How to Adapt the 2024 TYR Wodapalooza Events for CrossFit Kids
It’s always fun to adapt the events from elite competitions for your own gym and attempt to tackle the workouts to test one’s fitness. Whether it’s a benchmark WOD or a repeat of an event from the past, it’s inspiring to compare yourself to the fittest in the field.
But today, we aren’t talking about regular athletes in the gym.
Today, let’s see how we can adapt the TYR Wodapalooza workouts for some 6 and 7-year-olds.
- Editor’s Note: Don’t worry, the Morning Chalk Up will also adapt TYR WZA events for grown-ups at your affiliate. Check out that article later this week.
Here are a few ways to bring the magic of Miami to your gym’s youngest members.
For a classic CrossFit workout:
“Kids Cortadito”
- For Time:
Box Dips
Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
Jumping Pull-Ups
Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overhead
This workout involves minimal equipment and just a few minutes of setup. The kids will use dumbbells for the hang power cleans and the shoulder-to-overhead.
- If your gym has limited lightweight dumbbells, they can use one instead of two, or they can use a wall-ball.
Alter the reps based on the age range, ability level, etc.
For a mix of modalities:
“Kids Deja Vu”
- 10-Minute AMRAP
5 Cal Row
10 Wall-Ball Front Squats
15 Ring Rows
10 Box Get-Overs
5 Dumbbell Snatch (Each Arm)
Alter the time domain and the reps according to your kids’ abilities.
- If ring rows are too tricky to set up in your gym, the rows could also be done with a secured barbell in the rack. Just make sure you secure it well with bands before you let your kids at it.
If the dumbbell snatch is too advanced or you have limited light dumbbells, this could be subbed for a dumbbell deadlift.
For fun with a partner:
“Partner Sandbag Send”
- For Time:
Buy-In: Slam-Ball Carry–designated length, each athlete carries for the same length
– into –
Slam-Ball Over-the-Shoulder
Slam-Ball Squats
Buy-Out: Slam-Ball Carry–designated length, each athlete carries for the same length
For the buy-in and buy-out, one at a time, athletes will be running with the slam-ball. For instance, in my gym, I would have my kids run down and back for the full length of the gym before handing the slam-ball off to their partner.
- This is meant to be relay-style, in that partner one completes nine shoulder-overs, then partner two completes nine shoulder-overs. Then, partner one moves onto the squats, and so on.
This will be a very quick workout, so if you’d like to add more movements before the buy-out, you could do slam-ball deadlifts or actual slam-ball throws.
You could even run it as a tournament and have two teams go head-to-head, bracket-style.