 2020, weightlifting coach, journalist, and author Jim Rutter self-published a book he hoped would ignite conversation in the lifting community both in the United States and abroad. Titled The ... Continue Reading
6 Russian Athletes Found in Violation of IWF’s Anti-Doping Policy
On Oct. 8, 2020, the International Weightlifting Federation announced they were imposing sanctions on six Russian athletes who have been found guilty of anti-doping violations between the years 2011 and ... Continue Reading
CJ Cummings Hits Massive 195-Kilogram/429-Pound Clean & Jerk Personal Record
Olympic weightlifter CJ Cummings is closing in on the clean & jerk world record. The 20-year-old, who competes in the -73 kilogram weight class, is a four-time Junior World Weightlifting ... Continue Reading
IWF and World Para Powerlifting Sign “Strengthening the World” Agreement
The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) and World Para Powerlifting Organization (WPPO) announced on Oct. 1, 2020, that the two groups signed a Memorandum of Understanding (or MoU). By doing ... Continue Reading
Harrison Maurus on Olympic Postponement and Weightlifting Goals
Harrison Maurus may be young, but he's a veteran on the international weightlifting stage. He won bronze in the clean & jerk at the 2017 World Weightlifting Championships at just 17 years old, which ... Continue Reading
How To Watch USA Weightlifting 2020 American Open Series 3
The Nike American Open Series 3 powered by Rogue Fitness will be held from September 17-20, 2020 as a live, completely remote event. The announcement of this transition came in late July and followed the ... Continue Reading
Tara Nott-Cunningham: Sydney Olympics and Historic Weightlifting Gold
Tara Nott-Cunningham (born Tara Nott) is one of America's most decorated Olympic weightlifters, having competed in both the 2000 Sydney and 2004 Athens Olympic Games. In 2000 — the first year women's ... Continue Reading
Sarah Davies, Lu Xiaojun Named to IWF Athletes Commission
Earlier this week, insidethegames reported that the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) created an Athletes Commission that would be made up of male and female athletes from all five ... Continue Reading
Cheryl Haworth: Breaking Barriers and Olympic Bronze at 17 Years Old!
Cheryl Haworth represented USA Weightlifting at the 2000 Sydney Olympics — and won a bronze medal! — at just 17 years old. Cheryl talks about the friendships forged through Olympic ... Continue Reading
How Barbell Magnate Bob Hoffman Transformed American Fitness
It’s a life worthy of a movie. A former World War I veteran returns to the United States, discovers weightlifting, and, in time, dedicates himself to it. Not content with competing, the man built his own ... Continue Reading
Weightlifter Mary Theisen-Lappen Hits Unbelievable 182kg/400lb Block Jerk
If you have never heard of Mary Theisen-Lappen, then prepare to be introduced to a major potential player in the women's 87+kg weight class in the near future. Yesterday, the former track and field athlete ... Continue Reading
Check Out Mattie Rogers Hit a Huge 110kg/242.5lb Snatch
Over the weekend, Team USA member Mattie Rogers competed at Camargo Oly Concepts' The Praelium — a local meet in Altamonte Springs, Florida. At the event, she went 5 for 6 including a successful ... Continue Reading
IWF To Re-Establish Anti-Doping Commission
The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) is re-establishing the Anti-Doping Commission (ADC). As first covered by insidethegames, the move comes following the revelations of corruption ... Continue Reading
USA Weightlifting American Open Series 3 To Move Online
On July 24th, USA Weightlifting (USAW) announced that the Nike American Open Series 3 (AO Series 3) event initially scheduled to take place in Las Vegas, Nevada from September 17th-20th would ... Continue Reading
Weightlifter Rebeka Koha of Latvia Retires at Age 22
Rebeka Koha of Latvia has decided to retire from the sport of weightlifting at the age of 22. Koha competed in the -53kg, -58kg, and -59kg weight classes during her career, as well as one appearance at ... Continue Reading
Watch Katherine Nye Judge “Today Show” Hosts on Their Weightlifting
Team USA weightlifter Katherine Nye is easily one of the most prominent weightlifters in the country and in the world, given she won the title of the International Weightlifting Federation’s 2019 Lifter of ... Continue Reading
19 Year Old Keydomar Vallenilla Front Squats 280kg
You may not yet know much about Keydomar Vallenilla, but you probably should. The 19-year-old weightlifter from Venezuela, who competes in the -89kg weight class, holds the Junior clean & jerk ... Continue Reading
Petr Asayonok Snatches 7kg Over World Record
Petr Asayonok of Belarus began his professional weightlifting career in 2010 at the age of of 17 in the -69kg class when he placed second at a Youth Olympic Qualifying Event. He has since competed in the ... Continue Reading
International Weightlifting Returns with 2020 Online Pan Am Cup
Over this past weekend history was made, as the 2020 Pan American Cup became the first-ever International level Weightlifting Competition held exclusively via the internet. Athletes had cameras setup in ... Continue Reading
2022 Dakar Youth Olympic Games Postponed Until 2026
Earlier today, the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) shared the decision, mutually made by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Senegal, to postpone the 2022 Dakar Youth Olympic Games ... Continue Reading
Weightlifter Antonio Krastev Passes Away In Car Crash
Antonio Krastev of Bulgaria was a weightlifter who competed in the super heavyweight class (110+kg). He had was a 5-time medalist at the World Weightlifting Championships, including golds in 1985 ... Continue Reading
Weightlifter Jessica Lucero Announces Her Retirement
Jessica Lucero began her weightlifting career at the age of 14. She was a member of Team USA and competed in the -58kg (sometimes -59kg) weight class. Her accolades include three America records, a bronze ... Continue Reading
IOC Says More Corruption Could Mean Weightlifting Removed from Olympic Games
According to Reuters, the President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Thomas Bach said in a virtual new conference on Wednesday that weightlifting could potentially lose its spot at future ... Continue Reading