One Down, Four to Go
Leaderboard So Far — There will be a lot of movement over the next few hours, but here’s where things stand so far: Ladies — 1. Sam Briggs, 2. Kari Pearce, 3. Kara Webb, 4. Kelcy Ware and Kristin Holte…9, Chelsey Grigsby; Dudes — 1. Travis Mead, 2. Sigurdur Prastarson, 3. Matt McLeod, 4. Jared Meyers, 5. Anthony Davis…12. Travis Williams.
Jenn Jones did 17.1 after her nurse shift still in part of her work clothes. Carly Fuhrer has the best diving finish so far. At 18 weeks pregnant, Miranda Oldroyd finished in 17:34. Tyler and Lesley of CrossFit Woodland Hills got engaged during 17.1. A quick look at Kara Webb tearing apart the dumbbell snatches. These two friends wagered “beer Fran” for whoever got the slower time. Alethea Boon is BACK to box jumps after she ruptured her achilles doing box jumps at the CrossFit Games. Gale is 85-years-old and she’s doing the CrossFit Open.
Think About This — Dave Castro never said there wouldn’t be two WODs with dumbbells.
Top Advice from Alethea Boon — “How you feel is entirely in your control. Stand tall, head up, chin up and just breathe…You can keep going!”