You can always rely on drunk men to come up with new ways to test their fitness. “It was an idea that was started fifty-four years ago in a pub with a bit of banter between two men in the village who ... Continue Reading
Maximize Your Split Jerk With These 4 Jerk Variations
The split jerk can be a challenging component of the clean & jerk, one that often separates the best of lifters. When training the jerk, there are numerous variations and assistance exercises ... Continue Reading
6 Useful Things Powerlifters Can Do Between Sets (That Aren’t Looking at Your Phone)
Powerlifters aren’t known for their incredible endurance. That’s not an insult! After all, a few well-regarded studies have shown that the greatest strength gains come from resting a good three to five ... Continue Reading
Cailer Woolam on How He Deadlifts 900 Pounds at 206lbs Bodyweight
In case you missed it, we recently wrote a piece on Cailer Woolam and his impressive 900 lb deadlift. This new max gained a lot of attention because Woolam performed it at 206 lbs and used a hook ... Continue Reading
How To Decide If A Degree In Exercise Science Is Right For You
My December was filled with goodbyes and big hugs as my schooling career came to a close. I was finally saying my farewells to the professors and academic program that helped shape my career into what ... Continue Reading
7 Strongman Lifts for Beginners (and Nearly Every Athlete)
Strongman training is not for the faint of heart. Often, strongmen (and strongwomen) need to showcase unparalleled strength, muscular endurance, and anaerobic capacities while pushing, pulling, dragging, ... Continue Reading
Watch “Stoneland,” Rogue’s New Movie About Competitive Stone Lifting
When we brought you the news of Stoneland earlier this month, Rogue Fitness's second feature documentary about strength sports, it had no release date. So we were surprised and delighted when it was ... Continue Reading
11 Undeniable Benefits of The Bench Press
In the past we've written about the undeniable benefits of squats and deadlifts, but I'm here with a pressing new issue. I'm putting it all on the bench and making a case for the king of the upper body ... Continue Reading
Catching Up With 23 Year Old Australian Powerlifting Phenom Cameron McKenzie
Cameron John McKenzie isn't your typical 23 year old. On the normal day he's a full time personal trainer who studied exercise science. What makes McKenzie anything from typical is his strength and ... Continue Reading
Working Around Injuries: How to Stay Sane and Avoid a Training Derailment
If you compete long enough, some type of injury is almost inevitable at some point in your career. Especially in a sport like weightlifting where we are always pushing the boundaries of the human body, ... Continue Reading
The 12 Best Strength Sports Movies, Ranked
Wondering why you don’t see more strength sports in Hollywood movies? We’ve scoured the web and spent many, many hours watching barbells clang and strongmen scream so you can know exactly what you want for ... Continue Reading
4 Exercises to Strengthen Your Lower Back
When we first hear people discuss their lower backs we often think of the word “pain”, rather than “astounding strength” or “superb development”. The notion of training the lower back to elicit specific ... Continue Reading
New 2017 Weightlifting Rules Taking Effect January 1st (Will They Impact You?)
Note: The following rules changes come from the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) and will affect all participating countries. USA Weightlifting (USAW) has announced four new IWF rules that ... Continue Reading
Fitter Than Ever: CrossFit Games Masters Champion Ron Mathews
Ron Mathews has done a bit of it all over the course of his length fitness career. He's a celebrity trainer, author, fitness model, and competitive fitness athlete, most recently taking home 1st place in ... Continue Reading
Earth Fed Muscle Primitive Protein Review
Whey protein powder companies are a dime a dozen, but few deliberately target strength athletes. That's where Earth Fed Muscle comes in, a new supplement company from the brains behind Garage Strength, a ... Continue Reading
5 Exercises for Gloriously Strong Glutes
Whether you’re a powerlifter, weightlifter, or functional fitness athlete, your butt is your engine. Practically every key athletic movement, from the deadlift to the snatch to the kettlebell swing to a ... Continue Reading
6 Fitness Resolutions You Forgot to Make
To set out to achieve any goal, they need to be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. It’s not enough to say you want to do something. How will you get there? What benchmarks, ... Continue Reading
The Kettlebell Armor Complex: How, When, and Why It Should Be In Your Training
The kettlebell is a relative of the barbell, one that was used hundreds of years ago to showcase strength and physical prowess. Today, kettlebells are common among fitness athletes, strength and ... Continue Reading
22 Year Old Cailer Woolam Deadlifts 900 Pounds at 206 lbs Bodyweight (Hookgrip, RAW!)
We didn't want to finish off 2016 without one more incredible deadlift video, and thanks to Cailer Woolam, we aren't disappointed. The 22 year old Woolam — who we've seen compete around 220lbs before — ... Continue Reading
2 No Equipment Workouts To Do While Traveling This Holiday Season
The holiday season can be a pitfall in one's attempts to maintain their current fitness levels. Things like mom's cooking, family meals, and delicious morsels offered around every ... Continue Reading
Rogue Ohio Leather Lifting Belt Review
Rogue Fitness was founded in 2006 and has grown a substantial amount since their first production of lifting equipment. They're based in Ohio and have over 500 employees. In 2016, USA Weightlifting ... Continue Reading
Arnold Schwarzenegger Opens Up About His Self Esteem
Far too often lifters and strength athletes get referenced as "narcissistic," "self-absorbed," and even "selfish." They're seen as constantly working on themselves and putting so much effort into what most ... Continue Reading
Atlas Stones Versus Stone of Steel: Why the Difference Matters for Strongman Athletes
The Atlas Stone is perhaps one of the most iconic implements in Strongman. The giant spherical concrete stones speak to Strongman’s heritage as a sport that demonstrates power and domination over all ... Continue Reading
The No Feet Snatch/Clean: Why, When, and How to Do Them?
When determining if particular snatch/clean & jerk variation is a viable training exercise for you and/or your athletes, you need to make sure you understand the specific purpose before applying ... Continue Reading