If you thought your favorite strength athletes, coaches, and, uh, influencers (?) were already obsessed with Instagram, it's only just begun. Today, the social media giant — which is owned by social media ... Continue Reading
The Big Man with the Bigger Spirit: Powerlifter Anthony Clark
We don’t know what you were doing when you were 16 years old, but Anthony Clark was bench pressing 600 pounds. Six years later, in 1992, he benched pressed 700lbs. One year after that, he broke his own ... Continue Reading
Why the Movie “Bigger, Stronger, Faster*” Is More Important Than Ever
It's been eight years since Chris Bell released his first feature-length film, but "Bigger, Stronger, Faster*" remains the best look into the strength athlete's temptations, challenges, and goals ever ... Continue Reading
7 Feats of Strength and Balance That Are As Impressive As They Are Head Scratching
Before we get into this, lets get one unavoidable comment out of the way: aaaaaaaand THIS is why people hate on CrossFit. There. It's done. Let's all move on now, okay? The point of this ... Continue Reading
The Best World Record Squats from the IPF Classic Powerlifting Championships
From June 19-26, the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) held the World Classic Powerlifting Championships in Killeen, Texas. The event drew hundreds of participants from dozens of nations, and as ... Continue Reading
Inspiring Masters Lifters from Powerlifting Worlds
Whether you're 23 or 73, when it comes to powerlifting, all that matters is the number on the bar. The 2016 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships are currently going on in Killeen, Texas, and ... Continue Reading
Upcoming “WEIGHT” Documentary Is About More than Just Powerlifting
Weight is a powerlifting documentary, but Weight is not about powerlifting. Sure, there are lots of big lifts, training tips to be learned, and and burly red faced men. But much like Sideways, where ... Continue Reading
Flashback Friday: Inna Filimonova Smokes a 419 Pound World Record Deadlift
Russian powerlifter Inna Filimonova is the reigning IPF Raw World Champion, and later this month, she'll look to defend her title in the 57kg weight class at IPF World Championships in Killeen, ... Continue Reading
“WEIGHT” Powerlifting Documentary Releasing July 12
Attention all powerlifters and lovers of all things strength: a new powerlifting documentary is coming to a screen near you. "WEIGHT: A Powerlifter in Brooklyn" releases on July 12, 2016 and is currently ... Continue Reading
Onnit and Marvel Launch Captain America Themed Weight Plates
Shut up and take our money. Marvel and Onnit have teamed up to produce a line of superhero-themed fitness equipment — they bill it as "functional fitness equipment," because obviously — and the first ... Continue Reading
Yuriy Belkin Deadlifts 921 Pounds Weighing Just 223 — and Does It Beltless!
In a year filled with big pulls, this is one of the most ridiculous. Russian powerlifter Yuriy Belkin deadlifted 418 kilos/921 pounds at roughly 223 pounds bodyweight, which easily beats Konstantine ... Continue Reading
Win a Pair of Custom Nike Romaleos from BarBend and StrengthToSpare!
BarBend and artist Josh Peters (@strengthtospare) are teaming up to give away a pair of customized Nike Romaleos to one lucky winner. And anyone age 18 and up can enter to win — for free! Entering to win ... Continue Reading
Mark Wood Deadlifts 792 Pounds for a Double (with a Hook Grip)
Mark Wood is relatively new in powerlifting circles, but he's making waves on Instagram with a series of ridiculous training lifts while hovering around (or under) 190 lbs. The most recent entry in his ... Continue Reading
CrossFit Bans Laura Phelps-Sweatt, Disqualifies Westside Conjugate from Competition
In a post published on the Games website, CrossFit has announced that Laura Phelps-Sweatt is banned from sanctioned competition for one year. Her team — Westside Conjugate, which was scheduled to ... Continue Reading
USA Powerlifting Nationals Results and Winners (and a 1,014 lb Squat)
USA Powerlifting Nationals was held from May 20-22nd in Colorado, and in case you missed the live streams, unofficial results and winners are already up on the USAPL's site via Google Spreadsheet. There ... Continue Reading
Ballet to Bench Press: Dancer Turned Powerlifter Melissa Tibay
If there’s one thing you don’t hear about very often in our circle, it’s tales of ballerinas throwing aside their pointe shoes in exchange for weight belts. As a former professional dancer myself, I’m ... Continue Reading
South Brooklyn Weightlifting Club Is Basically Barbell Disneyland
Tucked away in a narrow warehouse on the edge of Gowanus in Brooklyn exists a gym unlike most others in New York City. No marble locker rooms. No showers. No treadmills. The “cafe” is nothing more than ... Continue Reading
How to Watch USA Powerlifting (USAPL) Nationals
USA Powerlifting Nationals will take place from May 19-22 in Aurora, Colorado, at the Aurora Radisson Hotel. Checkins begin on Thursday, May 19th, with lifting taking place from May 20th through the 22nd. ... Continue Reading
Is This the Heaviest Front Squat of All Time?
The front squat is a lift we rarely — if ever — see tested under "competition" circumstances, but it makes up a big portion of strength training for athletes across disciplines. It's a pillar of ... Continue Reading
Jerry Pritchett With the Easiest 900+ Deadlift You’ll Ever See
The question "Would strongman competitors make great powerlifters?" is finally getting answered lift-by-lift, and records are falling as a result. This beautiful lift by World's Strongest Man finalist and ... Continue Reading
Powerlifting Weight Classes Across Federations (Infographic)
To call powerlifting a divided sport may be an understatement: While the sport and its athlete base are growing, and though the IPF is the oldest and most prominent governing body, there are a dozen ... Continue Reading
Fight the Couch Potato Within: Mid-Week Lifting Motivation
Straight from the mouths of powerlifting champs Stian Walgermo and Brett Gibbs, this week's images are no-nonsense. Honestly, looking at pictures of fit people working out won't get you a single step ... Continue Reading
Meet the Powerlifter Who Formulates Your Supplements
The supplement industry can be a strange, scary place, and for athletes, navigating products and formulations can be a confusing process. But there's at least one "inside man" who's using his own ... Continue Reading
Is Becca Swanson’s 672 lb Deadlift the Heaviest Ever by a Woman?
We'll be honest: There isn't a ton of context for this video, and we haven't been able to identify the exact meet just yet. But it appears to be longtime powerlifter, bodybuilder, pro-wrestler, and ... Continue Reading