Editor's Note: As a soon-to-be father, athlete Ken Battiston reflects — and looks ahead — on advice he's received from others in his shoes. Does your athletic career come to a halt once kids ... Continue Reading
Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP) Training for the Lower Body
The ability to develop lower-body power is no easy feat. We all have our natural abilities to develop power, but what do we do when we need more? When the sport or activity we partake in demands more to ... Continue Reading
Jon North Update: May Have Hereditary Condition, to Have Defibrillator Installed
On September 28th, weightlifter and bodybuilder Jon North suffered a cardiac arrest. The 30 year old North — the 2011 USA Weightlifting National Champion and multi-tim Pan American team member — ... Continue Reading
How Olympic Weightlifting Announcer Richard Mason Got the Best Seat in the House
“Loaders, more weight please!” If you have ever heard this phrase, then most likely you have been in the presence of weightlifting greatness. No, not an athlete the caliber of Pyrros Dimas. Or even a ... Continue Reading
Houston IWF World Championships Wins Prestigious SportsTravel Award
On Tuesday, SportsTravel Magazine held their annual awards gala at the TEAMS (Travel, Events and Management in Sports) 2016 Conference and Expo in Atlantic City, NJ. TEAMS represents the world’s largest ... Continue Reading
Weightlifters Getting Gymnasty: Nathan Damron’s One-Legged Back Flip
Nathan Damron has had a busy couple of months. The 20 year old weightlifter out of Mash Elite Performance in North Carolina has officially moved up to the 94kg weight class after bouncing back and forth ... Continue Reading
Snatch Extensions Vs Snatch High Pulls
Snatch extensions (sometimes known as snatch pulls) and snatch high pulls are accessory pulling exercises for weightlifters. Both variations, although very similar, have distinct training outcomes and ... Continue Reading
Ilya Ilyin, Other Guests and Participants Announced for 2016 Klokov Power Weekend
The second annual Klokov Power Weekend is coming up this November, and while some Russian athletes have already been announced for the competition portion, Dmitry Klokov himself has recently ... Continue Reading
Ben Bergeron: East Coast Championships Canceled for 2017
In an announcement posted by coach and ECC organizer Ben Bergeron, it was announced today that the yearly functional fitness competition in Boston has come to an end. The competition's ... Continue Reading
USA Weightlifting CEO Phil Andrews to Host Reddit AMA Friday at 3pm
USA Weightlifting CEO Phil Andrews will take part in a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" session on Friday, September 30th, at 3pm. The session will be hosted in the r/weightlifting subreddit and was announced ... Continue Reading
Jon North Suffers Cardiac Arrest, Remains in Hospital for Further Evaluation
Weightlifter, bodybuilder, and author Jon North went into cardiac arrest yesterday; his wife — Jessica Lee North — posted an update on Instagram in the early hours of September 29th. North remains in the ... Continue Reading
7 Corrective Exercises to Strengthen Your Shoulders From Injury
Weightlifters, powerlifters, and functional fitness athletes are all at risk for injury. Weightlifters spend much of their training day in an overhead position performing snatches, jerks, and overhead ... Continue Reading
The Strongman Deadlift Cheat Sheet (and How to Fix Your Pull)
“I pick things up and put them down.” This is easily the most obnoxious thing people say when first meeting me and they are not involved in the sport of strongman (or any strength sport). The ... Continue Reading
Weightlifting Myths: Spot Toning and Muscle Turning Into Fat
When it comes to believing in the benefits of strength training, there are usually two types of people: those that dive in head first, and those looking for the magic pill without putting in the time to ... Continue Reading
Should Weightlifters Do Static Stretching?
Sit and hold stretching is often overlooked in today's training environments. The rise of myofascial release (MR) using foam rollers and proprioceptive neuromuscular release (PNF) stretching have ... Continue Reading
Stop Ignoring Accessory Work
I recently heard Louie Simmons on the Barbell Life Podcast say that his lifters do 80% accessory work! That means for some of the strongest guys in the world, they spend roughly 20% of their training day ... Continue Reading
How Much Weight Can a Human Move? Remembering the Back Lift
Fans of old-school strongmen may already be familiar with it, but if you've never heard of the back lift, prepare for a doozy: It's the lift that (arguably) allows the human body to support more weight ... Continue Reading
7 Physiological Symptoms of Overreaching In Strength and Power Athletes
Understanding the reasoning behind a sluggish start to a training session, slowed and/or diminished improvements in training, or an overall staleness in one’s fitness can sometimes be an elusive process. ... Continue Reading
End of an Era: Looking Back on the OTC’s Resident Weightlifting Program
Editor's Note: this week marks the end of the U.S. Olympic Training Center's resident program for weightlifting. In this opinion piece from former OTC resident Kyle Ernst, the author discusses what the ... Continue Reading
Watch Strongman Jerry Pritchett Deadlift 800 Pounds for 7 Reps!
Jerry Pritchett is primarily known as one of the world's top strongman competitors, but his deadlifting is world-class whether he's competing in that sport or powerlifting (as evidenced by his 914 pound ... Continue Reading
How Weightlifters Can Benefit From Squat Walkouts
There are few things worse than hitting some heavy back or front squats, only to unrack the bar and feel overwhelmingly depleted even before you begin your descent. I know because I have been there, plenty ... Continue Reading
Rotate 1 Minute a Day for a Healthier Spine and Improved Performance
Disclaimer from the author: If you are experiencing even slight discomfort, I highly recommend consulting with a practitioner well versed in helping prevent or heal orthopedic injuries. Even if you have no ... Continue Reading
IWF Approves 8th Women’s Weight Class, Eliminates Bodyweight Tiebreaker from Competition
Editor's update: The new 90kg women's weight class has been formally adopted by the International Weightlifting Federation. The new women's weight class breakdown is 48kg, 53kg, 58kg, 63kg, 69kg, 75kg, ... Continue Reading
Should You Switch from Weightlifting to Powerlifting?
I’m a mystery to many people, especially in terms of my lifting. What do I do, if I even train at all? The short answer: My initial focus and true love is weightlifting. The slightly longer answer: ... Continue Reading