Freddi Smulter might have just claimed the heaviest bench press record with 130 kilograms (286 pounds). You might be thinking, "130kg isn't heavy," and you're right, it's not that heavy at the elite level, ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Molly Mullikin Deadlifts 500 Pounds for an Easy 2 Reps
Molly Mullikin is a -75kg/165lb powerlifter who has some crazy deadlift strength and continues to prove so in her training. She recently shared a video on her Instagram page pulling 500 lbs conventionally ... Continue Reading
Victoria Vargas Squats 3.6x Her Bodyweight for an Unofficial World Record
Possibly the most impressive performance at this year's USAPL's Collegiate National Championships was by junior powerlifter Victoria Vargas. She finished with a 623.3 Wilks score, which was the highest ... Continue Reading
Charles Okpoko (66kg) Squats 317.5kg at USAPL Collegiate Nationals
Junior powerlifter Charles Okpoko is no stranger to moving big weight. This past weekend he won his third USAPL Collegiate Nationals in the -66kg equipped category. What might be most impressive about ... Continue Reading
Powerlifter Janis Finkelman Deadlifts 460 for 2 at 135 lbs Bodyweight
Janis Finkelman is a powerlifter who competes in the 123 lb and 132 lb weight classes. She currently holds the 123 lb women's deadlift world record with a 454 lb pull, which she set in August 2015. In ... Continue Reading
A 350kg Squat at 90kg Bodyweight: Ashton Rouska Wins USAPL Collegiate Nationals
Twenty-year-old Ashton Rouska has hit a new milestone in his young, but extremely promising powerlifting career. This week, the USA Powerlifting Collegiate National Championships were held in San Antonio, ... Continue Reading
Kirill Sarychev Works His Cardio by Bench Pressing 440lbs for 18 Reps
At what point do you consider a lift to become cardio? 10-reps, 12-reps, maybe 15? What about an 18-rep bench press with 200kg (440 lbs) on the bar, because that's what Kirill Sarychev just lifted. It's ... Continue Reading
2 Easy Methods to Strip Plates After Deadlifts
Most people would agree that getting stronger is a better thing than worse in every respect for the body. When you can lift more, your confidence improves, you increase your muscular size, and you enhance ... Continue Reading
April Mathis Squats 320kg (705lbs) RAW to Set New World Record
The word "legendary" could be one way to describe April Mathis and her powerlifting career. She's been a dominant force in the powerlifting world, has set multiple records, and continues to do so with no ... Continue Reading
5 Powerlifting Rules You Should Break
We all remember what it was like when we first started going to the gym and reading fitness articles: if someone was stronger than you, then you listened to them. When you're starting out, that's all ... Continue Reading
Krzysztof Wierzbicki Just Deadlifted Over 4 Times His Bodyweight
Polish powerlifter Krzysztof Wierzbicki calls himself Mr. Deadlift, and especially after his showing this weekend, that name is making a lot of sense. Wierzbicki lifts in the International Powerlifting ... Continue Reading
Watch a Competitive Powerlifter Try Snatching for the First Time
"It never gets easier, you just get stronger. The stronger you get the more you're rewarded with hard work," says Max Aita, Head Coach at Juggernaut Training Systems. That's arguably one of the most ... Continue Reading
Joe Sullivan Squats 880lbs in Training (and Who to Watch This US Open)
Joe Sullivan has been putting up some serious weight in prep for the USPA US Open. The CETC US Open Powerlifting Championships will be held April 15-16th and take place at the Del Mar Fairgrounds in San ... Continue Reading
18 Year Old Joseph Pena Squats 1,025 lbs
If you need a pick me up or some motivation to get yourself going today, then look no further than Texas powerlifter Joseph Pena. This past weekend the Texas High School Power Association held ... Continue Reading
Larry “Wheels” Williams Discusses His History and Current Cycle With Steroids
Editor's note: The below article is not intended to make a moral claim regarding the athlete’s actions. We're reporting on a video Williams made publicly available to his followers. BarBend ... Continue Reading
Would You Watch a YouTube Reality Show Based on Strength Athletes?
As a society, there's no denying that we love reality television. In 2000, Annette Hill, author of 2004 book Reality TV, stated 70% of the population admitted to watching and enjoying reality ... Continue Reading
Best Booty Shorts
Comfort. Fit. Material. Look. There are a lot of factors to consider when looking for a new pair of booty shorts. But how do you find the BEST booty shorts — for you? Fortunately, plenty of athletes ... Continue Reading
8 Women Who Are Squatting 400, 500, and 600+ lbs
There are few lifts that gain as much respect as a heavy squat. The squat is a movement that's used in almost every strength sport, and it's often considered the gold standard to building ... Continue Reading
178lb Phillip Brewer Bench Presses 490lbs Raw (2.75x His Bodyweight)
Every strength athlete typically has one lift they're naturally good at or prefer, and in Phillip Brewer's case that would be the bench press. Phillip Brewer, or @unrealphil as he's known ... Continue Reading
Inside Rogue Fitness HQ With Mark Bell (Plus a New Equipment Sneak Peak?)
As a strength athlete, I'd compare walking into a new gym or getting new lifting gear similar to walking into a candy shop as a kid. Everything is new, and it would be shame to let a piece of equipment go ... Continue Reading
Is This the Highest Recorded Powerlifting Total in 33 Seconds?
A 2,000 lb powerlifting total is impressive, but what about a 2,005 lb total in 33 seconds? Rob "Da Savage" Hall got to work at the Arnold Classic in the ANIMAL Cage, which is where he put up a crazy 2,005 ... Continue Reading
Watch This 75kg Powerlifter Progress From a 100kg to a 240kg Bench Press
The strength industry’s version of those “before and after” weight loss photos, we really love a good progress video. They’re not just entertaining, they’re important: they drive home the message that we ... Continue Reading
71kg Kimberly Walford Deadlifts 257.5kg (14.5kg Over Current IPF World Record)
Kimberly Walford, 38, has a powerlifting resume that's possibly as long as the contact list in your cellphone. She's set and holds records in multiple weight classes, and has recently been a ... Continue Reading
Ray Williams Just Made History With a 477.5kg (1,053lb) Raw Squat
This year's Arnold Classic has already lived up to its hype and has proven to be an epic showing of strength. Earlier, we saw Blaine Sumner make history with his epic 505kg single-ply IPF World Record ... Continue Reading