Straight from the mouths of powerlifting champs Stian Walgermo and Brett Gibbs, this week's images are no-nonsense. Honestly, looking at pictures of fit people working out won't get you a single step ... Continue Reading
GRID League’s D.C. Brawlers Sign Jeff Evans and Alexandra LaChance
It's that time of year again. The National Pro Grid League draft is happening, teams are signing new athletes, and people everywhere are debating on whether or not the NPGL is even relevant. One thing is ... Continue Reading
Need More Strongman? 3 Arnold Classic Festivals to Come in 2016
If you're a fan of pro strongman, finding quality coverage can be tough. Competitions seem few and far between, and media coverage isn't as readily available when compared to some other strength ... Continue Reading
Olympic Weightlifting Weight Classes Throughout History
Weightlifting today is a beautifully simple sport, where athletes from different weight classes are scored on two lifts -- the snatch and clean & jerk -- and the combined total from the heaviest of ... Continue Reading
Meet the Powerlifter Who Formulates Your Supplements
The supplement industry can be a strange, scary place, and for athletes, navigating products and formulations can be a confusing process. But there's at least one "inside man" who's using his own ... Continue Reading
EBOOST Founder Josh Taekman Discusses NYC’s Changing Fitness Scene
Josh Taekman founded EBOOST in 2007, and he's been involved in the greater health & wellness space for the better part of two decades. But while Josh has seen trends come and grow on the international ... Continue Reading
Julie Foucher Accepts Her Individual Invite to Regionals
Well, that's about as official as it gets in the world of social media. After a 10th place Open finish out of the Central East, multi-time CrossFit Games podium finisher Julie Foucher has accepted her ... Continue Reading
How to Follow the NPGL Draft on April 19th
After a relatively quiet offseason and a handful of pro days for new and prospective athletes, the 2016 pro GRID season will have its first major event on April 19th with its annual draft. Unlike previous ... Continue Reading
Men’s Records (Unofficially) Fall at Chinese Weightlifting Nationals
After the women's portion of Chinese Nationals earlier this month — where three World Records were unofficially broken — weightlifting fans were eager to see what the men could do. So far, that hasn't been ... Continue Reading
What’s In Store for CrossFit Games Athlete and NPGL Coach Frederik Aegidius
After nearly eight years in competitive fitness, I've been lucky enough to meet hundreds of great athletes and coaches at all levels. As fitness competitions have evolved and transitioned to spectator ... Continue Reading
Strongwoman Donna Moore Makes Light Work of 140 kg Stone
When it comes to strongman, the guys usually get most of the publicity. These behemoths (seriously, they are that big) are the ones we grew up seeing on ESPN, lifting stones shaped like continents in some ... Continue Reading
Norik Vardanian Clean & Jerks 212 in Training, Looks Strong for Pan Am Trials
Norik Vardanian is looking strong in preparation for the USA National Weightlifting Championships/Pan American Trials from May 5-8. So strong, in fact, that he just clean & jerked 1 kilogram above the ... Continue Reading
2016 European Weightlifting Championships Full Results
The 2016 European Weightlifting Championships have come to an end. The event, held in Forde, Norway and organized by the European Weightlifting Federation, came to an end on April 16th. Just as notable ... Continue Reading
Reddit User Solves Our Bumper Plate Math Problems
For those of us who are a little, uh, special when it comes to math and bumper plates, Reddit user "suppersam" came to the rescue. As if we needed further proof that the internet solves all our problems, ... Continue Reading
Is Becca Swanson’s 672 lb Deadlift the Heaviest Ever by a Woman?
We'll be honest: There isn't a ton of context for this video, and we haven't been able to identify the exact meet just yet. But it appears to be longtime powerlifter, bodybuilder, pro-wrestler, and ... Continue Reading
Leanna Carr Has Powerful Message on Fitness, Periods, and Reproductive Health
Sometimes, fitness, strength, and health don't all seem to go hand in hand. At least, that's what powerlifter and pro figure competitor Leanna Carr wants to remind the world -- especially her 109,000+ ... Continue Reading
Could Boyanka Kostova Power Snatch Her Way to Olympic Victory?
Could Boyanka Kostova win gold in Rio by power snatching? The answer is probably not (though power snatches were more than enough to earn her a third European Championship). But maybe! At the 2016 ... Continue Reading
Chris Spealler Turns Chapter, Says He’s Probably Sitting Out Regionals
In an interview with Pat Sherwood, Chris Spealler has clarified that despite an impressive Open performance that left him in 22nd place in the South West Region, he will likely sit out Regionals if he ... Continue Reading
Nick Bloch Completes “Grace” In 59 Seconds
Thanks to Instagram's new update that allows for one minute long videos, we get to see a host of longer training (and cat) videos from across the interwebs. Of course, we usually expect only one minute of ... Continue Reading
Wes Kitts Jerks 500 Pounds. How Many Americans Can Do That?
American weightlifting has another 500 pound jerker, and his name is Wes Kitts. And before you call out the lift on a technicality: Yes, we know it's from the back rack, and yes, it's still ... Continue Reading
Andrei Chemerkin Was Crazy, Stupid Strong
For most of the 1990s, Olympic weightlifting's heaviest weight class was ruled by the Russian giant Andrei Chemerkin. At his competition peak, Chemerkin's 6 foot frame supported nearly 400 pounds of ... Continue Reading
Princesses Rapunzel and Elsa Deadlift for a Great Cause
With a little help from Princess Elsa, a group of powerlifters are using their physical strength to bring hope and emotional strength to kids with life threatening diseases. Powerlifter Kayla Heal teamed ... Continue Reading
Dmitry Klokov Is the World’s Favorite Weightlifting Ham
Dmitry Klokov is a living weightlifting legend. Between his 2008 Olympic silver medal, world title, and reputation for just being a really nice guy, he's solidified himself as one of the most ... Continue Reading
Fitness by Numbers: Official Stats from the 2016 CrossFit Open
The 2016 CrossFit Open is far in our collective rear view mirror, but HQ has finally released numbers stats worth reflecting over. Check out the video below with some of the key metrics, along with our own ... Continue Reading