Latest Weightlifting News
World Record Weightlifter Karlos Nasar Trains Like a Bodybuilder
Bodybuilding and Olympic weightlifting are two distinct disciplines, each with unique training methods and goals. Bodybuilding prioritizes aesthetics, focusing on muscle mass and definition through high-rep, high-volume training. Conversely, competitive weightlifting prioritizes maximum strength and power in two technical lifts: snatch and clean & jerk. Bulgarian weightlifting prodigy Karlos Nasar burst onto the international stage in 2021 and became a dominant force in the sport. At…
Top Weightlifters
Weightlifting Guides
How to Do the Muscle Snatch for Better Weightlifting Performance
If you’re on the hunt for a new way to improve your weightlifting game, the muscle snatch is an absolute game-changer. The muscle snatch can help you build explosive leg power, teach you how to be a powerful and aggressive vertical puller, and reinforce solid snatching mechanics to boot. The tremendous amounts of strength and…
The Snatch Pull Can Elevate Your Weightlifting Game — If You Do It Right
Clean Up Your Weightlifting Game With the Muscle Clean
Drill the Drop Snatch to Level Up Your Weightlifting Performance
Dynamic Warm-Up for Weightlifting
The Jump Squat: How, When, and Why Weightlifters Should Include Them In Training
Weightlifting Basics
What Is Weightlifting?
Weightlifting is a weight-classed strength sport and Olympic Games event. In weightlifting competitions, athletes perform two barbell-only exercises; the snatch and the clean & jerk.
Both events entail moving a loaded barbell from the floor to being held overhead at arm’s length. Athletes who compete in weightlifting are ranked on the sum of their heaviest successful snatch and clean & jerk, which is called a Total. Out of all major strength sports, weightlifting is widely considered to be the most intricate to learn, due to the complex techniques of its two movements.
More in Weightlifting
Karlos Nasar (89KG) Sets Snatch and Total World Records at 2024 IWF World Championships
The 2024 International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) World Championships took place in Manama, Bahrain, from Dec. 6-15, 2024. It was the first major international contest held since the confirmation of new weight categories in June 2025. That meant for the remaining seven months, world records in the existing weight categories would still be up for grabs…
IWF Approves New Weightlifting Categories Starting June 2025
Karlos Nasar Smashes 3 Unofficial Records Ahead of 2024 World Weightlifting Championships
Who Is the Next Lasha Talakhadze?
“Exactly What We Need”: USA Weightlifting’s National Team Program Makes Big Promises for American Athletes
Rizki Juniansyah Is the Second-Best Jerker in Weightlifting History
Italian Stallion: Antonino Pizzolato Smashes 180KG Snatch