Understanding the relationship between a lifter’s clean and how it correlates to their best front squat can help coaches and athletes better determine whether athletes have limitation in strength or more ... Continue Reading
Can I Stay Competitive As a Parent?
Editor's Note: As a soon-to-be father, athlete Ken Battiston reflects — and looks ahead — on advice he's received from others in his shoes. Does your athletic career come to a halt once kids ... Continue Reading
How Olympic Weightlifting Announcer Richard Mason Got the Best Seat in the House
“Loaders, more weight please!” If you have ever heard this phrase, then most likely you have been in the presence of weightlifting greatness. No, not an athlete the caliber of Pyrros Dimas. Or even a ... Continue Reading
Should Weightlifters Do Static Stretching?
Sit and hold stretching is often overlooked in today's training environments. The rise of myofascial release (MR) using foam rollers and proprioceptive neuromuscular release (PNF) stretching have ... Continue Reading
Stop Ignoring Accessory Work
I recently heard Louie Simmons on the Barbell Life Podcast say that his lifters do 80% accessory work! That means for some of the strongest guys in the world, they spend roughly 20% of their training day ... Continue Reading
End of an Era: Looking Back on the OTC’s Resident Weightlifting Program
Editor's Note: this week marks the end of the U.S. Olympic Training Center's resident program for weightlifting. In this opinion piece from former OTC resident Kyle Ernst, the author discusses what the ... Continue Reading
How Weightlifters Can Benefit From Squat Walkouts
There are few things worse than hitting some heavy back or front squats, only to unrack the bar and feel overwhelmingly depleted even before you begin your descent. I know because I have been there, plenty ... Continue Reading
Rotate 1 Minute a Day for a Healthier Spine and Improved Performance
Disclaimer from the author: If you are experiencing even slight discomfort, I highly recommend consulting with a practitioner well versed in helping prevent or heal orthopedic injuries. Even if you have no ... Continue Reading
Should You Switch from Weightlifting to Powerlifting?
I’m a mystery to many people, especially in terms of my lifting. What do I do, if I even train at all? The short answer: My initial focus and true love is weightlifting. The slightly longer answer: ... Continue Reading
Digging Deep: What It Means to Endure Pain in Strongman and Other Strength Sports
It is one thing to study war And another to live the warrior’s life -Telamon of Arcadia, 5th century B.C. Mercenary Chose an individual sport; any one of them: Triathlon? Singles ... Continue Reading
Should Weightlifters Do Behind The Neck Jerks?
The behind the neck jerk is a viable training option for both beginner and advanced weightlifters. This jerk variation improves works to improve: Leg drive in the jerk Overhead confidence and ... Continue Reading
Shahin Nasirinia: The Best Weightlifting Coach in America You’ve Never Heard Of (Until Now)
On the first night of the 2016 Olympic Games, Morghan King had the competition of her life. Successfully snatching an American Record 83KG (183lb) in the 48KG (106lb) weight class, she also lifted ... Continue Reading
3 Assistance Exercises To Improve Your Low Bar Squat
Most of us have embarked upon the squatting journey in one way or another, either through the competitive nature of powerlifting, athletics, or general fitness. Have you ever wondered what it must feel ... Continue Reading
5 Big Predictions for the 2017 Strongman Season
The sport of Strongman is growing exponentially worldwide. With new talent joining the sport every week, weights that seemed the pro standard a few years ago are now training poundages in most gyms. ... Continue Reading
“Bulking Dangerously”: The Emotional Complexity of Eating & Gaining in Strength Sports
I am bulking and it feels dangerous. This is my second Strongman (NAS) Nationals prep, but this time I feel like a competitor. I have 11 competitions behind me and 2016 Nationals will be my 7th ... Continue Reading
Why Cossack Squats Are Great For Weightlifters and Other Strength Athletes
While many lifters today squat, front squat, lunge, and deadlift, we often find our training plans focusing on one singular plane of movement, often neglecting the other Cardinal planes and join ... Continue Reading
Athletes! Take 4 Minutes Every Day to Build Lifetime Back Health
Disclaimer from the author: If you are experiencing even slight discomfort in your back, I highly recommend consulting with a practitioner well versed in helping prevent or heal back injuries. Even if ... Continue Reading
4 Things Weightlifters Can (and Should) Learn From Powerlifters
As a weightlifter with some powerlifting under my belt, I find it intriguing how sometimes divided the two sports can be. Talk with many avid weightlifters, and they will argue the power and technique ... Continue Reading
Why You Should Avoid the “Lifter’s Grind” in Training
Sorry for the bad poem, but I’ve heard it helps to use humor to defuse a sensitive subject: Ode to the Grind The deadlifter stood tall and readied themselves for the fight. The challenge a new one; ... Continue Reading
I’m a Weightlifter: Here’s What I’ve Learned From CrossFit Athletes
Over the past 10 years, I have found myself in between various training mentalities. In high school, it was to look better, and get “bigger, faster, stronger” for football, baseball, and track. When my ... Continue Reading
How Three Broadway Actors Found Community Through CrossFit
On the surface, CrossFit looks like one of the biggest meathead sports around: At competitions, spectators watch ripped athletes toss heavy weight, roar and grunt to the sound of techno or heavy ... Continue Reading
How to Avoid the False Visualization Trap in Strength Sports
Visualization is an extremely important tool athletes can use in the development of the mindset necessary to achieve long and short term goals. The process involves remembering or imagining yourself ... Continue Reading
I’m a Deaf CrossFit Athlete. Here’s How I Navigate Fitness and Classes to Reach My Goals
Editor's Note: Robert is a Deaf CrossFitter who lives and works out in New York City. We asked him to tell us his story and share some of fitness experiences with us. Below is the letter and photos we ... Continue Reading
Brooklyn Barbell Is Teaching Life Lessons Through Olympic Weightlifting
Winning and losing is how athletes are typically evaluated. In strength sports, such as Olympic weightlifting, there is perhaps more subjectivity in regards to what success can mean. An athlete who ... Continue Reading