Bodyweight exercises are cool, effective, and even fun. And hey, they may even make you stronger. Just ask two-time Olympic weightlifting champion Ilya Ilyin, who's having no problem knocking out some ... Continue Reading
European Weightlifting Championships Start List Features Big, Surprising Names
The 2016 European Weightlifting Championships are right around the corner, with lifting running from April 10th through April 16th in Førde, Norway (though meetings and prep begin April 8th). It's ... Continue Reading
The Full Circle of Strength Sports: An Interview with Jared Enderton
When weightlifters make the transition to CrossFit, do they lose their top-end strength? For Jared Enderton, the answer — at least so far — is no. Enderton has competed in strength sport more times than ... Continue Reading
One Of These Kids May Win The 2032 CrossFit Games
While you and I are still rolling around on the floor after 16.5, the next generation of fitness athletes are training hard in between naps and diaper changes. With a little help from their ... Continue Reading
Is D’Angelo Osorio’s 211kg Clean & Jerk Attempt a Sign of Things to Come?
D'Angelo Osorio has been around American Weightlifting for awhile, having taken up the sport back in 2008. Now, the 105 kilogram lifter (who rose to Internet fame as a 94 kilo junior) has started breaking ... Continue Reading
Behdad Salimi Resumes Training After ACL Surgery, Still 50/50 for Rio
Update: At the Asian Weightlifting Championships on April 27th, BarBend correspondent Mike Graber spoke to the Iranian delegation regarding Salimi's status. They say he's resumed training but is still ... Continue Reading
Don’t Miss These Important Powerlifting Dates in 2016
It's a great year so far for powerlifting, including some World Record performances and the emergence of Blaine Sumner as one of the sport's greats (and potential all-time greats). But there's still plenty ... Continue Reading
Motivate Your Training Partner with This World Record Tandem Clean & Jerk
Mondays are hard, so a little motivation can go a long way. And if you want to get your training partner hyped as well, show them this video of German superheavy weightlifters Almir Velagic and Matthias ... Continue Reading
Capturing the World’s Fittest: An Interview with Photographer Preston Smith
You might not know him personally, but we can almost guarantee you've seen his work. In the past two years, Preston Smith has become one of the most prolific go-to photographers for competitive fitness, ... Continue Reading
Josh Bridges Gets Penalized, Responds with Insane 16.5 Performance
After significant controversy surrounding Josh Bridges' world's-best score on CrossFit Open workout 16.4 (which gave Josh his seventh overall Open victory over the last few years), CrossFit HQ ... Continue Reading
Here Are the Must-Know Dates for Olympic Weightlifting in 2016
Are these the ONLY important dates in weightlifting this year? Depending on who you ask, probably not, as many of us will be competing in or watching local, regional, or other smaller competitions ... Continue Reading
This Video of Scot Mendelson’s 715 Bench Is Why We Started Lifting Weights
Back in the mid-2000s, feats of strength were mostly static for fans. Most were stills from powerlifting or bodybuilding magazines, and internet image search was in its infancy. And video? Forget about it. ... Continue Reading
4 Badass Powerlifters You Aren’t Following on Instagram (But Should Be)
There are Instagram powerlifters, and then there are Instagram powerlifters worth following. The four athletes below have impressed us time and time again with their social media updates (and not always ... Continue Reading
Lauren Fisher Jerks 268 lbs, and Now We NEED a Max Overhead Event at Regionals
Now this is just getting silly. Yesterday, Lauren Fisher became yet another CrossFit Games athlete to put an improbably large amount of their weight on her shoulders, bend her legs a little bit, extend her ... Continue Reading
Julie Abilgaard Wins Open Workout 16.4, Is Probably Still Going Team
After a bit of mystery and some delay on video verification, Danish athlete Julie Abildgaard has emerged victorious on Open workout 16.4 with 318 reps. Check out Abildgaard's performance below, which ... Continue Reading
Josh Bridges Wins 16.4, Ties Briggs at Seven Open Victories
Josh Bridges is incredibly fit. But the multi-time CrossFit Games competitor (and 2011's Second Fittest Man) has shocked once again with an absolutely mind-boggling 330 reps on CrossFit Open workout. While ... Continue Reading
Mash, McCauley, Wilkes Discuss the End of MuscleDriver USA
First, there was a pause in social media activity. Then came murmurings in small circles. And on February 29th at 9:30am EST, MuscleDriver USA officially announced a company shutdown through a quote from ... Continue Reading
Watch Weightlifting Prodigy Harrison Maurus Make Mindblowing Progress
Harrison Maurus is part of an exciting crop of young, talented, and rapidly improving American weightlifters under 17. Along with CJ Cummings, the 15 year old Maurus turns heads on social media and the ... Continue Reading
Bianco, Kitts, and Phillips Medal for USA at IWF Russian President’s Cup
It was a small competition, to be sure, but that doesn't make the performances any less impressive. American lifters put up three podium finishes at the IWF Russian President's Cup in Kazan over the ... Continue Reading
Hafthor Bjornsson Wins Arnold Classic Australia Strongman
Think the strongman fun was over for March? Think again. Just two weeks after the Arnold Classic competition in Columbus, Ohio, the world's biggest (and tallest) strength athletes headed down under for the ... Continue Reading
Romanian Teenager Aims for the Games, Reduces Our Excuses to Rubble
The CrossFit Games site has a great write-up and interview with 18 year old Barni Böjte, a Romanian teenager with his sites set on the Reebok CrossFit Games. Like a lot of teenagers bitten by the fitness ... Continue Reading
Kendrick Farris Squats 550 lbs for 10 Reps, Makes Us Winded Just Watching
Kendrick Farris is a two-time Olympian and a bit of a social media celebrity in the sport of weightlifting, so if you haven't seen the video below just yet, it's time to catch ... Continue Reading
The Ultimate Guide to Weightlifting at the 2016 Rio Olympics
Olympic weightlifting has skyrocketed in popularity over the past few years. And while it's easy to get caught up in debating exactly why the spike in interest has occurred - social media exposure, ... Continue Reading
Here’s How Top Strongman Athletes Stack Up in Height
Of all the strength sports, strongman gives athletes perhaps the biggest advantage for being tall. Strongman events like the stone lift and weight over bar benefit bigger, taller athletes who can move ... Continue Reading