In a recent podcast episode, Olympia-winning coach Hany Rambod reviewed the physique that Urs Kalecinski brought to the 2024 Classic Physique Olympia contest, where he came in third.
“[Kalecinski] may not like what he’s about to hear,” Rambod previewed before their arm workout and sit-down, where “The Miracle Bear” confessed to nearly quitting bodybuilding before last year’s Olympia.
The 26-year-old German athlete aims to improve his podium position at the 2025 Olympia. Based on his strengths and weaknesses, Rambod outlined a game plan to help Kalecinski achieve his goal.
The X-Frame and Strengths
Rambod highlighted Kalecinski’s impressive X-frame while front lat spreading, accentuating his symmetry. Kalecinski’s quad development and details, especially his sartorius — the long, thin inner thigh muscles — and outer vastus lateralis development are top-tier. His large, full calves complete his nearly perfect lower body.
[Training Suggestions: Jeff Nippard ranks Hack squats, Smith machine squats, and Bulgarian split squats in his “Super” tier of best quad exercises]
What Should “The Miracle Bear” Improve?
Rambod identifies key areas Kalecinski could improve:
- Arms: Kalecinski’s biceps are slightly undersized. Bigger triceps would enhance his proportions and create more width to compensate for his narrow clavicles. His forearms are a genetic weak point.
It’s not because he’s not training hard, [but more] arm thickness would make a huge difference.
—Hany Rambod about Urs Kalecinski
- Back Width and Density: Kalecinski’s rear pose lacks lat width and a great V-taper. He needs more width to highlight his traps and rhomboids.
[Width] is one of the most important things Urs has to work on for 2025. [His] back will make his body go next level.
—Hany Rambod
- Chest: Good pecs overall, but slightly fuller upper pecs would help.
- Delts: More size for aesthetics and a wider torso.
- Midsection Conditioning: Greater abdominal and oblique separation for better visuals.
[Kalecinski] is always improving, and that’s the mentality you need to become a champion.
—Hany Rambod
Posing Improvements
Kalecinski must twist his torso and square his shoulders in the side chest pose to showcase more width. “That’s going to give him a better shape,” Rambod shared, believing Kalecinski could be fuller and drier and improving his posing would enhance his muscle detail.
Another issue is relaxing certain muscles. “By the time the judge looks from one competitor to the next, if you [relax], it won’t look like you had them in the first place,” Rambod explained.
Rambod’s Key Training Tips
“Kalecinski is losing the [back double biceps] pose because of the lack of density and width to show the separation that can set him apart,” Rambod said, suggesting Kalecinski prioritize two back movements to level up:
- Rows: Reverse grip rows emphasize the lower lats and help maximize the V-shape.
- Multi-Grip Pulldowns: Switching between overhand, underhand, and neutral grips can influence muscle activation. Overhand pull-downs produced better lat gains than underhand grip. (1)(2) Individual leverage preferences could optimize muscle engagement.
Rambod typically recommends reverse triceps pressdowns to target tricep depth and width. Overhead triceps extensions are crucial to muscle growth due to the greater stretch. (3) Studies suggest curling with the arms behind the body — maximizing biceps lengths — provides the best gains.
[Related: Experts and Science Agree These Are the Best Biceps and Triceps Exercises]
How Does “The Miracle Bear” Score?
Rambod rates Kalecinski’s 2024 Olympia physique 8.5 out of 10. Improving his back, arms, and posing would get Kalecinski closer to ascending the Classic Physique throne at the 2025 Olympia, for which he is already qualified.
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- Lusk SJ, Hale BD, Russell DM. Grip width and forearm orientation effects on muscle activity during the lat pull-down. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Jul;24(7):1895-900. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181ddb0ab. PMID: 20543740.
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Featured image: @the.miraclebear on Instagram