Hope For the Games? California Says Pro Sports Could Resume June 1
California Governor Gavin Newsom brought some welcome news to CrossFit Games officials Monday when he set June 1 as a potential early start date for pro sports to return to the Golden State.
- Governor Gavin Newsom: “Pro sports in that first week or so of June without spectators and modifications and very prescriptive conditions also can begin to move forward…if we hold these trend lines in the next number of weeks.”
Why it matters: This is the first clear sign by the state of allowing sporting events to take place in a timeframe that would fit the Games’ scheduled dates of July 29 – August 2. Up until this point, the Games’ status has remained largely unknown.
The big picture: There are still a lot of unknown factors here, namely how many participants on site officials will ultimately allow and what type of safety protocals will be mandated. However, the trend is moving in a positive direction and the Games is still more than two months away, which is plenty of time for the winds to shift further.
The bottom line: If professional sports teams are holding practice and even live games, then there will be little argument left against the CrossFit Games moving forward with their pared down plan.
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