Justin LoFranco’s Workout of the Week
Every Friday, we’re bringing you an exclusive workout challenge programmed by a CrossFit Games athlete or coach that you can take on at home or the gym. You can post your times or scores in the comment section.
Today’s workout of the week is programmed by Justin LoFranco.
“Summit Day”
10 Rounds For Time:
300m Run
50m Walking Lunges
50 Step-ups at 20″
Perform with a weight vest (20/14lb or 9/6kg)
Some advice from Justin: “I did this workout a few times training to climb Mt. Denali, which I start climbing tomorrow. Approach this workout like any Hero WOD, plus it’s great prep for Murph. Try to stay consistent and don’t go out too hot. If you want to follow my journey as I’m climbing the tallest mountain in North America follow @chalkupjlo and @chalkupmountaineering. Good luck. Have fun.”
To inquire about submitting an upcoming workout of the week, shoot us a note.