In case you missed it, we recently wrote a piece on Cailer Woolam and his impressive 900 lb deadlift. This new max gained a lot of attention because Woolam performed it at 206 lbs and used a hook ... Continue Reading
The 12 Best Strength Sports Movies, Ranked
Wondering why you don’t see more strength sports in Hollywood movies? We’ve scoured the web and spent many, many hours watching barbells clang and strongmen scream so you can know exactly what you want for ... Continue Reading
Earth Fed Muscle Primitive Protein Review
Whey protein powder companies are a dime a dozen, but few deliberately target strength athletes. That's where Earth Fed Muscle comes in, a new supplement company from the brains behind Garage Strength, a ... Continue Reading
5 Exercises for Gloriously Strong Glutes
Whether you’re a powerlifter, weightlifter, or functional fitness athlete, your butt is your engine. Practically every key athletic movement, from the deadlift to the snatch to the kettlebell swing to a ... Continue Reading
22 Year Old Cailer Woolam Deadlifts 900 Pounds at 206 lbs Bodyweight (Hookgrip, RAW!)
We didn't want to finish off 2016 without one more incredible deadlift video, and thanks to Cailer Woolam, we aren't disappointed. The 22 year old Woolam — who we've seen compete around 220lbs before — ... Continue Reading
Rogue Fitness 4″ Nylon Weightlifting Belt Review
Rogue Fitness is known for a lot of things, and as of this year being the official manufacturer of USA Weightlifting is one of them. They were founded in 2006 and are based in American out of Ohio. Over ... Continue Reading
Yury Belkin Deadlifts 450kg/992 Pounds in Epic Display
Last we heard from Yury Belkin, he was crushing a 927 pound (beltless!) deadlift at a bodyweight of around 227 pounds. That was a little under a month ago, and now, the elite powerlifter is back for ... Continue Reading
10 Celebrities Who Have No Business Being This Strong
A list of the world's strongest famous people usually turns up the Schwarzeneggers, Stallones, and Johnsons. We wanted to know about the people you wouldn't expect—the politicians, celebrities, and ... Continue Reading
Jezza Uepa Squats 455kg/1,003lbs for a New RAW World Record!
We'll clarify this from the start: While Ray Williams was the first person to squat over 1,000 pounds raw, without wraps in USAPL competition, his massive and historic squat didn't set a world record ... Continue Reading
John Haack Squats 595lbs x 6 RAW and Continues a Great 2016
There’s no question about John Haack being one strong dude, especially when its comes to squats. Haack recently shared a video to his Instagram of a 270kg (595 lb) raw squat for six. A video ... Continue Reading
Davon Mahon Squats 180kg For 42 Reps
In case you need motivation to squat later, a video shared on Powerlifting Motivation's Facebook page definitely got us pumped up to train legs. The video highlights a lifter named Davon Mahon ... Continue Reading
Rootz Paleo Protein Superfood Review
Paleo workout supplements were always going to happen, but are they really a substitute for guilty pleasure, sweetener-laden whey powder? Rootz is betting that there’s a market for folks wary of the ... Continue Reading
Long Day of Sitting? Try These 8 Stretches to Unlock Your Hips
We’re not going to bore you with all the stats and scary science about how sitting is the new smoking and sitting is killing you why are you sitting right now buy a treadmill desk already. But every ... Continue Reading
Jezza Uepa Squats 1,036 lbs Raw, 31 Pounds Over Ray Williams’ Record
Jezza Uepa, 36, a powerlifter from the tiny island of Nauru, is one seriously strong guy. In a recent video shared on his Instagram, he’s squatting 470kg (1,036 lbs) raw, and he makes it look pretty easy ... Continue Reading
Why You Should Do More Bulgarian Split Squats
Single-leg work often falls by the wayside as schedules get tight, time gets short, and lifters want to chase, well, the lifts. Who’s got time for single leg accessory work when there are PRs to ... Continue Reading
Watch Thor Björnsson Do Chin-Ups at 400 Pounds for Reps
Sure, hanging plates off your waist is one way to get stronger at chin-ups. Or you can just gain a couple hundred pounds. Hafthor Björnsson is usually recognized for crushing skulls as The Mountain on ... Continue Reading
6 Easy Ways To Start Programming Progressive Overload
One of the most fundamental concepts in all forms of strength training is the concept of progressive overload. Think back to the first time you picked up a weight. My guess is you naturally added more ... Continue Reading
Mark Bell and Silent Mike Teach Us How To Bench Efficiently
Mark Bell, Silent Mike, and the Super Training Team continue to pump out great content, figuratively and literally. The most recent video they shared was a 35-minute clip called, “The Definitive Guide ... Continue Reading
Isometrics Are Your Secret Weapon for Heavier Lifts
A lot of lifters forget that there are three basic types of muscular contractions: concentric, which is contraction while the muscle shortens, eccentric, contraction while lengthening, and the all ... Continue Reading
How I Became One Of Meg Squat’s Strong Strong Friends
You may not know the name Meg Gallagher. But if I asked if you'd heard of @MegSquats, you’d probably give me a different answer. Meg is a well-known powerlifter and influencer in the strength sports ... Continue Reading
John Cena Shows Off His Weightlifting Skills By Hitting a 304 lb Snatch
When you think of John Cena, what’s the first thought that comes to mind? I’m going to guess it’s probably professional wrestler or actor. What about Olympic weightlifter? That’s right: John Cena is ... Continue Reading
6 Lateral Stability Exercises for the Functional Athlete
Strength athletes usually lift things up and put them down. And it's awesome. But there's sometimes an issue among powerlifters, Olympic lifters, and functional fitness athletes when ... Continue Reading
Kettlebell History Goes Back Much Further Than Russia
The problem with kettlebell history is that surprisingly few people care. “Let’s say you’re a baseball fan. You play recreationally, you know who Babe Ruth is, you know the different stadiums. But in ... Continue Reading
Kirill Sarychev Lifts World Record Raw Powerlifting Total At 2,386.5 lbs
In Kirill Sarychev’s powerlifting career there isn’t too much he hasn’t done. He’s set multiple records, started his own powerlifting federation (WRPF), and has become a major influencer in the ... Continue Reading