Dropping In Just Got Super Easy
What’s up?
How do you find the right CrossFit class to drop into when you’re traveling? Google: “CrossFit Gyms in Atlanta”. Compile a list of gyms. Search for their schedules online. Try to find a class time that fits. Track down their contact info to message or call the box owner.
Well, not anymore. The Highfive App just made your life A LOT easier.
What is it?
Highfive is a free app that connects athletes with CrossFit gyms in the area. When you open the app, you’ll see a drop down menu of available classes. You can reserve your spot in the app and even take care of your drop-in fee ahead of time.
Highfive takes a percentage cut from each transaction so it’s completely free for you.
That’s awesome.
Yes, it totally is — and it’s already live in more than 400 cities in the U.S. and a few dozen internationally. If you want to get your box involved, all you need to do is ask.
But seriously: how did it take this long for someone to build it?