The 2018 USAPL Raw National Championships have quickly come and gone. Over the span of the championships, there were a ton of epic performances and one in particular that stood out to us from the ... Continue Reading
Larry Wheels Deadlifts an Insane 855 lb Triple
It might be safe to say that Larry Wheels and his lifting don't really apply to traditional thoughts on training. Wheels is linearly progressing, but at a rate that continues to leave many fans and ... Continue Reading
Should You Squat or Deadlift First?
Squats and deadlifts are two strength lifts that are at the base of nearly every strength and power sport. Both lifts require high amounts of force production, movement skill, and neural output at ... Continue Reading
Four Qualifiers and Seeding Information Announced for 2019 CrossFit Games
Earlier today, CrossFit, Inc. announced four more qualifiers for the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games in a press release, which now brings the total number of events that have been released to 10 (for the 2019 ... Continue Reading
Julius Maddox Bench Presses 620 lbs for 5 Paused Reps
Another day passes, and another huge bench press video is shared from Jailhouse Strong powerlifter Julius Maddox. Yesterday, Maddox shared a bench press video that has left us, his fans, and others in the ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Allison Hind Smokes a 340 lb Raw Bench Press at ~150lb
If you're in need of some bench press motivation for the day (because it's Monday), then look no further than Allison Hind's last monstrous set. On Sunday, Hind shared her final heavy single bench press in ... Continue Reading
Check Out Andrey Malanichev’s Ridiculously Fast 480kg Squat
In case you needed a reminder, Russian powerlifter Andrey Malanichev's strength is still off the charts. As we speak, the annual World Raw Powerlifting Federation's World Championships are taking place in ... Continue Reading
Best Weightlifting Shoes for Wide Feet
Let's call it what it is, but weightlifting shoes are an investment. They're a pair of shoes that come with a very specific purpose, so they're only going to be wear the on limited occasions. Factor in ... Continue Reading
Jezza Uepa Makes a 370kg Front Squat Double Look Like a Warm-Up
In case you were wondering, powerlifter Jezza Uepa still appears to be one of the kings for the heaviest front squats of all time. Front squats are interesting, they're an incredibly demanding lift, but ... Continue Reading
Reebok Launches New Power Lite Mid Deadlift Shoes
On October 1st, Reebok announced the release of their new Reebok Power Lite Mid training shoe. In their press release announcing the shoe, Reebok writes that their inspiration comes from powerlifting's ... Continue Reading
Martins Licis Wins Arnold Classic Europe (Watch His Epic Deadlift Set)
Over the weekend, the Arnold Classic Europe took place in Barcelona, Spain. The sports filled weekend ran from September 28th and through to the 30th and hosted a ton of world-renowned strength athletes, ... Continue Reading
Movie Trailer “Bigger” Shines Light On the Monumental 1970 Mr. Olympia
A couple weeks ago, the official trailer for the new movie "Bigger" was released, and boy does it look awesome. To many unknowing fans, this trailer looks like a movie about a young Arnold Schwarzenegger ... Continue Reading
Chris Duffin Is Deadlifting 880 lbs Every Day for a Month for Cancer Research
Earlier today, we opened an email from Chris Duffin and Kabuki Strength informing us of the new mission they're talking on over the next month. At first we thought we had misread it: it said that Duffin ... Continue Reading
Do Knee Sleeves Increase the Weight In Squats?
In powerlifting, weightlifting, and recreational lifting, knee sleeves can be a great supportive training tool for those who want additional protection around their knees. Sleeves come in multiple shapes ... Continue Reading
Larry Wheels Bench Presses 225 lbs for 70 Reps
For a lot of strength athletes an unloaded, 45-pound barbell doesn't feel like much at all. For many it probably feels like a weight that barely registers with the body. With that in mind, have you ever ... Continue Reading
Study Looks At Screen Time Effects On Diet and Activity After Exercise
You wake up, groggily put on some gym clothes, and head to the gym for some light exercise to start the day. In the car, you listen to the latest podcast from Joe Rogan and sip some coffee. Then at the ... Continue Reading
Saeid Alihosseini Not Attending 2018 IWF World Championships
Earlier today, news broke that Iranian superheavyweight weightlifter Saeid Alihosseini would not be attending the 2018 IWF World Championships. The Iranian news outlet The Tehran Times reported that ... Continue Reading
Four More 2019 CrossFit Games Sanctioned Qualifiers Announced
Early this morning, CrossFit, Inc. announced four more sanctioned events to be held for the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games season in a press release shared on PR Newsire. This announcement now brings the total ... Continue Reading
Weightlifter Tian Tao Shakes the Internet With 280kg Front Squat
This week has been a seriously heave week for big front squats. Two days ago, we wrote about Wes Kitts smoking a lifetime PR front squat with 255kg/562 lbs. Today, we're back writing on another big front ... Continue Reading
Adaptive Athlete Steph Hammerman Discusses Opening Her New Gym
Earlier this month, Stephanie "The Hammer" Hammerman opened up Hammer Driven Fitness, her functional fitness focused gym, in the town of Knightdale, North Carolina. Compared to other individuals who ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Rhaea Stinn Benches a Huge 10kg Over the World Record
We imagine that having world champion Blaine Sumner watching you bench will add pounds to anyone’s PR, but we don’t want to take anything away from this outstanding accomplishment made by American ... Continue Reading
USA Weightlifting Announces 2018 IWF World Championship Teams
In less than two months, USA Weightlifting will make their way to the 2018 IWF World Championships in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. This year's World Championships will be the first international competition ... Continue Reading
Wes Kitts Front Squats a Massive 255kg Lifetime PR
Meanwhile out at California Strength, Wes Kitts is continuing on his flow of breaking lifetime PRs. Over the last couple of weeks, California Strength have shared a handful of big PRs from Kitts and many ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Kristen Dunsmore Deadlifts an Easy 210kg PR
The weight is moving out at Convoy Strength, the San Diego, California based powerlifting gym. Normally athletes like Yangsu Ren (@Deadlift_Panda) and Amber Abweh are the ones pulling big weight, but today ... Continue Reading