Noble Clay Fitness Brings Annual 2k Row To A National Level
Step into Noble Clay Fitness on an ordinary day in downtown Atlanta, Georgia, and it might not look any different than your standard functional fitness gym. But there is one thing uniquely different about Noble Clay that sets them apart from the rest. If you look at their pricing brochure, there isn’t one defined number. Instead, the monthly price of fitness ranges anywhere from just $1 to $279 a month.
One big thing: Since its inception, the goal of Noble Clay fitness has been to provide fitness to all income and fitness levels in the community.
- “We know that getting started with healthier choices can be really tough, and many people usually fail on their promises to get fit, and some even have countless attempts to keep healthy. And still others don’t have the means to get help even if they wanted to.”
- “That’s why we set up our gym as a 501c3 non-profit in Georgia to serve members who don’t have access to professional coaching.”
- For local members who qualify, Noble Fitness only requires they pay 3% of their net income.
Eliminating fitness deserts: Currently, over 1,665 people live in poverty in the neighborhood that Noble Clay serves.
- “Research has shown that populations living below the poverty line have a higher chance of developing chronic disease, consequentially restricting financial security.”
- One big part of the problem is limited access to resources, especially fitness.
- “Noble Clay’s professional coaches provide those living in “fitness deserts” with quality lifestyle, fitness and nutrition training.”
A growing mission: What Noble Clay has already accomplished to serve their community is already impressive, but they’re not done yet. In the next year, they hope to open a second location to continue to serve more parts of the community.
- For the first time, Noble Clay will bring its fundraising to the national level in an effort to raise $100,000 to continue to execute on their mission.
- From November 8th through November 15th, athletes across the country can participate in a 2k row to raise funds to help support Noble Fitness.
The details: Athletes can participate either in person at Noble Fitness in Atlanta, or online. Gyms can also register to host virtual 2k row events.
- Athletes who wish to participate in person can register online for the live event at Noble Fitness.
- Athletes who wish to participate online by themselves can head to their website to read more about how to get involved and fundraise for the virtual row.
- Gyms who wish to host a virtual row event can download the virtual host guide and use the guidelines to start building their teams. Gyms can host the row any day from November 9th through November 15th.
Why it matters: In the past year, the CrossFit community and CrossFit LLC has looked for ways to expand its reach into underserved populations affected by chronic disease. Noble Clay serves as a shining example of a gym that is doing just that and actively bringing fitness to those who would have never had the opportunity otherwise. They serve as a primary example to other functional fitness gyms that to make real change requires a concerted effort and action on a daily basis. It is through small, local efforts like these that we will see big changes on a national and hopefully global level when it comes to fighting chronic disease and providing access to fitness.
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